28 research outputs found


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    The process of controlling irrigation doors in fishponds is still mostly done manually, this results in the performance of farmers being less effective and efficient. Current technological developments, especially in the field of IoT, can be used to design a simulation that is able to control irrigation gates automatically. Based on the results of the tests that have been carried out, it can be concluded that the ATmega16-based automatic irrigation gate simulation tool can work well according to the designed working principle. If the condition of fishpond water is less than the ideal height of the fishpond and the condition of river water is more than the height of the fishpond, the motor will move to "open" the irrigation door to fill fishpond water. If the fishpond water condition is more than the ideal height and the river water condition is less than the fishpond height, the motor will move to "open" the irrigation door to discharge fishpond water and if the river water condition is the same as the fishpond water condition, the motor will move "close” the irrigation door so that the ideal height of the fishpond can be achieved. There are certain conditions to control the door manually using the SMS Gateway. Information about the maximum or minimum fishpond water level will be displayed on the LCD to determine the maximum or minimum fishpond height using Keypad

    A Decision Support System to Determine the Familiy’s Economic Status for Certificate of The Low-Income Household Using MAUT Method

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    The problem of unemployment and poverty is a significant issue that the government have yet to address completely. The number of working-age people continues to rise, yet there are insufficient employment openings to meet demand. The government then provided extensive aid to the community. The Village Information System, part of the digitization system in Laguruda Village, Takalar Regency, comprises an integrated intelligent system that can forecast the eligibility of people who come to apply for a certificate of incapacity so that they are no longer inappropriate targets. The method employed is the Multi-Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT), based on 14 criteria set forth by the Ministry of Social Affairs. The results of a 49-person sample of household heads who identified themselves as poor and in need of assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs revealed that 57.14% were in the mediocre category, 36.73% were in the rich category, 4.08% were in the poor category, and 2.04% were in the very poor category. This information demonstrates the system's ability to filter requests for poverty certifications. On the other hand, village officials were assisted in determining the right conditions for residents to be eligible for a poverty certificat

    SIM-PA Aplikasi Perwalian sebagai Wadah Komunikasi Pembimbingan Mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Makassar

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    Salah satu civitas akademika dalam sistem perguruan tinggi adalah mahasiswa. mahasiswa merupakan salah satu produk yang akan menjadi lulusan dari sebuah pergirian tinggi. Hal ini menjadikan perguruan tinggi harus memperhatikan kualitasnya. Dengan konsep ini setiap mahasiswa diberikan dosen penasehat akademik (PA) yang menjadi wali pada perguruan tingginya. Dosen ini akan menjadi penasehat sekaligus sebagai pembimbing yang nantikan mahasiswa dapat melakukan komunikasi terkait permasalahan-permasalahan yang mungkin dialami oleh mahasiswa. Tetapi, terkadang mahasiswa tidak memanfaatkan dosen penasehat dan tidak melakukan konsultasi dengan dosennya. Atas dasar itulah dikembangkanlah suatu sistem informasi perwalian. Sistem ini diharapkan dapat mempermudah proses perwalian dalam kaitannya dengan mengetahui masalah-masalah mahasiswanya lebih dini. Tahapan penelitian dibagi menjadi 7 (tujuh) tahapan, yaitu: (a) analisis masalah; (b) pengumpulan data; (c) desain aplikasi; (d) pengujian pada aplikasi; (e) perbaikan aplikasi; (f) uji coba aplikasi; (g) Diseminasi dan Implementasi. Hasil dari penelitian Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Penasihat Akademik (SIM-PA) memiliki prospek yang sangat menjanjikan jika dapat diimplementasikan sebagai inovasi teknologi. Lembaga dan Institusi akan sangat terbantu dalam peningkatan efisiensi dan efektivitas proses bimbingan PA. Dengan adanya sistem ini dapat mempermudah PA dalam mengamati perkembangan mahasiswa. Sehingga dapat menigkatkan presentasi kelulusan mahasiswa

    Aplikasi Blended Learning System

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    Ciptaan ini berupa Aplikasi Blended Learning System dimana dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran new norma

    Pengembangan Sistem Informasi untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Pelayanan Publik di Kelurahan Kampung Tengah

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    The Village/Urban Information System is a forum that contains information on population data, public services and information about village/kelurahan activities and programs managed by the village/urban government to support better village development. In the village of Central Village, Sukajadi District, Pekanbaru City, the information system is still not maximal, so it needs to be updated and developed. The purpose of this community service is to update the existing information system in the Central Village Village, both population data, village location maps and village structures. This is done by using a population census, filling in population data on the website and updating the location map and village structure. The results obtained are that the village information system has been updated so as to improve public services

    Smart Campus Framework: A Solution for New Normal Education System

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has affected all aspects of human life and has even forced humans to shift their life habits, including in the world of education. The learning model must shift from the traditional to modern synchronous or asynchronous models with information technology-based applications. This condition is known as the New Normal era in the education system. Y Generation and Z Generation as educational objects are now very close to technology, especially information technology, including in the teaching and learning process, so there is no need for extra effort in this regard. Therefore, it is essential to create a learning environment under the characteristics of this generation and can also support the new normal era of the education system. We offer the concept of a smart campus framework that integrates an IT-based learning system and a hybrid smart classroom system as a modern education method in an educational scenario that promises to accelerate quality education without leaving a good learning process. This article designs the concept of a smart campus framework that will accommodate a learning model that will accelerate the improvement of the quality of education through smart learning solutions and smart blended learning systems. We also offer achievements in improving service performance through smart academic services solutions and accommodating the management of existing classroom resources through smart equipment system solutions. This framework is designed to automatically solve all university-level education system problems based on multimedia and integrated with websites and information systems used on campus