4 research outputs found

    Perang Enam Hari Arab Israel 1967 menerusi perspektif teori realisme

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    Realism approach has dominated the studies of world politics and international relations since the last of the World War II and until the start of the Cold War era. The focus of this study is to look into the factors that ignited the war other than identifying the policies or actions taken by the countries involved in the war. The question that arises lies in the extent to which the approach is able to explain the factors and actions taken by the leaders, to the point that it led to the 1967 war, and how this war can serve as guidance for our understanding of the Realism Theory. The objective of this study is to unravel the chains of events that had become the background of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War by concentrating on the root causes of the war and the policies of the countries involved, other than offering justification for the Realism Theory by looking closely into the characteristics, assumptions, and concepts under this approach. The methodology of this work employs document analysis and historical studies to obtain complete data. The analysis was carried out by applying the Arab-Israeli war events to the Realism Theory to prove that there is an association between the causes of the war and the theory through the analysis unit, key assumptions and substantial concepts contained in the Realism approach. The unit of analysis, which places the countries as the main actor in the international system, can be seen through the main role of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Israel throughout the period of war. Concepts such as power, power balance, national interests, national sovereignty and self-help are also associated with the causes behind this war through a series of facts that have manifested themselves in the event

    A Comprehensive Analysis of The Varied Interpretations among Islamic Scholars Concerning Bitcoin Transactions

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    At present, there is a notable divergence in viewpoints among Islamic scholars pertaining to the legality of Bitcoin transactions. A subset of these scholars categorically prohibits its use, while another endorses it. This disparity has precipitated confusion within the Muslim community, thereby complicating the task of adopting one stance over the other. The primary aim of this study is to meticulously examine and analyze the arguments presented by both subsets, with the objective of shedding light on the underlying causes of this divergence of viewpoints. To achieve this, the study utilizes a blend of descriptive and inductive analytical methodologies. The findings indicate that the scholars who prohibit Bitcoin largely base their arguments on external factors, with a minority of objections directly related to the inherent attributes of Bitcoin itself. In contrast, the subset that endorses the use of Bitcoin tends to focus on the intrinsic system of Bitcoin, often minimizing the importance of external factors. However, even the endorsers of Bitcoin acknowledge that current Bitcoin transactions are not without risks. They suggest that these risks should be addressed by the appropriate authorities through the implementation of effective preventive measures

    Application of the Wasatiyyah concept to the formation of the Medina Charter

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    The Medina Charter is the first written charter created by Prophet Muhammad s.a.w as a system of rule or a legislative system in administering Madina. The Prophet adopted the Wasatiyyah concept or the notion of moderation in constructing the Charter or constitution, for the administration of different religions and cultures in Medina. This article will shed light on the Wasattiyah concept or approach as adopted in the formation of the formation. The methodology of this study is by studying and analyzing historical documents in order to obtain a complete understanding of the Wasatiyyah concept. The study showed that the Wasatiyyah concept Prophet Muhammad s.a.w used provided rights and justice to the people of Medina