272 research outputs found

    Water Resources Availability and Hydropower Production under Current and Future Climate Scenarios: The Case of Jhelum River Basin, Pakistan.

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    An agro-based country, Pakistan is largely dependent on the Indus basin irrigation system (IBIS), one of the largest irrigation networks in the world, mainly contributed by snow- and glacier-melt runoff from Indus River and its tributaries. A significant proportion of water in the Jhelum River is contributed by its snow- and glacier-fed sub-catchments situated in the Himalayan and Pir Panjal ranges along with monsoon rainfall from low-altitude regions. This study presents the change in snow cover dynamics and its impact on the hydrological behaviour of the catchment, water availability under climate change scenarios in high-altitude scarcely gauged (transboundary nature) catchment and subsequently its impact on hydropower generation at Mangla Dam and downstream canal system through operational management of the Mangla Reservoir. The remotely sensed data products such as MODIS snow cover, TRMM and APHRODITE are utilized, moreover, the climate change investigations are carried out by starting from the different scenarios for climate change as provided by the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC), and their implementation in climate models known as Global Circulation Models (GCMs), downscaling techniques, and finally Hydrological modeling. The impact of climate change on hydropower generation at Mangla Dam and downstream canal system is computed by the utilization of hydrological outcomes under current and future water resources availability. The outcomes of this study will not only help to solve several complex problems related to practical designing and management issues of water resources and hydropower crises of Pakistan but also for future proposed studies

    Who Supports the ECB? Evidence from Eurobarometer Survey Data

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    This paper addresses empirically the still debated issue of the legitimacy of the European Central Bank (ECB) with regard to European polities, presenting evidence on public opinion support for the ECB as elicited from responses in the recent waves of the Eurobarometer survey. We employ a rich set of potential determinants, combining macroeconomic and socio-demographic data in logistic regressions, to explain trust in the ECB. We find that people with higher level of income and education and centre to right-wing political orientation tend to support the ECB, as well as people with optimistic expectations on the economic situation. Moreover, our results indicate that socio-demographic determinants of trust in the ECB dominate macroeconomic ones, in particular inflation performance, by a considerable margin of magnitude and in a quite robust way. The policy relevance of such results is important for ECB’s communication strategy with the EU public, especially in the years ahead of likely reforms of the European Monetary Union (EMU).European Central Bank, communication, legitimacy, determinants of trust, Eurobarometer survey, logistic regression

    Potential applications of unmanned ground and aerial vehicles to mitigate challenges of transport and logistics-related critical success factors in the humanitarian supply chain

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    The present decade has seen an upsurge in the research on the applications of autonomous vehicles and drones to present innovative and sustainable solutions for traditional transportation and logistical challenges. Similarly, in this study, we propose using autonomous cars and drones to resolve conventional logistics and transport challenges faced by international humanitarian organizations (IHOs) during a relief operation. We do so by identifying, shortlisting, and elaborating critical success factors or key transport and logistics challenges from the existing humanitarian literature and present a conceptual model to mitigate these challenges by integrating unmanned ground (UGVs) and aerial vehicles (UAVs) in the humanitarian supply chain. To understand how this novel idea of using UGVs and UAVs could help IHOs, we drafted three research questions, first focusing on the identification of existing challenges, second concentrating on remediation of these challenges, and the third to understand realization timeline for UGVs and UAVs. This lead to the development of a semi-structured, open-ended questionnaire to record the respondents’ perspectives on the existing challenges and their potential solutions. We gathered data form, ten interviewees, with substantial experience in the humanitarian sector from six IHOs stationed in Pakistan and Austria. In light of the feedback for the second research question, we present a conceptual model of integrating UAVs and UGVs in the relief chain. The results of the study indicate that technological advancement in mobility withholds the potential to mitigate the existing challenges faced by IHOs. However, IHOs tend to be reluctant in adapting UGVs compared to UAVs. The results also indicate that the adaptation of these technologies is subject to their technical maturity, and there are no significant differences in opinions found between the IHOs from Pakistan and Austria

    The Impact of Social Cash Transfers on Poverty in Pakistan-A Case Study of Benazir Income Support Programme

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    Governments around the world often make social cash transfers to their residents for varied purposes such as consumption smoothing, poverty reduction, improved take-up of education and health services, etc. In Pakistan, these transfers took a big stride with the initiation of Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) in 2008. Social cash transfers have multiple types of impacts e.g. on health, education, reproductive behavior, voting behavior etc. This study aims to investigate the existence of a relationship between social cash transfers and poverty. Specifically, the research question is: Is there any impact of BISP receipt on poverty in Pakistan? This research question is answered with the help of utilization of Household Integrated Economic Survey (HIES) 2015-16 (Government of Pakistan, 2017) which presents information on households’ consumption (used to measure poverty) as well as households’ cash transfer recipient status. Official poverty estimation methodology is used for defining the poverty status of a household. The relationship between cash transfers and poverty is studied through the nearest-neighbor matching method limiting ourselves to BISP. The findings show that there is no significant relationship between BISP cash transfer and poverty when full dataset is used and a negative but economically insignificant relationship when only people from the bottom consumption quintiles are considered. Based on these findings, way-forward in terms of future research and making necessary modifications in the programme design of BISP is suggested

    The Impact of Social Cash Transfers on Poverty in Pakistan-A Case Study of Benazir Income Support Programme

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    Governments around the world often make social cash transfers to their residents for varied purposes such as consumption smoothing, poverty reduction, improved take-up of education and health services, etc. In Pakistan, these transfers took a big stride with the initiation of Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) in 2008. Social cash transfers have multiple types of impacts e.g. on health, education, reproductive behavior, voting behavior etc. This study aims to investigate the existence of a relationship between social cash transfers and poverty. Specifically, the research question is: Is there any impact of BISP receipt on poverty in Pakistan? This research question is answered with the help of utilization of Household Integrated Economic Survey (HIES) 2015-16 (Government of Pakistan, 2017) which presents information on households’ consumption (used to measure poverty) as well as households’ cash transfer recipient status. Official poverty estimation methodology is used for defining the poverty status of a household. The relationship between cash transfers and poverty is studied through the nearest-neighbor matching method limiting ourselves to BISP. The findings show that there is no significant relationship between BISP cash transfer and poverty when full dataset is used and a negative but economically insignificant relationship when only people from the bottom consumption quintiles are considered. Based on these findings, way-forward in terms of future research and making necessary modifications in the programme design of BISP is suggested

    Public Attitudes towards Central Bank Independence: Lessons From the Foundation of the ECB

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    This study examines public opinion in 15 European countries, on the proposal to establish an independent European Central Bank (ECB). Using data from Euro- barometer surveys for 1998 to 2000, which included a speci c question on this issue, we show that in ation performance is not su cient to explain people's preference for an independent central bank: personal characteristics and circumstances have a stronger impact, with gender, employment status, education level, income quartiles, and degree of information and civic concern showing particular relevance

    Pitfalls in transboundary Indus Water Treaty: a perspective to prevent unattended threats to the global security

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    Abstract Water treaties have played an important role in peaceful resolution of water-related conflicts. Although the mode of negotiation to resolve water-related conflicts may vary from treaty to treaty, a number of structural falls make them unprepared for the future needs. The Indus water treaty is perhaps quoted as the most successful water-sharing mechanism in the recent times. Against all odds, the treaty has fulfilled its job descriptions of being a mechanism providing a moderately reliable framework for the peaceful resolution of water-related conflicts. However, the climate change is quickly eroding that trust. The water-sharing mechanism lacks guidelines to cater the issues related to climate change and basin sustainability which require integrated approach for their addressal. But the structural inflexibility does not encourage the riparian to collaborate and build mutual trust for common good. The riparian countries, within the framework of treaty, attempt to elevate their national interests by deliberately refusing to comply with the treaty clauses in letter and spirit, and even manipulate data to deprive the competing riparian of water. We propose and argue on the need of adopting structurally sound forum for solving water conflicts which will assist in comprehensive policy-making to ensure the sustainability of transboundary water resources. The forum will also provide an opportunity for the riparian to work together towards confidence-building through sharing of real-time hydrological data and further scientific analysis based on that. Conclusively, the shortcomings of the present conflict-resolution method are addressed by encouraging riparian to collaborate at various levels

    Identification and political advertising: Exploring the role of ethnic identification in political advertising campaigns

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    Issues of race and ethnic diversity have emerged as important consideration in campaigning and developing political advertising. This study examines the moderating effect of the strength of ethnic identity for Hispanic and non-Hispanic White voters. The results of the between-subject factorial design indicate that non-Hispanic White individuals with strong ethnic identities hold more favorable attitudes toward a political candidate that advocates against same-sex marriage than non-Hispanic Whites with weak ethnic identities. Non-Hispanic White individuals with strong ethnic identities also expressed greater intentions to vote for and perceptions of similarity to the anti-same-sex marriage candidate. Conversely, Hispanic individuals with strong ethnic identities hold more favorable attitudes toward a political candidate that supports same-sex marriage than Hispanic individuals with weak ethnic identities. Findings show that the degree to which racial/ethnic members affirm their racial/ethnic affiliations influence their voting proclivities when facing a religiously controversial and morally framed social issue such as same-sex marriage

    Impact of Brand positioning strategies on consumer standpoint (A consumer’s Perception)

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    Brand positioning is consider to be the most sensitive element to take the brand to the sky or nowhere the marketers try hard to come up to the mark of the consumers because every consumer is different and have a different mindset and contains different perceptions and different value. This research is conducted to see an impact of brand positioning strategies on consumer’s perception. The research basically revolves around 3 strategies of positioning i.e. beneficial positioning, surrogate positioning (Psychological) , Competitive positioning the impact of these strategies being checked by showing 250 consumers random brands in television commercials which contains the above said positioning strategies the questionnaires has been designed in a way that tells the responsiveness of different consumers by watching the ads  of the brands and what they feel and what is there perception about the particular brand whether highly negative, negative, neutral, positive or highly positive. The outcome of the research revealed that surrogate positioning by the brands showed the highest positive response, while the other two positioning strategies came out more or less on the negative side in terms of consumer perception. The analysis technique used is one sample t test and the software used is SPSS. Keywords: Consumer Perception, Brand Positioning, Consumer Standpoint, Strategie

    Impact of Internet of Things on Urban Mobility

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    The urban population is predicted to increase to 66% by 2050. The rapid growth of urbanization and increasing congestion are significant challenges faced by the world today. Innovative solutions in urban mobility are key for a successful development and a sustainable future. The new paradigm, Internet of Things (IoT), facilitates the need for new approaches in urban transportation, leading to a modern concept: Smart Mobility. The boom of technology and innovation from recent years allowed a great expansion of IoT. Furthermore, the number of smart devices that communicate, cooperate and complement each other, grows rapidly in every domain broadening the scope of IoT applications. This paper sets to discuss the impact that IoT might have on urban mobility, mentioning its implications, challenges and technical solutions. It further reviews the advancements made in the transport infrastructure along the years that support the emergence of Smart Mobility. Three main research questions stay at the forefront of this paper which are drafted in pursuit of the solutions for the problems and challenges currently faced by urban transportation. Which leads to a sustainable future with efficient and effective urban transportation system. The paper uses a mix-method approach, using on one hand qualitative research for literature review (State of the field) and on the other hand quantitative research to assess public opinion on the research topic, through an online questionnaire. To answer the research questions with proper arguments, both research methods were necessary, which lead to optimal results. The results of the questionnaire were interpreted based on Spearman's correlation and descriptive statistical analysis. They brought an in-depth view on the public opinion regarding IoT and the developments enabled by this paradigm within the urban mobility sphere. The output of the questionnaire highlights the eagerness of participants usually stuck in traffic to see innovation within urban mobility. Over all the results based on the opinions suggest that the public strongly believes in the Internet of Thing's applications and its adaptation will benefit the urban transportation system. Furthermore, new developments in the urban mobility sphere will be largely embraced
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