11 research outputs found

    Effect of different maize based diets on the production performance and carcass characteristics of broiler

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    A feeding trial was conducted for a period of 5 weeks with 160 day-old Starbro broiler chicks with a Randomized Block Design with 4 dietary treatments. There were 40 chicks per treatment. Each treatment was replicated in 4 blocks with 10 chicks in each block. The dietary treatments were normal maize plus lysine and methionine (control diet), normal maize without lysine and methionine, Pacific 11 maize without lysine and methionine and Quality Protein Maize (QPM) without lysine and methionine. All other ingredients used in the diet were similar and all diets were isocaloric and isonitrogenous that contained around 2975 Kcal ME/kg DM and 21.5% crude protein. At 5 weeks of age, 2 broilers from each block (8 from each treatment) was randomly selected considering average body weight and slaughtered to analyze the meat yield traits. The QPM contained only slightly higher protein and lysine than Pacific 11. Other amino acid profiles of QPM were similar to that of Pacific 11. There were no differences (p>0.05) in feed intake, water intake, total gain, feed conversion efficiency and mortality of broilers among the dietary treatments. Liveweight at slaughter (p0.05) among the treatments without lysine and methionine. Morphological characteristics such as relationship between length of drumstick and carcass characteristics was promising. Morphological characteristics played a vital role in selecting broiler strains for productive purposes and might have great impact using a scale only

    Effect of triticale based diet on the production performance and carcass characteristics of broiler

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    A feeding trial was conducted for a period of 5 weeks with 264 day-old Starbro broiler chicks and were allocated into six dietary treatments containing 21.5% CP and 2930 Kcal ME/kg DM. At 5 weeks of age, 2 broilers from each block (8 from each treatment) was randomly selected considering average body weight and slaughtered to analyze the meat yield traits. There were no significant differences (p>0.05) in feed and water intake, initial and final weight, total gain and gain/day, feed conversion efficiency and mortality of broilers among the dietary treatments. Liveweight at slaughter and dressing percent did not differ significantly (p>0.05) among the dietary treatments but dressing percent (p0.05) the length of shank and wing of broiler among the dietary treatments. There was clear advantage of using triticale over wheat because no significant difference (p>0.05) among the dietary treatments were observed

    Surfactant assisted removal of engine oil from synthetic soil

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    Effectiveness of surfactants SDS (sodium dodecyl sulfate), AOT (sodium dioctyl sulfosuccinate) and Brij 35 (polyoxyethylene lauryl ether) in removing residual oil from soils have been determined. Experimental results indicated that oil desorption efficiencies with surfactants are 7 to 18 times higher than using water alone. 0.6% Brij 35 at was the most effective surfactant to remove oil from soil, and it did not display any significant change in oil desorption with pH changes. A comparison study also showed that pore volume was a more significant parameter than soil washing flow rate to improve oil desorption

    Study on the quantitative and morphological characteristics of native chicken in Bangladesh

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    Eight hundred and fifty local chickens were studied for morphological characterization from some representative local markets/villages of nine-selected districts of Bangladesh. These chickens were sexually matured but different in sizes and unknown ages. Morphological traits were described based on visual observations and body measurements. Results showed that globally, local chicken in Bangladesh has white skin, yellow coloured eyes, yellow coloured tursus, red coloured earlobes, black cloured beak and red wattles. The feathering of their neck and body is normal but becomes thicker`at the sickles and main tails which are well developed in cocks. The head is round and presents a normalsized beak, a single type comb, round wattles and non-feathered cheek. Moreover, this fowl presents a lower meaty breast, a flat back and a medium developed thigh. Its feet have four toes even though some females have a well developed spurs. On the average, except for the beak length, there is a sexual dimorphism in favour of cocks for the main body measurements. The traits described above show the natural diversity of adaptation as well as the selection and improvement potentials of local chickens in Bangladesh

    Study on the productive and reproductive performance of 3 native genotypes of chicken under intensive management

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    To improve the native chicken, a total of 75 males and 750 females was reared from the 3 types of chicken namely, Naked neck (NN), Hilly and Non descript deshi (ND) which have been collected from different parts of the country. The number of each Naked neck (NN), Hilly and Non descript deshi (ND) type of chicken in the foundation stock genotypes were 275 (250 females and 25 males). Multiplication of the established birds has already been started and the present stock will be increased as required for future selective breeding work. These foundation stocks were raised under confinement with standard management practices and vaccination. They were supplied the nutrient as per recommendation. All productive, reproductive and egg quality parameters at 38 weeks of age were studied. The results indicate that the percentage of hatchability on fertile eggs and set eggs and also dead in shell (embryonic mortality) were significantly different (P0.05) was observed in age at sexual maturity, fertility, dead in germ, normal chicks and abnormal chicks among the 3 native genotypes. Significantly difference (P0.05) was found in morning egg production rate, egg production, feed intake and survivability. But significantly (P0.05) among 3 genotypes. The native germplasm is very much potential in context of disease resistant and genetic variability under the existing harsh environment. So we can use these for future breeding program to improvement and upgrading the native genotypes and exotic one

    Effect of crossbreeding and pre-incubation holding periods on fertility and hatchability of chicken eggs

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    A total of 1754 hatching eggs were collected from six different crosses (HxWLH) xRIR, RIRxBP1-3, RIRx(WRxWLH), RIRx(WRxBPR)RIR, (HxWLH)BPR and (HxWR)RIRxWR and stored for three preincubation holding periods. Percent of infertile eggs differed significantly (p<0.01) among the crossbreds and (p<0.01) in holding periods. The highest value was for RIRx(WRxBPR)RIR-23.45, intermediate in RIRx(WRxWLH)-14.88, (HxWR)RIRxWR-9.38, (HxWLH) xRIR-5.69, (HxWLH)BPR-5.17 and lowest in RIRxBPR-3.69. The dead embryos differed significantly (p<0.05) among crossbreds and (p<0.01) in holding periods. The highest percent of dead embryoes was found in RIRx(WRxBPR)RIR-7.97, intermediate in (HxWLH) xRIR-5.34, RIR(WRxWLH)-4.59 and (HxWLH)BPR-3.25, lower in RIRxBPR- 3.02 and lowest in (HxWR)RIRxWR-2.68. The fertility differed significantly (p<0.01) among crossbreds and in holding periods. The highest fertility was in RIRxBPR-93.29 and lowest in RIRx(WRxBPR)RIR- 68.58. The hatchability of egg set differed significantly (p<0.01) among the crossbreds and in holding periods. The highest hatchability was found in RIRxBPR-82.50 and lowest in RIRx(WRxBPR)RIR- 52.77. The hatchability of fertile eggs differed significantly (p<0.01) among the crossbreds and in holding periods. The highest hatchability was found in RIRxBPR-88.37 and lowest in RIRx(WRxBPR)RIR-76.77. There were some positive correlations among different hatchability tra ts depending on genotypes. The correlations were more profound among RIRxBPR crossbreds

    Evaluation of the quality of services delivered in qazvin�s hospitals to attract medical tourists: Joint commission international approach

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    Medical tourism can be considered as a travel to promote mental, physical, and spiritual health of individuals, families, and groups. The present study was aimed at evaluating the level of preparation of the selected hospitals in Qazvin to attract medical tourists based on the standards of Joint Commission International (JCI). The present study was a descriptive crosssectional research carried out in 7 hospitals of Qazvin. The data collection instrument was the translated version of Joint Commission International Standards Checklist which includes 13 standards. The patient-and organization-oriented sections include 7 and 6 standards, respectively. The checklist was based on a 5-point Likert scale. Descriptive statistics techniques were employed to analyze the collected data. Among the 7 patient-oriented standards, the highest and lowest preparation scores were respectively related to Anesthesia and Surgical Care (77.5) and Patient and Family Education (52.5). Among the 6 organization-oriented standards, the highest and the lowest preparation scores were respectively related to management of information and communication (75.8) and Facility Management and Safety (50). According to the results of the present study, it seems that the hospitals under investigation had a relative preparation in attracting medical tourists. One of the most significant weakness of hospitals was lack of a systematic educational program for the personnel and patients and their families; therefore, it is recommended that necessary measures be taken in this regard. © 2016 Rohollah Kalhor et al

    Identification of a functional peptide of a probiotic bacterium-derived protein for the sustained effect on preventing colitis

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    ABSTRACTSeveral probiotic-derived factors have been identified as effectors of probiotics for exerting beneficial effects on the host. However, there is a paucity of studies to elucidate mechanisms of their functions. p40, a secretory protein, is originally isolated from a probiotic bacterium, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG. Thus, this study aimed to apply structure-functional analysis to define the functional peptide of p40 that modulates the epigenetic program in intestinal epithelial cells for sustained prevention of colitis. In silico analysis revealed that p40 is composed of a signal peptide (1–28 residues) followed by a coiled-coil domain with uncharacterized function on the N-terminus, a linker region, and a β-sheet domain with high homology to CHAP on the C-terminus. Based on the p40 three-dimensional structure model, two recombinant p40 peptides were generated, p40N120 (28–120 residues) and p40N180 (28–180 residues) that contain first two and first three coiled coils, respectively. Compared to full-length p40 (p40F) and p40N180, p40N120 showed similar or higher effects on up-regulating expression of Setd1b (encoding a methyltransferase), promoting mono- and trimethylation of histone 3 on lysine 4 (H3K4me1/3), and enhancing Tgfb gene expression and protein production that leads to SMAD2 phosphorylation in human colonoids and a mouse colonic epithelial cell line. Furthermore, supplementation with p40F and p40N120 in early life increased H3K4me1, Tgfb expression and differentiation of regulatory T cells (Tregs) in the colon, and mitigated disruption of epithelial barrier and inflammation induced by DSS in adult mice. This study reveals the structural feature of p40 and identifies a functional peptide of p40 that could maintain intestinal homeostasis