55 research outputs found

    Self-tuned Visual Subclass Learning with Shared Samples An Incremental Approach

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    Computer vision tasks are traditionally defined and evaluated using semantic categories. However, it is known to the field that semantic classes do not necessarily correspond to a unique visual class (e.g. inside and outside of a car). Furthermore, many of the feasible learning techniques at hand cannot model a visual class which appears consistent to the human eye. These problems have motivated the use of 1) Unsupervised or supervised clustering as a preprocessing step to identify the visual subclasses to be used in a mixture-of-experts learning regime. 2) Felzenszwalb et al. part model and other works model mixture assignment with latent variables which is optimized during learning 3) Highly non-linear classifiers which are inherently capable of modelling multi-modal input space but are inefficient at the test time. In this work, we promote an incremental view over the recognition of semantic classes with varied appearances. We propose an optimization technique which incrementally finds maximal visual subclasses in a regularized risk minimization framework. Our proposed approach unifies the clustering and classification steps in a single algorithm. The importance of this approach is its compliance with the classification via the fact that it does not need to know about the number of clusters, the representation and similarity measures used in pre-processing clustering methods a priori. Following this approach we show both qualitatively and quantitatively significant results. We show that the visual subclasses demonstrate a long tail distribution. Finally, we show that state of the art object detection methods (e.g. DPM) are unable to use the tails of this distribution comprising 50\% of the training samples. In fact we show that DPM performance slightly increases on average by the removal of this half of the data.Comment: Updated ICCV 2013 submissio

    Generalized Jensen-Shannon Divergence Loss for Learning with Noisy Labels

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    Prior works have found it beneficial to combine provably noise-robust loss functions e.g., mean absolute error (MAE) with standard categorical loss function e.g. cross entropy (CE) to improve their learnability. Here, we propose to use Jensen-Shannon divergence as a noise-robust loss function and show that it interestingly interpolate between CE and MAE with a controllable mixing parameter. Furthermore, we make a crucial observation that CE exhibit lower consistency around noisy data points. Based on this observation, we adopt a generalized version of the Jensen-Shannon divergence for multiple distributions to encourage consistency around data points. Using this loss function, we show state-of-the-art results on both synthetic (CIFAR), and real-world (e.g., WebVision) noise with varying noise rates.Comment: Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2021

    CNN Features off-the-shelf: an Astounding Baseline for Recognition

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    Recent results indicate that the generic descriptors extracted from the convolutional neural networks are very powerful. This paper adds to the mounting evidence that this is indeed the case. We report on a series of experiments conducted for different recognition tasks using the publicly available code and model of the \overfeat network which was trained to perform object classification on ILSVRC13. We use features extracted from the \overfeat network as a generic image representation to tackle the diverse range of recognition tasks of object image classification, scene recognition, fine grained recognition, attribute detection and image retrieval applied to a diverse set of datasets. We selected these tasks and datasets as they gradually move further away from the original task and data the \overfeat network was trained to solve. Astonishingly, we report consistent superior results compared to the highly tuned state-of-the-art systems in all the visual classification tasks on various datasets. For instance retrieval it consistently outperforms low memory footprint methods except for sculptures dataset. The results are achieved using a linear SVM classifier (or L2L2 distance in case of retrieval) applied to a feature representation of size 4096 extracted from a layer in the net. The representations are further modified using simple augmentation techniques e.g. jittering. The results strongly suggest that features obtained from deep learning with convolutional nets should be the primary candidate in most visual recognition tasks.Comment: version 3 revisions: 1)Added results using feature processing and data augmentation 2)Referring to most recent efforts of using CNN for different visual recognition tasks 3) updated text/captio

    Spotlight the Negatives: A Generalized Discriminative Latent Model

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    Discriminative latent variable models (LVM) are frequently applied to various visual recognition tasks. In these systems the latent (hidden) variables provide a formalism for modeling structured variation of visual features. Conventionally, latent variables are de- fined on the variation of the foreground (positive) class. In this work we augment LVMs to include negative latent variables corresponding to the background class. We formalize the scoring function of such a generalized LVM (GLVM). Then we discuss a framework for learning a model based on the GLVM scoring function. We theoretically showcase how some of the current visual recognition methods can benefit from this generalization. Finally, we experiment on a generalized form of Deformable Part Models with negative latent variables and show significant improvements on two different detection tasks.Comment: Published in proceedings of BMVC 201

    Logistic-Normal Likelihoods for Heteroscedastic Label Noise

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    A natural way of estimating heteroscedastic label noise in regression is to model the observed (potentially noisy) target as a sample from a normal distribution, whose parameters can be learned by minimizing the negative log-likelihood. This formulation has desirable loss attenuation properties, as it reduces the contribution of high-error examples. Intuitively, this behavior can improve robustness against label noise by reducing overfitting. We propose an extension of this simple and probabilistic approach to classification that has the same desirable loss attenuation properties. Furthermore, we discuss and address some practical challenges of this extension. We evaluate the effectiveness of the method by measuring its robustness against label noise in classification. We perform enlightening experiments exploring the inner workings of the method, including sensitivity to hyperparameters, ablation studies, and other insightful analyses

    On the Lipschitz Constant of Deep Networks and Double Descent

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    Existing bounds on the generalization error of deep networks assume some form of smooth or bounded dependence on the input variable, falling short of investigating the mechanisms controlling such factors in practice. In this work, we present an extensive experimental study of the empirical Lipschitz constant of deep networks undergoing double descent, and highlight non-monotonic trends strongly correlating with the test error. Building a connection between parameter-space and input-space gradients for SGD around a critical point, we isolate two important factors -- namely loss landscape curvature and distance of parameters from initialization -- respectively controlling optimization dynamics around a critical point and bounding model function complexity, even beyond the training data. Our study presents novels insights on implicit regularization via overparameterization, and effective model complexity for networks trained in practice
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