7 research outputs found

    A Review on Plants and Plant/Microbial Systems in Reducing Exposure

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    Plants and plant-microbial compounds can be a viable means of remediating contaminated soils, in this review, two approaches to phytoremediation are discussed, the first approach how plants can promote the growth of degrading microorganisms in the soil rhizosphere, which can lead to enhanced degradation of chlorinated pesticides; the second approach focuses on the potential of plants to remove and accumulate metals from their environment, a unique test system, the Target Neighbor Method, is used to evaluate how plant density affects metal uptake, these studies could provide valuable information for optimizing plant density to improve metal removal and remediate metal-contaminated soils or to minimize toxic metal accumulation in crops and reduce human exposure

    Heavy Metal Contamination in Urban Soils: Health Impacts on Humans and Plants: A Review

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    This research looks at how the growth of cities and industries affects the levels of heavy metals in the soil, which can impact people's health. We find out where the pollution comes from, such as factories, car fumes, and improper waste disposal, by reviewing existing studies. We use different methods to test the soil for heavy metals and study how exposure to these metals in urban areas affects people's health. The evidence shows a connection between high levels of heavy metals in city soil and health problems like breathing issues, brain disorders, and overall toxicity in the body. We also explore how these metals get into the human body, highlighting the importance of understanding how they are available and the ways people are exposed. To deal with polluted city soils, we look at different ways to manage the soil and suggest sustainable methods to reduce heavy metal pollution. Our discoveries add to what we know about urban environmental health, emphasizing the need for actions to protect city residents. Ultimately, this study aims to give important information and insights to policymakers, city planners, and public health officials for managing and lessening the health risks linked to heavy metal contamination in urban soils.&nbsp

    The Function of Zinc in Animal, Plant, and Human Nutrition

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    Zinc is a crucial micronutrient found in food that is essential for the development of all living organisms, it plays a vital role in gene expression and various physical processes, its deficiency can lead to disease onset and reduce crop yield, restrict plant development, and lower the quality of produced goods, zinc is also used in fertilizers and the handling of metals to protect them from oxidation. Additionally, Zinc is important in enhancing the human immune system, and its deficiency can result in hair loss, memory loss, skin disorders, and muscular weakness

    Review on Surface Elements and Bacterial Biofilms in Plant-Bacterial Associations

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    In recent years, there has been increasing interest in the function of bacterial surface elements and functional signals in biofilm formation. Plant-associated bacteria can significantly affect the health and productivity of a plant because they are found in many different areas of the plant, including roots, transport channels, stems, and leaves. The management of these compounds by plants is still unknown, although biofilm production on plants is associated with both symbiotic and pathogenic responses. While some of the bacteria found in biofilm matrices trigger pathogenesis, others can promote plant thriving and serve as biocontrol agents for phytopathogens. This detailed review discusses in depth the various elements and methods involved in the production of bacterial biofilms on plant surfaces and their attachment, as well as the relationship between these factors and bacterial activity and survival

    Biochar as a Fertilizer Replacement for Sustainable Agriculture

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    Biochar is a promising solution for pesticide pollution and soil degradation in agriculture. It improves fertilizer efficiency by increasing nutrient availability, and acts as a slow-release fertilizer. Biochar enhances soil fertility by retaining nutrients, and increasing organic matter, water retention, and microbial activity. It also shows potential in pesticide degradation through chemical, and microbial processes. However, the sorption of pesticides on biochar can hinder degradation. Factors like feedstock, pyrolysis temperature, and application rate influence biochar\u27s nutrient retention capabilities. Understanding these factors is crucial for optimizing biochar\u27s effectiveness in agricultural systems

    People-plant Interaction: Plant Impact on Humans and Environment

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    People-plant interaction studies the complex interactions that exist between humans and the natural environment, particularly plants; it is a thorough research that covers a wide range of views, including ecological, cultural, and psychological aspects. People-plant interaction, at its foundation, investigates how humans use plants as resources and imbue them with cultural and spiritual values, plants have provided humans with food, medicine, and shelter for millennia, and they have considerable cultural and symbolic importance in various nations and cultures. Furthermore, research on people-plant interactions emphasizes the numerous ways in which exposure to plants might promote human health. Exposure to nature, particularly plants, has been demonstrated in studies to help decrease stress and boost productivity. Indoor plants have been shown to enhance air quality and provide a more pleasant environment for humans to work and live in. With our planet's serious environmental issues, understanding the intricate interactions between humans and plants is more crucial than ever. Human-caused environmental changes, such as deforestation, pollution, and climate change, have a significant influence on the natural world, including plants

    The Role of Plants in Human Health

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    Through extensive research, humans have discovered that the best way to achieve good health is by reconnecting with nature. Plants, which surround us, not only fulfill our physical needs for food and medicine but also our spiritual needs. Living in harmony with nature allows us to appreciate its beauty, including the awe-inspiring flowers, trees, and forests that invigorate our souls. Furthermore, the natural environment can have a religious significance, with Islam being a perfect and universal religion that offers a clear life program for the world. The holy book of Islam, the Quran, states that "TABAIENA LEKOLE SHAY IN" encapsulates this program succinctly. The importance of plants in human life cannot be overstated, as they have special effects on our lives in various ways, including helping us comprehend our intellectual relationships with nature. However, while the Quran contains numerous references to plants, there has been little systematic study on their use in human life. In this research, we will examine several verses from the Quran that discuss the effects of plants on the human body and soul