3 research outputs found

    Hedges Function in Masculine and Feminine Feature’s Language: A Pragmatics Analysis

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    The purpose of this study is to criticize the gender language features proposed by Coates (2013) proposed in Lakoff's theory (1975) by investigating speeches expressed by two different genders in interviews. The method used in this research is the descriptive qualitative method. Data were analyzed based on the theory of Coates (2013) to find language features based on gender and use the taxonomy of the hedging strategy proposed by Martin-Martin (2008). The results of the research show that male-female language features can be used by the opposite gender by looking at the perspective of the use of hedges and strategies in the concept of speech expressed by gender (male, female).Keywords: feature language; gender; hedges; hedgin


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    This study aims to investigate the use of speech act refusal strategies in virtual communication via instant message application, WhatsApp. This study uses cyberpragmatics and relative relations studies to determine the form of a politeness strategy for the participants who are involved in virtual communication. The object studied are screenshots of the WhatsApp chat between a banker and a prospective bank customer which is analyzed by using a qualitative descriptive and Discourse Completion Task (DCT) methods. The results showed that the dominant refusal strategy that emerged was the indirect refusal strategy, which included reason, statement of regret, and promise of future acceptance. Also, the use of negative politeness has a more tendency towards the use of refusal strategies


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh timbulnya pro dan kontra masyarakat Indonesia terhadap gagasan feminisme yang berkembang di Indonesia. Berbagai dukungan maupun pertentangan mengenai gagasan feminisme dengan segala pendapat dan opini dari masing-masing kelompok terus digencarkan baik di sosial media maupun pada dunia nyata. Hal ini pun menarik perhatian para media berita online untuk memberitakan kepada masyarakat mengenai isu feminisme, khususnya fenomena #uninstallfeminisme. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keberpihakan masing-masing media dan relasi kekuasaan terhadap isu #uninstallfeminisme melalui pendekatan subsistem engagement dari appraisal system yang dikemukakan oleh Martin dan White (2005) dan relasi kekuasaan melalui Analisis Wacana Kritis Fairclough. Media berita online yang diteliti oleh peneliti adalah Tirto.id, Tempo.co, dan Kumparan.com. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif yang menghasilkan data deskriptif berupa data dalam bentuk ujaran teks. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tipologi acknowledge dari subsistem engagement appraisal system mendominasi seluruh media berita online. Selain itu, tiap penulis dari ketiga media berita online pun cenderung bersikap netral atau objektif terhadap isu uninstall feminisme. This research is motivated by the emergence of the pros and cons of Indonesian society against the idea of feminism that developed in Indonesia. Various supports and awards regarding feminism with all opinions and opinions from each group continue to be intensified both on social media in real terms. This has also attracted the attention of online news media to reveal to the public the issue of feminism, especially the phenomenon of #uninstallfeminism. This study aims to determine the alignments of each media and power relations to the issue of #uninstallfeminism through the engagement subsystem approach from the assessment system proposed by Martin and White (2005) and power relations through Fairclough's Critical Discourse Analysis. The online news media studied by the researchers were Tirto.id, Tempo.co, and Kumparan.com. The research method used in this study is qualitative research that produces a description of the data in the form of text utterances. The results of this study indicate that the recognition typology of the subsystem engagement assessment system dominates all online news media. In addition, each writer from the three online media also pays attention to being neutral or objective about the issue of uninstall feminism