3 research outputs found

    Pembuatan Model Hybrid 2 Teknik Reduksi Peak-to-average Power Ratio Partial Transmit Sequence Dan Clipping Filtering Pada Sistem Mimo-ofdm

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    Sistem MIMO digunakan dalam sistem komunikasi nirkabel modern untuk memenuhi tuntutan kecepatan transmisi data yang tinggi untuk berbagai aplikasi dan layanan namun sistem MIMO-OFDM mempunyai kelemahan nilai PAPR (Peak to Average Power Ratio) yang tinggi dan membuat HPA (High Power Amplifier) bekerja pada daerah non-linier. Sehingga perlu dilakukan reduksi dengan teknik reduksi PAPR. dalam Penelitian ini dilakukan analisis reduksi PAPR pada sistem MIMO-OFDM menggunakan teknik hybrid Improved Partial Transmits Sequence dan Simplified Clipping Filtering. Analisis dilakukan dengan mengamati kinerja penggunaan teknik reduksi PAPR dan penggunaan tanpa teknik reduksi PAPR. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan pada probabilitas 1x10-5, hasil kinerja tanpa teknik reduksi dibutuhkan level threshold PAPR0 sebesar ± 12 dB, sedangkan ketika menggunakan teknik reduksi hybrid Improved PTS dan Simplified CF dibutuhkan level threshold PAPR0 rata-rata ± 6 dB dan membandingkan kinerja teknik reduksi Hybrid Improved PTS - Simplified CF dengan nilai Clipping ratio 1,4 dan 1,6. Maka kinerja reduksi PAPR terbaik adalah dengan menggunakan teknik reduksi hybrid Improved PTS dan Simplified CF dengan Clipping ratio 1,4 karena mampu menyuguhkan selisih nilai reduksi sebesar ± 5,7 dB daripada tanpa menggunakan teknik reduksi. dan penggunaan nilai Clipping Ratio yang semakin rendah menghasilkan nilai PAPR yang juga semakin rendah, karena Amplitudo maksimum semakin kecil

    Penerapan Teori Belajar Sibernetik dalam Proses Pembelajaran Pai pada Masa Pandemi Covid 19 di SMP Negeri 54 Palembang

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    Outbreak cases of pandemic covid 19 when it makes the student to shift the activities of learning to teach for a while time diverted home respectively. To prevent the spread of covid 19 inenvironmental education, then held learning distance away in the network (Online). The low ability of student in Islamic Religios Education Subjects and the lack of student and teacher interaction during the Covid 19 pandemic can slow down the formation of values ​​in teaching and learning. The objectives of this research are 1). To find out the application of cybernetics learning theory in the learning process of Islamic Religious Education during the Covid 19 pandemic at SMP Negeri 54 Palembang. 2). To find out the obstacles to the application of cybernetics learning theory in the learning process of Islamic Religious Education during the Covid 19 pandemic at SMP Negeri 54 Palembang. This type of qualitative research with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques were carried out by observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques include data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The results showed: (1) The application of cybernetics learning theory in the teaching and learning process is to determine instructional objectives, determine the subject matter, study the information systems contained in the material, and determine the learning approach that is in accordance with the information system, arrange the material in an order according to the system. information, presenting material, and guiding students to learn in a pattern that is in accordance with the sequence of lessons. (2) Constraints in the application of cybernetics learning theory during the Covid 19 pandemic, namely the ineffectiveness of internet network access, quotas, difficulty understanding the subject matter, inadequate technology, and Lack of teacher's ability to operate digital technology