6 research outputs found
Job Satisfaction, Anxiety Level and Associated Factors in a Group of Residents in a University Hospital
In present study, we aimed to research the job satisfaction among the residents at Dicle University Medical Faculty Hospital, some factors affecting this and some psychological effects of not being pleased with their jobs. With respect to this aim, socio demographic data form, Minnesota Job Satisfaction, Beck Anxiety Inventory, State Trait Anger Scale were given to 140 residents at University who accepted to join this study and were collected the following day. In study, 35 percent of the participants having joined the study weren’t pleased with their works. The number of satisfied residents was higher among the willingly choice making residents in favour of their Works(34.8%) than the participants who were unwilling to choice the department (65.2%) they are working now (x2:11.046, p<0.01). Beck anxiety results were found to be much higher in the residents who were not pleased with their workers than the workers pleased with their works. Finally, there are some factors determining the job satisfaction. There is relationship between job satisfaction and mental health. Because this can give rise to negative effects on the performance of the work, it is required that some solution ways be found in order to increase the work contention
Sexual aversion and sexual desire disorder which trigger panic attacks: A case re
Panik bozukluğu ile cinsel işlev bozuklukları arasındaki ilişkiyi araştıran çalışmalar oldukça sınırlı ve sonuçları çelişkilidir. Çalışmada panik ataklarının tetiklediği cinsel kaçınma ve cinsel isteksizlik sorunları nedeni ile polikliniğimize başvuran bir olgu literatür bilgisi ışığında tartışılmıştır. Tedavi haftada bir görüşme şeklinde yedi ay sürmüştür. Tedavide cinsel işlev bozukluğu terapisi ve agorafobi tedavisinin kombinasyonu şeklinde bir yaklaşım benimsenmiştir. Tedavinin cinsel birleşme aşamasında ek antianksiyete ilaç eklenmiştir. Cinsel işlev bozukluğu ve panik atağı birlikteliği durumunda cinsel işlev bozukluğu terapisi, atak beklentisi nedeni ile bazı zorluklar taşımaktadır. Aynı zamanda bu iki sorunun birlikteliğinde sadece cinsel işlev bozukluğu terapisi ile tedavi tamamlanamayıp ek ilaç tedavisi gerekebilir.The studies investigating the relationship between panic disorder and sexual dysfunction are relatively limited, and the findings reported are controversial. In this study, a case applying to our clinic due to sexual aversion and lack of sexual desire triggered by panic attacks was evaluated in the light of literature data. The treatment was conducted for seven months on a weekly-interview basis. In the treatment, an approach involving the combination of sexual dysfunction therapy and agoraphobia treatment was adopted. During sexual intercourse, additional antianxiety drugs were included. In case of association of sexual functional disorder and panic attack, sexual dysfunction poses some challenges due to panic attack expectation. In addition, in the event of the association of these two disorders, only sexual functional therapy cannot be achieved, and therefore drug therapy may be required
Sosio-demogrophic Properties, Suicide Tendency and Problem Area of Women who Admitted To a New Opened Education and Psychological Information Centre
In this study, we evaluated the suicide tendency and problem area ofwomen who admitted to an education and psychological information centre.Sosio-demogrophic properties, suicide tendency, and problem area ofwomen who admitted to education and psychological information centre inthe first three months of this centre (August 15- November 15, 2003) wereevaluated by a previously prepared protocol.Fifty-five percent of women were between 26 and 36 years of age. About80% of cases were a worker. The most common reason for admittion wasinternal family problems (52.8%). Two third of the women had thoughtand/or had attempted to suicide of least once.There is a correlation between suicide tendency and internal familyproblems. Suicide tendency and internal family problems are mostly comefrom young women. The worker women have more internal familyproblems
Prevalence of unwanted sexual intercourse: reasons, short term consequences in a group married women
Amaç: Bu çalışmada bir grup evli kadında istem dışı cinsel birleşmenin yaygınlığı, nedenleri bazı kısa dönem sonuçları ve cinsel işlev bozukluklar ile ilişkisinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: Bir üniversitede araştırma görevlisi olarak çalışan evli 63 kadın çalışmaya alınmıştır. Deneklere sosyodemografik ve istem dışı cinsel yaşantı- lara ait bilgi formu ve Arizona Cinsel Yaşantılar ölçeği verildi. Sonuçlar: Olguların yarısından fazlasında istem dışı cinsel birleşme olduğu saptandı. İstem dışı cinsel birleşmenin kabul edilmesinin en sık nedenlerinin sevgi göstermenin bir yolu olarak görülmesi ve duygusal gereksinmelerin karşılanması olduğu belirlendi. Arizona Cinsel Yaşantılar Ölçeğine göre, istem dışı cinsel birleşme yaşayan olguların istek, uyarılma, orgazm ve orgazm doyumu alt ölçek puanları yaşamayanlara göre anlamlı düzeyde daha düşüktü. Tartışma: Elde edilen bulgular istem dışı cinsel birleş- melerin tümünün travmatik olarak kabul edilemeyeceği ve bazı kadınların bunu olumlu cinsel deneyim olarak yaşayabileceğini göstermektedir. Ancak istem dışı cinsel birleşme yaşayan bazı kadınlarda bu yaşantıların cinsel işlev bozuklukları ve bazı olumsuz ruhsal sonuçlara yol açabileceğide görülmektedir. Bu nedenle istem dışı cinsel birleş- menin olumlu veya olumsuz bir yaşantı olarak yaşanmasına yol açan etkenlerin neler olabileceğine ilişkin ayrıntılı çalışmalara gerek duyulmaktadır. Aynı zamanda bu tür yaşantıların yol açabileceği cinsel işlev bozukluğu ve bazı psikiyatrik sorunlar nedeniyle psikiyatri uygulamasında sorgulanması gereken bir durum olduğu kanısındayız. (Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg 2015; 16(6):389-396)Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the prevalence of unwanted sexual intercourse, its reasons, some short term consequences and related sexual function disorder in a group of married women. Methods: Sixty three married women who have been working as research fellow in a university have participated in the study. A study form including sociodemographic features and information relevant to unwanted sexual experiences of cases were completed by participants. Arizona Sexual Experiences Scale were given to collect information about sexual life and experiences of subjects. Results: More than half of the cases revealed that they had unwanted sexual intercourse during their lifetime. The most common reasons for unwanted sexual intercourse were using sex as a way of showing their love and satisfying a need to be sensual. According to Arizona Sexual Experience Scale, women those have unwanted sexual intercourse had significantly lower sexual desire, arousal, orgasm and sexual satisfaction subscale as compared to women those did not have unwanted sexual intercourse. Discussion: This study has shown that all unwanted sexual intercourse may not be considered as traumatic and for some women it might be considered as positive sexual experience. However, in some cases it may lead to negative psychological consequences and sexual dysfunction. Thus, further studies are warranted to determine the factors leading an unwanted sexual course to be considered as a positive or negative experience. In psychiatric practice, evaluating unwanted sexual course might help psychiatrists to find out a precipitating factor for a sexual dysfunction and some psychiatric syndromes.
Quality of life, depression and anxiety in young male patients with silicosis due to denim sandblasting Kot kumlamacılıǧına baǧlı silikozis gelişmiş genç erkek hastalarda yaşam kalitesi, depresyon ve anksiyete
The aim of this study was to estimate the quality of life, depression and anxiety in patients with silicosis due to denim sandblasting. This study was conducted on 50 young male patients with silicosis and 30 controls. A socio-demographic data form, Short Form-36 (SF-36), the Beck depression inventory (BDI) and the Beck anxiety inventory (BAI) were used to determine quality of life, depression and anxiety. The mean scores of SF-36, BDI and BAI were higher in the patients than in the controls. Correlation analysis revealed a strong negative correlation between all scales of SF-36 and BDI scores. Additionally, there was strong negative correlation between five scales of SF-36 and BAI scores. We suggest that silicosis might be detrimental to the quality of life and increase depression and anxiety in patients with silicosis due to denim sandblasting