9,292 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Kamus Bahasa Betawi Berbasis Android Menggunakan Metode Sequencial Search

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    Betawi language is a subsidiary of Malay language. The use of local languages ​​has decreased in the daily communication. Preserving the local language is very important amid the rapid technological developments. Dictionaries can be one of the solution to introduce the varieties of local languages ​​in Indonesia. In this research, we design and build an application for Betawi language dictionary based on android using sequential search method. The designed Betawi language dictionary application can perform the meaning of a vocabulary of Betawi language into Indonesian language, base on an android mobile software, and designed in user friendly tools to make users feel easy to operate. Base on the research that has been done, it is found that the sequential search algorithm can be applied to the android-based Betawi language dictionary and can be used efficiently and effectively media in translating Betawi language and make it easier for users to learn the Betawi language

    Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth as a cause for irritable bowel syndrome

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    Purpose of review Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) has been proposed as a cause of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). However, this relationship has been subject to controversy. This review aims to provide a current perspective on the SIBO-IBS hypothesis. Recent findings Case–control studies evaluating the prevalence of SIBO in IBS and healthy individuals have shown conflicting results. Moreover, the tests available in routine clinical practice to diagnose SIBO are not valid and lack both sensitivity and specificity. Hence, interpreting the effect of interventions based on these tests is fraught with uncertainty. Furthermore, the SIBO-IBS hypothesis has paved the way to assess antibiotic therapy in nonconstipated IBS, with rifaximin, a nonabsorbable antibiotic, showing modest but significant clinical benefit. However, individuals were not tested for SIBO and the mechanism of action of rifaximin in IBS remains to be elucidated. Preliminary data suggest that rifaximin decreases microbial richness and previous studies have noted antibacterial interventions in IBS to reduce colonic fermentation and improve symptoms. The advent of rapid culture-independent molecular techniques is a promising tool that will seek to clarify and advance our understanding of the gut microbial function. Summary The SIBO-IBS hypothesis lacks convincing evidence but remains under scrutiny. The mechanism resulting in symptom improvement after rifaximin treatment in some IBS individuals requires exploration. Novel molecular techniques provide an exciting and challenging opportunity to explore the host–gut microbiota interaction

    Alat Pendingin dan Pemanas Portable Menggunakan Modul Termoelektrik Tegangan Input 6 Volt dengan Tambahan Heat Pipe sebagai Media Pemindah Panas

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    Portable coolers and heaters use thermoelectric modules with an additional heat pipe as a heat transfer median. This research is to know the cooling temperature that can be achieved by the utilization of thermoelectric heat exhaust as heater with 6 volt input voltage. The effect of heat pipe USAge on cooling and heating temperatures is also observed. In this study the use of heat pipe provides a better cooling effect where the temperature is lower than the test without heat pipes for 50 minutes. Achievement of cooling and heating chamber under non-heat-free heat pipe 23.41 oC and 32.36 oC, whereas by using heat pipe the achievement of cooling and heating chamber reaches 22.83 oC and 30.52 oC. Tests by using an additional heat pipe as a heat transfer achievement of cooling chamber and heating chamber become lower compared with testing without heat pipe

    The Impact of Corporate Governance on Agency Costs in Jordanian Service Companies

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    The objective of this study investigates the impact of corporate governance (CG) on agency costs (AC) in Jordanian service companies. The analysis is conducted using the random-effects model on a sample of (42) service companies listed in the Amman Stock Exchange, during the period (2012-2018). Independent variables are used (Board Size, CEO Duality, Audit Committee, Managerial Compensation, Dividend, & Leverage). AC are measured by Asset Turnover Ratio (AT), Selling, General & Administrative Expense Ratio (SG&A) & Free Cash Flow (FCF). This study also includes three control variables: firm size, firm growth & firm profitability. The results of this study, according to the AT index, leverage increases AC through decreasing AT ratio, and this indicates that management uses the borrowed funds in an ineffective manner. The results, according to the SG&A index, are that AC caused by squandering the companies resources on managerial privileges and discretionary expenses are low in large companies and in companies that have high profits. While the results, according to the FCF index, are that the separating of the positions of chairman of the board and CEO & dividend decrease AC through decreasing FCF available under management control, and we find AC caused by possible misuse of FCF are more existing in large companies and in companies that have high profits. This study recommends the Jordanian service companies pay a dividend to shareholders and recommends the Jordanian legislative bodies oblige companies to apply some CG mechanisms, instead of compliance or explain approach. An example includes separating the positions of chairman of the board and CEO for their effective role in reducing AC through reducing FCF available under management control

    Perbandingan Hasil Belajar Fisika Antara Model Gi Dengan Stad Melalui Metode Eksperimen

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    This study has a purpose to know: 1) The differences in physics learning outcomes of students’ through cooperative learning GI (Group Investigation) and STAD (Student Teams Achievement of Division) with experimental method. 2) The higher average study result between cooperative learning GI and STAD with experimental method. This study used a quasi experimental design. The instrument to collect data was a test, which consists of 10 questions for 70 students. The results showed: a) There are differences in the study result of students through cooperative learning GI and STAD with experimental method, b)The average study result, which uses cooperative learning GI is more higher than STAD.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) perbedaan hasil belajar fisika siswa melalui model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe GI (Group Investigation) dan STAD (Students Teams Achievement Of Division) dengan metode eksperimen. 2) rata-rata hasil belajar yang lebih baik melalui model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe GI dan STAD dengan metode eksperimen. Penelitian ini menggunakan Quasi eksperimental design. Alat pengumpul data berupa tes soal sebanyak 10 soal kepada 70 siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan; a) ada perbedaan hasil belajar siswa melalui model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe GI dan STAD dengan metode eksperimen, b) rata-rata hasil belajar yang menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe GI lebih tinggi dibandingkan STAD

    Temperatur Sistem Pendingin Siklus Kompresi Uap terhadap Perubahan Beban Pendinginan dengan Penambahan Kondensor Dummy sebagai Water Heater

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    The vapor compression cycle of air conditioning has been used as conditioner in a room to get comfort condition. Conditioning air happened because the heat on room was absorped by evaporator (indoor unit). Usually, heat on condenser will be discarded. The wasted energy in condensor can be used as hot water by adding dummy condenser as complement. The dummy condensor would influence the cooling system temperature of compression cycle with change of cooling load in this research. This research was done experimentally. The result of experiment showed that temperature was about 61.70 0C for 120 minutes in performance. When cooling load was given to room, refrigerant temperature would get higher so that temperature of hot water would be higher too

    Fair Mixing: the Case of Dichotomous Preferences

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    We consider a setting in which agents vote to choose a fair mixture of public outcomes. The agents have dichotomous preferences: each outcome is liked or disliked by an agent. We discuss three outstanding voting rules. The Conditional Utilitarian rule, a variant of the random dictator, is strategyproof and guarantees to any group of like-minded agents an influence proportional to its size. It is easier to compute and more efficient than the familiar Random Priority rule. Its worst case (resp. average) inefficiency is provably (resp. in numerical experiments) low if the number of agents is low. The efficient Egalitarian rule protects individual agents but not coalitions. It is excludable strategyproof: I do not want to lie if I cannot consume outcomes I claim to dislike. The efficient Nash Max Product rule offers the strongest welfare guarantees to coalitions, who can force any outcome with a probability proportional to their size. But it even fails the excludable form of strategyproofness

    Analisis Evaporative Air Cooler dengan Temperatur Media Pendingin yang Berbeda

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    Evaporative cooling process occurs when water vapor is added to air having a relative humidity of below 100%. Relative humidity is a value that is contained in the temperature of the dry bulb and wet bulb temperature of the air. the lower the relative humidity, the greater the potential for evaporative cooling. The research was conducted using the experimental test tools Evaporative Air Cooler Honymell CS12AE. Variables used are temperature cooling medium (water) that is 10, 20, 30, 40, and 500C and the wind speed is (4,57m/s), (3.9 m/s), and (2,93m/s). The data used is the wet bulb temperature and dry bulb temperature on the back of the fan, the temperature of the wet bulb and dry bulb temperature in front of the fan and then the temperature of the wet bulb and dry bulb in the room. Data were taken every 10 minutes for 180 minutes. The test results are temperature cooling medium (water) effect on the relative humidity. The highest humidity is achieved at a temperature of the cooling medium (water) 500C ± 30C and the fan speed ishigh with 92.83% relative humidity. And the lowest humidity was 85.87% at a temperature of 100C ± 30C with a cooling medium high fan speed. Coolant temperature effect on the results of the efficiency and the rate of evaporation of water masses. The highest efficiency on the cooling medium temperature of 100C± 30C with an efficiency of 5.42% with a high fan speed. The highest rate of evaporation of the water mass occur at a temperature of 500C ± 30C cooling medium is 0.00039821 kg/s

    An approach to the diagnosis and management of Rome IV functional disorders of chronic constipation

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    Introduction: Chronic constipation is highly prevalent, affecting between 10% and 15% of the population. The Rome IV criteria categorizes disorders of chronic constipation into four subtypes: (a) functional constipation, (b) irritable bowel syndrome with constipation, (c) opioid-induced constipation, and (d) functional defecation disorders, including inadequate defecatory propulsion and dyssynergic defecation. The initial management approach for these disorders is similar, focusing on diet, lifestyle and the use of standard over-the-counter laxatives. If unsuccessful, further therapy is tailored according to subtype. Areas covered: This review covers the definition, epidemiology, diagnostic criteria, investigations and management of the Rome IV disorders of chronic constipation. Expert opinion: By adopting a logical step-wise approach toward the diagnosis of chronic constipation and its individual subtypes, clinicians have the opportunity to tailor therapy accordingly and improve symptoms, quality of life, and patient satisfaction
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