357 research outputs found

    The Role of Workplace Partnership Strategies in Employee Management Relations

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    Goal of every commercial organization is to make profits though its operations. Employers adapt different strategies to be profitable. Partnership has been given a lot of significance by trade union congress (TUC) and chartered institute of personnel and development (CIPD) as one of the key business strategy towards having a healthy employee management relationship and a successful business technique. In this research article we have investigated the role that “Workplace partnership” strategies play in employee management relations. Keywords: Workplace partnership, employee management, Industrial relations

    The Concept of Change Management in Today’s Business World

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    Companies are most likely to be successful in making change work to their advantage are the ones that no longer view change as a discrete event to be managed, but as a constant opportunity to evolve the business. The purpose of this study is to critically evaluate the concept of change management in today’s business world. Focus of the debate should be on existing literature. Keywords: Change management, Lewin’s change model, business world

    Monthly Distribution of Precipitation in Peninsular Malaysia

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    A study was made of the monthly distribution of rainfall in Peninsular Malaysia. It is shown that the principal influence is given by the passage of the Inter tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), while the secondary influence is the effects of both the NE and the SW monsoon

    Treatment of biodiesel wastewater using ferric chloride and ferric sulfate

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    The production of biodiesel through the transesterification method produces a large amount of wastewater that contains high level of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and oil and grease. In this study, coagulation was adopted to treat the biodiesel wastewater. Two types of coagulants were examined using standard jar test apparatus, i.e. ferric chloride and ferric sulfate. The effects of pH and coagulant dosage were examined at 150 rpm of rapid mixing and 20 rpm slow mixing and 30 min settling time, higher removal of SS (over 80%), colour (over 80%), COD (over 50%) and Oil and Grease (over 90%) were achieved at pH 6. Ferric Chloride was found to be superior was observed at reasonable lower amount of coagulant i.e. 300 mg/L. The result indicated that coagulation and flocculation process had contributed bigger roles in integrated treatment system

    Hasan al-Turabi's Pragmatic Approach to Establishing an Islamic State in Sudan

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    This research examines the pragmatic approach of Hasan al-Turabi, a key figure in the Sudanese Islamic movement, in fighting for an Islamic state. Using qualitative analysis that combines the concepts of pragmatism and social movement theory, this study reveals al Turabi's strategy in translating Islamic ideals into political action, including building alliances with various religious factions and exploiting revolutionary momentum. Findings demonstrate al-Turabi's success in advancing Islamization and shaping Sudan's socio-political landscape but also faced challenges in the consistent implementation of Sharia and protection of the rights of marginalized groups. Comparisons with Islamist figures such as Rached Ghannouchi and Recep Tayyip Erdogan highlight the particularities of the Sudanese context and variations in the strategies and outcomes of political Islamist movements. This study deepens our understanding of the complex dynamics between political pragmatism and religious idealism in Muslim countries, with important implications for inclusive governance. Through a critical exploration of al-Turabi's legacy, this research contributes to discussions about the future of Islamic politics that accommodates diversity and protects the rights of marginalized groups

    Water permeability and chloride and sulphate resistance of rubberised fibre mortar

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    Non-biodegradable solids such as waste tyres and oil palm fruit fibre (OPFF) would cause environmental problems if not disposed properly. This research studied the water permeability and chloride and sulphate resistance of mixes with addition of OPFF and sand replacement with Treated Crumb Rubber (TCR). The mix known as Rubberised Fibre Mortar (RFM) is a composite of 10% to 30% of TRC and addition of 1% to 1.5% of OPFF. In total sixteen different mixes, with water to cement ratio of 0.48 were prepared and subjected to related tests up to 56 days. The specimens are separated to two water curing types; immersion and spraying. The results show immersion cured specimens is less permeable and more resistance to chloride and sulphate than spraying specimens. The TCR does reduce the water permeability of the mix when 20% and less replacement made, while addition of less than 1% OPFF allows medium permeability. The moderate chloride resistance is achieved in mix with less than 10% TCR replacement and OPFF is not added. While sulphate resistance of RFM with less than 30% TCR is acceptable but addition of OPFF must be limited to 1% to prevent large strength reduction. In conclusion, for indoor mortar applications such as partition wall, RFM made of less than 10% TCR and less than 1% OPFF is recommended

    Increasing the Tire Life Span by Means of Water Cooling

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    The life of tires depends on the frequency of usage, tire pressure level, weather and friction level between tire and road surface. Heat and friction will increase the wear and tear of the tire during long distance travel. Consequently, the life of the tire is reduced. In order to reduce the heat on the surface of the moving tire, a tire cooling system with water jet spray is designed and tested. The amount of heat dissipated from the tire is determined based on the reduction of the tire surface temperature after the water is spayed on the tire. With the immediate availability of the system components, the purpose of reducing the tire surface heat is achieved thus increase the tire life span

    Changes in particulate matter concentrations at different altitudinal levels with environmental dynamics

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    Ambient air quality is defined not only by the source strength but a variety of meteorological parameters as well. In the current study, ambient concentrations of PM along with temperature and relative humidity levels were monitored at seven different locations of Pakistan. A DustTrak DRX (Model 8533, TSI Inc.) was employed for twenty four hours real time monitoring of particulate matter at the selected sites. A considerable variation was observed in the 24 hour trend of particulate matter (PM) at different locations owing to variation in meteorological conditions due to different altitudes and seasons, and natural and anthropogenic sources in the vicinity. The highest average concentrations of PM2.5 (407μg/m3 were observed at highest elevation (Makra Peak, Shogran, 3089 m) while lowest averages (102 μg/m3) were obtained at the seaside (Hawks Bay, Karachi, 0 m).On the other hand PMTotal fraction exhibited highest levels at site B (506 μg/m3) and lowest at Site A (121 μg/m3).Correlation factors were determined for PM and meteorological parameters at each location. More research needs to be conducted to have a comprehensive knowledge about the physical parameters controlling particulate dispersal at different altitudes within the country

    Seasonal variation of particulate matter in the ambient conditions of Khanspur, Pakistan

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    Concentrations of particulate matter tend to vary with shifting seasons. Levels of particulate matter were monitored during the summer and winter season in Khanspur, a high altitude tourist resort in Pakistan. A DustTrak DRX (Model 8533, TSI Inc.) and Kestrel 4500 Pocket Weather Tracker (Nielsen- Kellerman) were installed at selected site in Khanspur and run for 24 hours. During summer the 24- hour average concentrations of PM1, PM2.5, PM4, PM10 and PMTotal were 96 ± 26.42, 106± 29.02, 118± 33.3, 163± 52.5 and 209 ± 79.5 μg/m3 while these were considerably lower during the winter season for the same size fractions (62 ± 48.6, 63± 49.3, 63 ± 49.5, 65.33 ± 50.06 and 66.96 ± 50.78μg/m3). A one way ANOVA was applied on the obtained data and it was concluded that seasons have a substantial impact upon PM concentrations. Moreover, this study provides evidence that seasonal variation of particulate matter is influenced by meteorological parameters

    Developing Organizational Training Impact Scale for workplace training: testing the Malaysian sample to determine the impact of training on organizational effectiveness

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    The aim of this paper is to report the development of Organizational Training Impact Scale (OTIS) for workplace training using the intangible results of training effectiveness. The reason is because instrument that can measure the impact of training on organizational effectiveness is very limited. The OTIS was developed using theories in human resource development, and tested for face validity, content validity, exploratory factor analysis, and reliability. The first version of OTIS comprises of 70 items; however, only 33 items left in the final version. The impact of training before and after training completion was tested using OTIS among the Malaysian civil servant officers; findings indicated a significant different. This has shown that training has impact on organizational effectiveness and can be measured using intangible results