185 research outputs found

    Ontology-Based Sentence Extraction for Answering Why-Question

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    Most studies on why-question answering system usually   used   the   keyword-based   approaches.   They   rarely involved domain ontology in capturing the semantic of the document contents, especially in detecting the presence of the causal relations. Consequently, the word mismatch problem usually  occurs  and  the  system  often  retrieves  not  relevant answers. For solving this problem, we propose an answer extraction method by involving the semantic similarity measure, with selective causality detection. The selective causality detection is  applied  because  not  all  sentences  belonging  to  an  answer contain  causality.  Moreover,   the   motivation  of  the  use  of semantic similarity measure in scoring function is to get more moderate results about the presence of the semantic annotations in a sentence, instead of 0/1. The semantic similarity measure employed is based on the shortest path and the maximum depth of the ontology graph. The evaluation is conducted by comparing the proposed method against the comparable ontology-based methods, i.e., the sentence extraction with Monge-Elkan with 0/1 internal similarity function. The proposed method shows the improvements in  term of  MRR (16%, 0.79-0.68), P@1  (15%, 0.76-0.66), P@5 (14%, 0.8-0.7), and Recall (19%, 0.86-0.72)

    Pengaruh Leverage, Profitabilitas dan Public Share terhadap Kelengkapan Pengungkapan Laporan Keuangan Perusahaan pada Perusahaan Industri Otomotif yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2008 2012

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    The data used is secondary data obtained through the Indonesian Capital Market Directory (ICMD). Data analysis methods used to perform hypothesis testing is multiple regression analysis. Before testing the hypothesis, first proposed regression equations were tested for normality of data and assumptions to be free from bias classic. These results indicate that Leverage as measured by debt-to-equity ratio (DER) affect the completeness of the disclosure of financial statements. Profitability as measured by Return on Assets (ROA) affect the completeness of the disclosure of financial statements. Public Share affect the completeness of the disclosure of financial statements. Simultaneously, DER, ROA and Public Share affect the completeness of the disclosure of financial statements. The coefficient of determination is 0.372 which shows the influence of the independent variables used in the model study of smoothing earnings as the dependent variable was 37.2%, while the rest (62.8%) is explained by other variables not included in this research mode.Keywords: Leverage, Profitability, Public Share, and Fittings Company Financial Statement

    Pengaruh Leverage, Profitabilitas dan Public Share terhadap Kelengkapan Pengungkapan Laporan Keuangan Perusahaan pada Perusahaan Industri Otomotif yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2008 2012

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    The data used is secondary data obtained through the Indonesian Capital Market Directory (ICMD). Data analysis methods used to perform hypothesis testing is multiple regression analysis. Before testing the hypothesis, first proposed regression equations were tested for normality of data and assumptions to be free from bias classic. These results indicate that Leverage as measured by debt-to-equity ratio (DER) affect the completeness of the disclosure of financial statements. Profitability as measured by Return on Assets (ROA) affect the completeness of the disclosure of financial statements. Public Share affect the completeness of the disclosure of financial statements. Simultaneously, DER, ROA and Public Share affect the completeness of the disclosure of financial statements. The coefficient of determination is 0.372 which shows the influence of the independent variables used in the model study of smoothing earnings as the dependent variable was 37.2%, while the rest (62.8%) is explained by other variables not included in this research mode.Keywords: Leverage, Profitability, Public Share, and Fittings Company Financial Statement

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Auditor dalam Pemberian Opini Audit Atas Laporan Keuangan (Studi pada Auditor di Bpk Perwakilan Provinsi Riau)

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    This study was purpose to aimed the effect of interim investigation, indepedence, skills audit and scope audit on giving audit opinion on finances report. Collecting data of this study using a questionnaire submitted to 55 auditors who work at Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) Riau Province Representation. From questionnaires distributed 48 questionnaires (87.27%) ware completed and can be processed. Data analysis methode for this research was multiple regressionwith SPSS version 17. Result of this study give evidence that interim investigation, indepedence and skils audit effect to ward giving audit opinion on finances report. Mean while scope audit didn\u27t effect to ward giving audit opinion on finances report. The results showed that interim investigation have an effect on the giving audit opinion with coefficient of regression equal to 0.022by significance value equal to 0.000 (alpha 0.05). Indepedence have an effect on the giving audit opinion with coefficient of regression equal to 0,042 by significance value equal to 0.000 (alpha 0.05). Audit skills have an affect the on the giving audit opinion with coefficient of regression equal to 0.011 by significance value equal to 0.000 (alpha 0.05) . Audit scope do not affect on the giving audit opinion with coefficient of regression equal to 0.369 by significance value equal to 0.000 (alpha 0.05). R2 square value equal to 0.547 or 54,7% which means that the independent variable in this study could affect the dependent variable, while the rest45,3% is explained by other variables not included in this study

    Pengaruh Customer Experience Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Dan Loyalitas Pelanggan (Survei Pada Pelanggan Kfc Kawi Malang)

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    Customer Experience is one of the factor that effects customer satisfaction. Positive experience will be remembered by the customer and the customers will refer the others related the experience. This research aimed to explain the influence of Customer Experience toward customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. This research was an explanatory research along with the use of quantitative approach. Population of this research is all the customers who have visited and have made transactions at KFC Kawi Malang. Questionnaires were distributed to 100 respondents. Purposive sampling was used as sampling technique. In addition, path analysis was used as data analysis technique. The result within the use of path analysis showed that; Customer Experience has significant effect on customer satisfaction with path coefficient (β) was 0,674 and p-value with the number of 0,000 (˂0,05); Customer Experience has significant effect on cutomer loyalty with coefficient (β) was 0,288 and p-value with the number of 0,003 (˂0,05); Customer satisfaction has significant effect on customer loyalty with coefficient (β) was 0,493 and p-value with the number 0,000 (˂0,05). Therefore, KFC should maintain and improve service, product quality, and condition outlets. Thus, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty will be increased