4 research outputs found

    The Factors Influencing Young Voters in Determining the Choice: Case Study of Local Election in Bengkulu

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    The aim of this study was to create an explanatory model that allows analyzing the factors influencing young voters in determining the choice; case study in local election in Bengkulu. We also analyzed the combined relationship between these variables, together with age, and area of origin. We worked with a sample group of 400 young adults between the ages of 18-22 from the city of Bengkulu (Indonesia). The data was subjected to a structural equation modeling SEM analysis, which allowed for the corroboration of the following hypotheses: the higher the education level, the more the interest to choose; the more the experiences, the better the perception to choose; the better the tagline and propaganda, the more interest to choose; the closer the ethnic, the more interest to choose. The result showed that candidate who has more experiences is the most interest candidate to choose by young adult voter . The model obtained allows for discussion of the explanatory value of these variables

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Kulit Telur Menjadi Suplemen Penambah Gizi Bagi Masyarakat di Desa Paddingin Kecamatan Sanrobone Kabupaten Takalar

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    Empowerment of rural communities, especially the community of partner villages or assisted villages, is a community service carried out by Universitas Muslim Indonesia Lecturers as a form of the Tri Dharma of higher education. One of the partner villages or villages assisted by the Universitas Muslim Indonesia where we serve, is Paddingin Village, Sanrobone District, Takalar Regency, where one of our service programs is to provide counseling to village communities about the use of eggshell waste as nutritional supplements. In addition to being easy to obtain and cheap to process, eggshells have a high content of calcium so that the flour produced from processing eggshells can be used as a supplement to increase the nutrition of rural communitie

    Student Traveler : Let’s Explore Indonesia

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    Learning English is a must-have skill, particularly for the millennial generation, which will compete globally with people from all over the world. Mastering English is no longer a choice; it is an unavoidable must. Language, particularly English, serves as a portal to the rest of the world. Reading and writing are essential skills for all students, especially as they strive to become more insightful students who will be fully useful and knowledgeable human beings in the future. As a result, students will have the insight and knowledge necessary to construct and govern this country as future leaders. Writing, in addition to reading, is a requirement for demonstrating students’ linguistic competence. Writing is one of our methods for ensuring the survival and continuance of our information. This book chapter includes information that will help everyone to travel either all around Indonesia or the world