4 research outputs found

    Captura De Jaguatiricas (leopardus Pardalis): Armadilhas, Iscas, Ferimentos, Imobilização E Custos

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)The capture of wild animals can provide important information on community structure, population dynamics, home range size, activity patterns, habitat use, denning, social behavior and health status. The objective of this study was to describe the method of capture with details on baits, injuries, non-target captures, anesthesia and costs, to evaluate its success as part of a health evaluation program of ocelots in a Brazilian Atlantic Forest Reserve. From a total of 1,011 trap-night effort in 86 days, we had 68 capture events composed of ocelots (22%, n=15) and non-target species (78%, n = 53). We captured 10 individual ocelots in 15 capture events, corresponding to 5.7 days to capture one ocelot. Capture efficiency was 14.8 ocelots/1,000 trap-nights effort. We suggest capture methods should be selected and implemented based on the following criteria: (i) high capture efficiency; (ii) high selectivity; (iii) low injury rate; (iv) high immobilization suitability; and (v) low costs, in order to enable comparisons of studies from different research groups and from different study areas, allowing a deliberate choice of the best method. © 2017, Universidade Estadual de Campinas UNICAMP. All rights reserved.171CNPq, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico2010/00907-8, FAPESP, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São PauloConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Predação De Anta (tapirus Terrestris) Por Onça-parda (puma Concolor)

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    The process of forest fragmentation affects mostly top predators, which are more prone to first disappear. Pumas, Puma concolor, are known to have a generalist diet that includes a wide variety of wild and domestic prey species. The capacity of adapting their diet to consuming prey in anthropogenic habitats may be the reason for this species' success in incorporating anthropogenic areas with different levels of fragmentation as part of its habitat. Here we report a case of puma consumption of a large wild prey species, the tapir, Tapirus terrestris. From March 2012 to October 2013 we collected 85 puma's scats opportunistically inside fragments of the Atlantic Forest in the Parana state, Brazil. In one of the scats we found hairs and some hooves of a tapir, as well as puma hairs. We propose two hypotheses that may explain the occurrence of tapir in a pumás scat: (1) an event of scavenging or (2) an event of predation on a juvenile tapir. The most likely explanation for this event may be the predation of a juvenile in response to a possible abundant presence of tapirs in the study area. This event adds to our understanding of the great plasticity of this species to adapt to an altered landscape. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a puma scavenging or predation event on a tapir. © 2016, Universidade Estadual de Campinas UNICAMP. All rights reserved.1611

    Non-volant mammals of Carlos Botelho State Park, Paranapiacaba Forest Continuum

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    A Mata Atlântica é o bioma melhor conhecido em relação à mastofauna no Brasil, contudo ainda assim apresenta uma série de lacunas de conhecimento sobre a persistência e distribuição de espécies, o que representa um risco adicional à conservação de mamíferos. Neste trabalho, através da coleta de dados por diferentes métodos - armadilhas fotográficas, censos diurnos, registro de vestígios, armadilhas de queda e captura viva - ao longo de oito anos (2004-2012), foi realizado o inventário da mastofauna não voadora do Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho (SP). No total foram registradas 53 espécies, sendo 12 espécies ameaçadas regionalmente e uma exótica (Lepus europaeus), com a presença da maioria dos mamíferos esperados para o Continuum Florestal da Serra do Paranapiacaba. A comunidade de mamíferos não voadores quase completa, e a presença de espécies ameaçadas reforçam o papel desta área protegida para a conservação de mamíferos na Mata Atlântica. Embora, a extinção local de uma espécie, Tayassu pecari, alerte para a necessidade de medidas efetivas de proteção.The Atlantic Forest is one of the most studied Brazilian biomes in relation to its mammalian fauna. However, there is still a series of gaps of knowledge about the distribution and persistence of some of these species which prevents taking adequate conservation measures to better protect the mammals. In order to make the inventory of the non-volant mammalian fauna of the Carlos Botelho State Park (SP), we compiled data of camera trapping, diurnal census, track records, pitfall and live trapping collected over 8 years (2004-2012). We registered a total of 53 species, of which 12 are regionally threatened and one is an exotic species (Lepus europaeus), including the presence of most mammal species expected for the Paranapiacaba Forest Continuum. The high non-volant mammals species richness allied to the presence of threatened species, strengthen the role of this protected area for mammal conservation in the Atlantic Forest. Although, the local extinction of one species, Tayassu pecari, alert to the need for effective measures of protection