8 research outputs found

    Density and distribution on enset root mealybugs on enset

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    The enset root mealybug (Cataenococcus ensete Williams and Matile-Ferrero) has become the most important insect pest of enset (Ensete ventricosum) in southern Ethiopia. The objective of this study was to determine the distribution and density of enset root mealybugs on enset plants. The distribution of the enset root mealybug on enset roots and corms of the ‘Genticha’ clone was studied in 2005 on farmers’ field at Yirgachefe, southern Ethiopia. An average of 87 adult enset root mealybugs were collected from roots and corms per plant. Themajority of the mealybugs inhabited the roots (79%), while 21% was found on the corms. About 99% of the mealybugs were found in the upper 40 cm soil layer. In addition, about 90% of the mealybugs were collected within a 60 cm radius from the plants. The majority of the mealybugs (59%) were found on the upper half of the corm. About 63% of all mealybugs were collected from the corm and on the roots within a 20 cm radius from the corm. Both root and shoot fresh weight had a negative correlation (r2 = 0.58 and 0.92, respectively) with the ensetroot mealybug population density

    An IPM guide for enset root mealybug (Cataenococcus ensete) in enset production

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    This guide has been produced as an overview of a body of work that aims to help mitigate the threat of Enset mealybug: the biology and description of Enset mealybug; its behaviour; its geographical distribution; the pest symptoms; the list of mealybug dispersal methods, and the means of mealybug management, including prevention (clean planting material, extension, affordable management, quarantine, hygiene and ant control), cultural control (farmyard manure, hot water treatment, cultivation), biological control, use of insecticidal plant extracts (botanicals), and agrochemical control

    Hot water immersion disinfests enset (Ensete ventricosum) suckers from the enset root mealybug Cataenococcus ensete Williams and Matile-Ferrero

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    The enset root mealybug, Cataenococcus ensete Williams and Matile-Ferrero (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae) is a pest of national significance attacking enset in south and south-western Ethiopia. Adults and nymphs of several overlapping generations feed on the crops’ underground corms and roots, making them hard to reach and thus control. The main means of pest spread is through infested planting material. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of a hot water treatment of enset suckers against enset root mealybugs. Small, medium and large-sized infested enset suckers were each exposed to water temperatures of 21, 55, 75 and 95°C for periods of 10, 30, 60 and 300 s. Complete mealybug mortality was obtained for 60 s at 55°C and at 10 and 30 s exposure times at 75 and 95°C without affecting the performance of enset suckers of all size groups. Considering the ease of using boiling water for small-scale enset farmers, immersing suckers for at least 10 and up to 30 s at 95°C is advocated in order to eliminate all enset root mealybugs from enset suckers. The immersion of enset suckers in boiling water for 10 to 30 s can be easily demonstrated, with a much higher envisaged adoption rate by farmers