7 research outputs found

    Functionally relevant proteins in Plasmodium falciparum host cell invasion

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    A totally effective, antimalarial vaccine must involve sporozoite and merozoite proteins (or their fragments) to ensure complete parasite blocking during critical invasion stages. This Special Report examines proteins involved in critical biological functions for parasite survival and highlights the conserved amino acid sequences of the most important proteins involved in sporozoite invasion of hepatocytes and merozoite invasion of red blood cells. Conserved high activity binding peptides are located in such proteins' functionally strategic sites, whose functions are related to receptor binding, nutrient and protein transport, enzyme activity and molecule-molecule interactions. They are thus excellent targets for vaccine development as they block proteins binding function involved in invasion and also their biological function

    Critical role of HLA-DRb* binding peptides' peripheralflankingresidues in fully-protective malaria vaccine development

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    A vaccine candidate component must fit perfectly into the antigen presenting HLA-DRβ* molecule's groove (or canonical nonapeptide) peptide binding region (PBR) during antigen presentation to the T-cell receptor (TCR), conforming a specific and stable macromolecular complex and induce an appropriate immune response. Antigen's peripheral flanking residues (PFR, positions (p) -p2 and p10) must thus establish strong interactions with the HLA-DRβ* - TCR complex. These amino acids (aa) have specific physico-chemical characteristics enabling differentiation between non-protective but antibody-inducer (NPAI), short-lived protection inducer (SLPI) and long-lasting protection inducer (LLPI) peptides when used as an antimalarial vaccine component. Their identification (through 1H-NMR and Aotus monkey immunization) and proper modification contributes to a logical and rational methodology for long-lasting and protective immunological memory

    Structural analysis of owl monkey MHC-DR shows that fully-protective malaria vaccine components can be readily used in humans

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    More than 50 years ago the owl monkey (genusAotus) was found to be highly susceptible to developinghuman malaria, making it an excellent experimental model for this disease. Microbes and parasites'(especially malaria) tremendous genetic variability became resolved during our malaria vaccine devel-opment, involving conserved peptides having high host cell binding activity (cHABPs); however, cHABPsare immunologically silent and must be specially modified (mHABPs) to induce a perfectfit into majorhistocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules (HLA in humans). Since malarial immunity is mainlyantibody-mediated and controlled by the HLA-DRB genetic region, ~1000Aotushave been molecularlycharacterised for MHC-DRB, revealing striking similarity between human andAotusMHC-DRB reper-tories. Such convergence suggested that a large group of immune protection-inducing protein structures(IMPIPS), highly immunogenic and protection inducers against malarial intravenous challenge inAotus,could easily be used in humans for inducing full protection against malaria. We highlight the value of alogical and rational methodology for developing a vaccine in an appropriate animal model:Aotusmonkey

    The First Chemically-Synthesised, Highly Immunogenic Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Peptides in DNA Genotyped Aotus Monkeys for Human Use

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    Thirty-five peptides selected from functionally-relevant SARS-CoV-2 spike (S), membrane (M), and envelope (E) proteins were suitably modified for immunising MHC class II (MHCII) DNA-genotyped Aotus monkeys and matched with HLA-DRβ1* molecules for use in humans. This was aimed at producing the first minimal subunit-based, chemically-synthesised, immunogenic molecules (COLSARSPROT) covering several HLA alleles. They were predicted to cover 48.25% of the world’s population for 6 weeks (short-term) and 33.65% for 15 weeks (long-lasting) as they induced very high immunofluorescent antibody (IFA) and ELISA titres against S, M and E parental native peptides, SARS-CoV-2 neutralising antibodies and host cell infection. The same immunological methods that led to identifying new peptides for inclusion in the COLSARSPROT mixture were used for antigenicity studies. Peptides were analysed with serum samples from patients suffering mild or severe SARS-CoV-2 infection, thereby increasing chemically-synthesised peptides’ potential coverage for the world populations up to 62.9%. These peptides’ 3D structural analysis (by 1H-NMR acquired at 600 to 900 MHz) suggested structural-functional immunological association. This first multi-protein, multi-epitope, minimal subunit-based, chemically-synthesised, highly immunogenic peptide mixture highlights such chemical synthesis methodology’s potential for rapidly obtaining very pure, highly reproducible, stable, cheap, easily-modifiable peptides for inducing immune protection against COVID-19, covering a substantial percentage of the human populationIncluye referencias bibliográfica

    Malaria: Paving the way to developing peptide-based vaccines against invasion in infectious diseases.

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    Malaria remains a large-scale public health problem, killing more than 400,000 people and infecting up to 230 million worldwide, every year. Unfortunately, despite numerous efforts and research concerning vaccine development, results to date have been low and/or strain-specific. This work describes a strategy involving Plasmodium falciparum Duffy binding-like (DBL) and reticulocyte-binding protein homologue (RH) family-derived minimum functional peptides, netMHCIIpan3.2 parental and modified peptides' in silico binding prediction and modeling some Aotus major histocompatibility class II (MHCII) molecules based on known human molecules' structure to understand their differences. These are used to explain peptides' immunological behaviour when used as vaccine components in the Aotus model. Despite the great similarity between human and Aotus immune system molecules, around 50% of Aotus allele molecules lack a counterpart in the human immune system which could lead to an Aotus-specific vaccine. It was also confirmed that functional Plasmodium falciparum' conserved proteins are immunologically silent (in both the animal model and in-silico prediction); they must therefore be modified to elicit an appropriate immune response. Some peptides studied here had the desired behaviour and can thus be considered components of a fully-protective antimalarial vaccine