31 research outputs found

    Kesesuaian Lahan Untuk Tempat Tinggal Di DAS Secang, Kabupaten Kulonprogo, Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA Land Suitability of Housing at Secang Watershed, Kulonprogo District, YOGYAKARTA Special Region

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui kesesuaian lahan untuk tempattinggal berdasarkan peta penggunaan lahan aktual di DAS Secang, Kulonprogo dan untuk (2) mengetahui pengaruh parameter-parameter kondisi fisik terhadap kesesuaian lahan untuk tempat tinggal di DAS Secang. Unit analisis dalam penelitian ini adalah satuan lahan. Satuan lahan yang memiliki penggunaan lahan permukiman saja yang dijadikan lokasi pengambilan sampel. Teknik pengolahan data yang digunakan adalah penjumlahan harkat tujuh parameter kesesuaian lahan untuk tempat tinggal di masing-masing sampel. Analisis data dilakukan dengan klasifikasi kelas lahan dari hasil penjumlahan tersebut. Dari hasil klasifikasi kesesuaian lahan dapat disimpulkan bahwa tempat tinggal yang ada di DAS Secang sebagian besar menempati lahan yang cukup sesuai (sedang) seluas 470,64 Ha atau 93,3 % meliputi D1/III/1/Pm, D1/III/3/Pm, D2/IV/1/Pm, dan D2/IV/3/Pm. Sebagian kecil berada di kelas tidak sesuai (buruk) seluas 33,78 Ha atau 6,7 % yaitu D3/V/1/Pm dan D3/V/3/Pm. Kelas lahan sedang dipengaruhi oleh parameter kemiringan lereng dan kembang kerut tanah. Sedangkan kelas lahan buruk dipengaruhi oleh parameter kemiringan lereng, kembang kerut tanah, dan gerak massa batuan

    Impact of Socio-Economic and Socio-Ecologic Due to Ecotourism in Halimun Salak National Park

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    Keberadaan ekowisata mempengaruhi kehidupan masyarakat di seluruh wilayah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini diringkas dalam dua pernyataan. Pertama, menentukan dampak sosio-ekonomi diterima oleh masyarakat lokal karena adanya ekowisata. Kedua, menentukan dampak sosio-ekologis yang diterima oleh daerah karena adanya ekowisata masyarakat. Hasil didasarkan pada dampak sosial ekonomi meliputi rumah tangga meningkat tingkat pendapatan, tingkat kerja sama, laju Perubahan dan penilaian gaya hidup, tingkat komunikasi, persepsi warga terhadap wisatawan, tingkat kerja alokasi waktu dan tingkatan penduduk dalam kegiatan ekonomi. Dampak sosial-ekonomi tidak terlihat di Kampung Citalahab untuk ekowisata dan desa tertutup bagi wisatawan yang berkunjung. Sosial-dampak ekologis dapat dilihat tingkat keterlibatan penduduk dalam konservasi penelitian lokal, dan Perumahan status

    Penerapan Metode Gerakan Obyek Untuk Pengambilan Citra Digital Pada Obtion Remote Versi 1.0

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    Development of the world\u27s information and communication technology-based growing rapidly. The development of these technologies has given rise to another dimension in human life, namely the need for computer use. Application of machine vision applications where a computer has the ability to understand the data in the form of image and make decisions based on data obtained from a real object, in this case is generated through the capture image from webcam. The images (digital images) of a real object through a webcam can be done in many ways capture the object. In this research object retrieval using an object of activity is captured on the webcam through the motions of objects. Digital image acquisition is performed with the tool in the form of software (Obtion Remote Version 1.0). Obtion (Object Detection) method works with the system of comparison between that time frame the previous frame captured by the camera at the time of recording the object. Comparison of the difference in the frame will be accommodated in a place that will be used to support the execution of an object by counting the number of pixels that exceed the value of the difference in number of field values with regulator frame to frame changes in the location of the object motionObtion Remote Version 1.0 will take a digital image of the object with trigger object motion detection performed. Digital image acquisition (capture the object with a webcam) will be done automatically if the object has been successfully detected. The detected object will be stored automatically in the directory are executed as a digital image storage

    Perancangan Mail Client Menggunakan Mekanisme Create Folder Otomatis

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    The development of computer technology and telecommunications right now has changed the way society communicates. The technology used to communicate exists since the first Internet presence, that is to say by using the electronic mail. Email is a technology that allows everyone to communicate by sending messages or files. As with other ways that can be used to read and send emails, use the email client application. Email client is an application installed on a computer device used to access the email account on an email server, the email client does not need to use a browser application. But as long as this classification on email is still done manually on the part where the file storage download. To resolve the issue ranking of emails can be done automatically according to the name of the subject of e-mail, messages or files that are entered on the e-mail client of the application can then be downloaded and the data to download are stored in the folder that corresponds to the name of the subject e-mail, so that a message or file will be stored in a folder, it gives the convenience classification for mail client application mail user electronic with the number of messages or files that are much more consistent with the existing keywords in the subject of the email. This email client application can create folders automatically when downloading messages. Then, the downloaded file will be stored in the folder corresponding to the name of the subject. The file extension downloaded * .ml, the file can be opened via the mail client application. The mail client application can run on Windows and Linux operating systems

    Formulasi Kebijakan Komunikasi untuk Pelaksanaan Program Pembangunan Kesehatan

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    Komunikasi adalah faktor penting dalam keberhasilan implementasi kebijakan dan program pemerintah. Beberapa temuan hasil riset dan pemberitaan di media menunjukkan bahwa masih terdapat kebijakan danprogram kesehatan yang belum berhasil mencapai target, yang mungkin disebabkan karena tidak berjalannya fungsi komunikasi secara optimal. Oleh karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis proses kebijakan dan menghasilkan formulasi kebijakan komunikasi publik (berupa rancangan pedoman). Desain penelitian deskriptif menggunakan metodologi kualitatif, pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam, focus group discussion dan telaah dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan fungsi komunikasi yang dijalankan telah mengalamikemajuan, tetapi masih ada permasalahan dan tantangan, baik internal maupun eksternal, antara lain belum memiliki pedoman komunikasi yang dijadikan acuan dalam mengarahkan, mengendalikan dan mengevaluasi pelaksanaan tugas dan fungsinya sehari-hari dan mengatur hal-hal kehumasan yang mendasar dan menyeluruh. Disimpulkan bahwa fungsi komunikasi yang dijalankan Unit Hubungan Masyarakat Kementerian Kesehatan belum berjalan secara optimal. Direkomendasikan segera adanya pedoman yang mengatur fungsi komunikasi secara terintegrasidan komprehensif dalam hal kelembagaan, kegiatan, tata laksana kerja dan sumber daya. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan akan diadopsi menjadi regulasi dalam mendukung pelaksanaan program pembangunan kesehatan di Indonesia

    Smoking-Related Social Control in Indonesian Single-Smoker Couples

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    BACKGROUND: The majority of Indonesian smokers are men and those who are married nearly always have a non-smoking wife (i.e. single-smoker couples). Previous studies have suggested that Indonesian women dislike smoking. However, contesting their husbands' smoking could be seen as disrespectful. In this study, we examine whether, and if so how, wives employ social control tactics to change their husbands' smoking and how the smokers perceive the tactics. METHOD: In-depth interviews (N = 12) with five single-smoker couples (N = 10 individual interviews) and two non-smoking wives of smokers (N = 2) were conducted in Jogjakarta, Indonesia. We used a social control framework and thematic analysis approach to analyse the transcribed interviews. RESULTS: Three themes emerged from smokers and their wives: (1) although the wives know that smoking is bad, they have to tolerate it, (2) wives and their husbands find it important to maintain harmony and (3) their family's needs serve as common ground. All the wives interviewed exerted social control to some degree, especially when they were pregnant or had children. Smokers reacted positively to social control and agreed to child-related house rules, but not to requests to give up smoking. CONCLUSION: Wives do exert social control and smokers are willing to accommodate and adapt their smoking. However, wives' influence on smoking may be limited in Indonesia, and focusing on managing their husbands' smoking at home rather than overall smoking might be more fruitful

    Analisis Implementasi Kebijakan PKPS BBM Bidang Kesehatan

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    Unavoidable raise of International fuel prices had forced Government of Indonesia under the leadership of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) to reduce fuel subsidies. These happened in March 2005 (fuel prices increased approximately 60 per cent), October 2005 (with 108 per cent rise in fuel prices), and May 2008 (which increased the fuel prices for around 30 per cent). The point of this policy is that the government has intention to re-allocate the funds fromreduced fuel subsidies to four main programs for poor people such as direct compensation (payment of 100,000 Indonesian Rupiah, or about US$10, to 15 million families, or one quarter of the population, through the state postal and banking system), school operational assistance, free health service, and rural infrastructure program. The objective of this study is to evaluate the Fuel Subsidy Reduction Compensation Program (Program Kompensasi Pengurangan Subsidi Bahan Bakar Minyak (PKPS-BBM)) during the period 2005-2006 in general. Quantitative and qualitative approaches are used in this research through document analysis and in-depth interview. PKPS BBM program implementation in Nusa Tenggara Barat, Kalimantan Timur, and Bogor City are not yet optimal because of the dissimilarity on number of target and standard of utilisation in each region, considering differences in their geographical conditions. However, poor people are quite satisfied with free health services although the realization did not touch the target completely. Moreover, there stillexists expense charged to poor people

    Ketersediaan Sni Dan Lembaga Penilaian Kesesuaian Serta Kesiapan Industri Sektor Otomotif Menghadapi Regulasi Unece

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    Harmonisasi standar dan regulasi untuk sektor industri otomotif menjadi jawaban terhadap globalisasi industri otomotif untuk meningkatkan daya saing dan menjamin mutu produk. Dalam forum APEC dan ASEAN, negara anggota sepakat untuk melakukan adopsi regulasi otomotif sesuai dengan regulasi UNECE. Ketersediaan SNI, LPK dan kesiapan industri otomotif dalam menghadapi regulasi UNECE yang prioritas menjadi tujuan penelitian ini melalui studi pustaka dan survei lapangan (8 kota). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Expert Judgment dalam menentukan regulasi UNECE yang akan diteliti dan analisis dekriptif dalam mengolah data dalam kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa pengetahuan pelaku USAha sektor otomotif terkait ASEAN MRA 19 regulasi UNECE (tahap 1) masih rendah (14%). Selain itu terdapat juga 39 SNI sektor otomotif yang mempunyai acuan yang tidak update (terkini) dan usianya lebih dari 10 tahun, sehingga perlu dikaji ulang untuk direvisi. Dari 19 regulasi UNECE yang telah dibedah ternyata terdapat 119 buah Standar Internasional, Standar Regional dan Standar Nasional negara lain yang diusulkan untuk diadopsi sebagai standar mendukung ASEAN MRA sektor otomotif. Laboratorium Uji yang terkait dengan 19 regulasi UNECE juga masih minim sehingga perlu pengembangan Laboratorium Uji untuk mendukung peningkatan daya saing produk Indonesia di luar negeri