62 research outputs found

    Chryseobacterium indologenes Peritonitis in a Peritoneal Dialysis Patient: A Case Report and Review of Literature

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    Peritonitis is one of the most important complications in patients with peritoneal dialysis (PD). Appropriate antibiotic treatment against PD-associated peritonitis is necessary to prevent PD catheter removal and withdrawal from PD. Chryseobacterium indologenes is a Gram-negative rod that occurs in the natural environment. C. indologenes is thought to acquire resistance to β-lactam drugs through the production of metallo-β-lactamase and to become resistant to antibiotic therapy through the formation of biofilms. Only a few cases of PD-associated peritonitis caused by C. indologenes have been reported to date, and appropriate treatment strategies have not been clarified. In the past, 5 cases of PD-associated peritonitis caused by C. indologenes have been reported and 2 patients required catheter removal because of recurrence or refractoriness. In this case, a 51-year-old man with PD-associated peritonitis caused by C. indologenes was treated with 2 susceptible antibiotics, including fluoroquinolones to prevent acquired resistance and biofilm formation. There was no recurrence, and catheter removal was not necessary in this case. Collectively, the present case highlighted that PD-associated peritonitis caused by C. indologenes should be treated with 2 susceptible antibiotics including fluoroquinolones for 3 weeks

    Association of liver enzyme levels and alveolar bone loss : a cross-sectional clinical study in Sado Island

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    The interaction of periodontopathic bacteria with host immune system induces the production of inflammatory mediators which leads to alveolar bone loss (ABL), the essential feature of periodontitis. Concurrently, periodontal diseases cause the elevation of blood cytokine levels, the alteration of gut microbiota and the dissemination of enterobacteria to the liver. Owing to these mechanisms, periodontal disease might be a risk for liver dysfunction. Several epidemiological studies have reported associations between periodontal diseases and liver dysfunction, although the association between ABL and liver dysfunction has not been investigated. This cross-sectional study determined if elevated serum liver enzyme levels were associated with ABL in Japanese adults. Japanese adults living on Sado Island who visited Sado General Hospital were invited to participate in the study. Participants over 40 years of age who underwent dental panoramic radiography and blood tests were included. Drinking and smoking habits were self-administered. After excluding patients with edentulous jaw, diagnosed liver diseases, and those on dialysis, data from 44 men and 66 women with a mean age of 73 years were analyzed. The average percentage of ABL for each participant was calculated for mesial and distal sites of all remaining teeth. The levels of serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) were determined. Univariate analyses were performed to select covariates to be put in multivariate analyses. The association between elevated serum liver enzyme levels and the highest quartile of ABL were assessed by multiple logistic regression analysis. After adjusting for covariates, no significant association was found between elevated serum AST, ALT, or GGT levels as dependent variables and the highest quartile of ABL as an explanatory variable. There was no significant association between the elevation of serum liver enzyme levels and ABL in Japanese adults

    カテイニ オケル ドウブツ ノ イノチ ト ショクニク ノ カンレンセイ 二 カンスル キョウイク ノ ジッタイ チョウサ

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    平成17年6月,『食育基本法』が制定された。しかしながらその内容は,ほとんどが食事の重要性や栄養バランスなどに重点が置かれており,戦後のわが国の平均寿命を飛躍的に延ばしたとされる,動物性タンパク質とくに食肉に代表される畜産物に関して,それがヒトと同等である動物の命から得られているということを教える食育プログラムはほとんど認められない。そこで,本研究では子供が他の動物の命をもらって生かされていることを認識し,命に対する感謝の心を持てるようにと考え,家庭における動物の命と畜産物の関連性に関する教育の実態調査を行った。都内の中高生 1,117人およびその保護者 1,009人の計 2,126人にアンケートを行ったところ,生徒は小学校低学年までに肉が動物であることを知り,保護者も教えていることが明らかとなった。肉を生産する動物について,生徒は動物の命を奪って肉が得られるという内容を多く聞き,また保護者も話しており,動物の命と食肉の関係について子供がしっかりと理解する機会を持っていることは判明したが,生徒は肉が動物であることを自然に知った,覚えていないとする回答が多く,家庭で教えられた記憶を持ちにくいことがうかがえた。In June, 2005, "Basic Act for Food Education" was established. However, regarding the content, importance was only put on the balance of a meals and the level of nourishment. the Meat, and animal protein represented by meat, extended the postwar average life span of the nation dramatically, but most of the food education programs teaching that meat is obtained by taking the life of the animal are not recognized. Therefore, an investigation was carried out on home training in the relationship of animal life and meat, to recognize that a child receives the life of other animals, and to have a feeling of thankfulness for life. A questionnaire survey of 2,126 people, 1,009 parents and 1,117 junior and senior high school students was carried out in Tokyo. It was ascertained that the students of elementary school lower class knew that meat was an animal. The students heard mostly that meat means taking the life of an animal, and the parents talked about this as well. It was found that the students did have the opportunity to understand the life of the animal and its relation to meat well, but there were many answers that showed that the students knew that meat was an animal naturally, but also that they did not remember it. It was understood that they found it hard to remember what they were taught at home

    カテイニ オケル ドウブツ ノ イノチ ト ショクニク ノ カンレンセイ 二 カンスル キョウイク ノ ジッタイ チョウサ

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    平成17年6月,『食育基本法』が制定された。しかしながらその内容は,ほとんどが食事の重要性や栄養バランスなどに重点が置かれており,戦後のわが国の平均寿命を飛躍的に延ばしたとされる,動物性タンパク質とくに食肉に代表される畜産物に関して,それがヒトと同等である動物の命から得られているということを教える食育プログラムはほとんど認められない。そこで,本研究では子供が他の動物の命をもらって生かされていることを認識し,命に対する感謝の心を持てるようにと考え,家庭における動物の命と畜産物の関連性に関する教育の実態調査を行った。都内の中高生 1,117人およびその保護者 1,009人の計 2,126人にアンケートを行ったところ,生徒は小学校低学年までに肉が動物であることを知り,保護者も教えていることが明らかとなった。肉を生産する動物について,生徒は動物の命を奪って肉が得られるという内容を多く聞き,また保護者も話しており,動物の命と食肉の関係について子供がしっかりと理解する機会を持っていることは判明したが,生徒は肉が動物であることを自然に知った,覚えていないとする回答が多く,家庭で教えられた記憶を持ちにくいことがうかがえた。In June, 2005, "Basic Act for Food Education" was established. However, regarding the content, importance was only put on the balance of a meals and the level of nourishment. the Meat, and animal protein represented by meat, extended the postwar average life span of the nation dramatically, but most of the food education programs teaching that meat is obtained by taking the life of the animal are not recognized. Therefore, an investigation was carried out on home training in the relationship of animal life and meat, to recognize that a child receives the life of other animals, and to have a feeling of thankfulness for life. A questionnaire survey of 2,126 people, 1,009 parents and 1,117 junior and senior high school students was carried out in Tokyo. It was ascertained that the students of elementary school lower class knew that meat was an animal. The students heard mostly that meat means taking the life of an animal, and the parents talked about this as well. It was found that the students did have the opportunity to understand the life of the animal and its relation to meat well, but there were many answers that showed that the students knew that meat was an animal naturally, but also that they did not remember it. It was understood that they found it hard to remember what they were taught at home

    Loss of yata, a Novel Gene Regulating the Subcellular Localization of APPL, Induces Deterioration of Neural Tissues and Lifespan Shortening

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    Background: The subcellular localization of membrane and secreted proteins is finely and dynamically regulated through intracellular vesicular trafficking for permitting various biological processes. Drosophila Amyloid precursor protein like (APPL) and Hikaru genki (HIG) are examples of proteins that show differential subcellular localization among several developmental stages. Methodology/Principal Findings: During the study of the localization mechanisms of APPL and HIG, we isolated a novel mutant of the gene, CG1973, which we named yata. This molecule interacted genetically with Appl and is structurally similar to mouse NTKL/SCYL1, whose mutation was reported to cause neurodegeneration. yata null mutants showed phenotypes that included developmental abnormalities, progressive eye vacuolization, brain volume reduction, and lifespan shortening. Exogenous expression of Appl or hig in neurons partially rescued the mutant phenotypes of yata. Conversely, the phenotypes were exacerbated in double null mutants for yata and Appl. We also examined the subcellular localization of endogenous APPL and exogenously pulse-induced APPL tagged with FLAG by immunostaining the pupal brain and larval motor neurons in yata mutants. Our data revealed that yata mutants showed impaired subcellular localization of APPL. Finally, yata mutant pupal brains occasionally showed aberrant accumulation of Sec23p, a component of the COPII coat of secretory vesicles traveling from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the Golgi