31 research outputs found

    Media Pembelajaran Berbasis STEM Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa

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    The aim of this research is to produce STEM-based learning media in the form of learning videos that have been tested for feasibility ,   practicality and effectiveness to improve students' critical thinking. The research model used is ADDIE, namely: 1) initial needs analysis to determine student needs; 2) initial media design and creating research instruments; 3) video development using the Canva and Animeker applications , as well as validation by media, material and language experts; 4) small-scale limited trials on 30 class VIII students; 5) evaluation from users, namely students and subject teachers. The results of media, material and language expert data analysis state that STEM-based learning media is suitable for use. Based on the feasibility assessment from media experts, a score of 93.75% was obtained, material experts obtained a score of 82% and language experts obtained a score of 90% in the "very valid" category. The results of the small-scale test assessment on 30 students obtained a score of 0.56, which is included in the "medium" category. So it can be concluded that STEM-based learning media on rectilinear motion material is suitable for use by students as learning media to improve students' critical thinking skills. The results of this research show that the use of STEM-based learning media in the form of learning videos can improve students' critical thinking skills, because videos can present information in the form of text, images, sound and can clarify abstract concepts.   Keywords: Video Learning Media, Straight Movement, Critical Thinking Abilit

    Upaya Peningkatan Motivasi Belajar Fisika Melalui Discovery Learning - Berdiferensiasi di Era Kurikulum Merdeka

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    Kurikulum merdeka menawarkan berbagai macam sisi positif baik dari sisi guru dan sisi peserta didik, yaitu (1) peserta didik dan guru dapat memilih materi yang esensial dalam pembelajaran, (2) peserta didik diberikan kebebasan dalam belajar sesuai dengan karakteristik mereka, (3) guru dibebaskan dalam menggunakan model pembelajaran sesuai dengan karakteristik materi dan tingkat kemampuan peserta didik. Sayangnya, beberapa permasalahan muncul  dari sisi siwa dan sisi guru. Permasalahan tersebut antara lain (1) rendahnya motivasi belajar peserta didik , (2) peserta didik cenderung pasif dalam pembelajaran, (3) peserta didik kurang mampu untuk belajar secara mandiri (4) peserta didik terlihat bosan selama pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar peserta didik  melalui model pembelajaran discovery learning-berdiferensiasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada kelas X di salah satu SMAN Kota Malang dengan jumlah peserta didik sebanyak 35 anak. Metode pemilihan sample dilakukan dengan teknik cluster random sampling. Sementara itu untuk teknik analisis data menggunakan distribusi frekuensi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan angket, observasi dan wawancara tidak terstruktur. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh, terjadi peningkatan motivasi belajar pada peserta didik setalah dilakukan model pembelajaran discovery learning-berdiferensiasi. Selain peningkatan motivasi belajar, hasil observasi menunjukkan peserta didik aktif dalam pembelajaran, kemampuan kolaborasi meningkat, mampu belajar secara mandiri dan bersemangat ketika mengikuti pembelajaran fisika&nbsp

    High impact on students’ understanding of atomics radius on crystals geometry concept through implementation of JITT with 3D animation

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    This study was conducted to analyze the students 'initial and final understanding after the application of JITT with 3D animation, to identify students' responses and arguments, and to determine the impact of using JITT with 3D animation. This research involved 43 students of the 6th semester of the 2019-2020 academic year of the Physics Education study program of the Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang who took solid state physics course. Students' initial and final understanding was analyzed through responses and arguments presented during the pretest, while the impact of JITT application with 3D animation was analyzed based on the results of the pretest and posttest as well as student responses during the learning process expressed through short interviews and discussions. The qualitative and quantitative data generated from the mixed-method approach were analyzed simultaneously. The results show that the students understand that the atomic radius for all the different crystal lattices is the same, namely a/2. This was awakened by an early understanding of the general definition of the radius. However, after following the JITT stages with 3D animation, their understanding changed that the atomic radius of each crystal lattice is different in length. In addition, the results of statistical analysis showed that there was a very significant increase in the students' mastery of concepts from an average of 26.9 to 96.7. Meanwhile, the N-gain value is very high, namely 0.96 in the very effective category, which illustrates that JITT with 3D animation has had a high impact on students' understanding of atomic radius in the concept of crystal geometry


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    Tujuan dari observasi ini adalah  mencari bagaimana dampak model discovery learning berbantuan media audio visual terhadap keaktifan dan prestasi kelas VIII A dan VIII C SMP Nasional Malang. Observasi ini menggunakan rancangan purpuse sampling. Data diperoleh selama dan setelah diberi perlakuan dengan menggunakan lembar observasi untuk menghitung nilai keaktifan dan test untuk menghitung prestasi siswa. Analisis data menggunakan uji prsyarat analisis dan uji hipotesis. Dari hasil observasi diperoleh keaktifan dan prestasi belajar kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelas kontrol. Dari hasil observasi dapat ditarik kesimpulan keaktifan dan prestasi belajar dengan model discovery learning  berbantuan media audio visual lebih tinggi daripada model konvensional


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    Abstrak: Pembelajaran open ended problem bersetting kooperatif merupakan pembelajaran dimana guru menyajikan permasalahan dengan banyak jawaban, kemudian siswa mendiskusikannya dalam kelompok belajar dan mempresentasikan hasil diskusi serta pada akhirnya guru menyimpulkan hasil diskusi siswa mengenai materi yang didapatkan siswa. Sedangkan kreativitas adalah kemampuan untuk menemukan sesuatu yang baru dan merupakan kombinasi berpikir logis dan berpikir divergen yang memperhatikan fleksibilitas, kefasihan, dan kebaruan dalam memecahkan maupun mengajukan masalah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui efektivitas strategi open ended problem bersetting kooperatif terhadap kemampuan menyelesaikan masalah ditinjau dari kreativitas siswa. Rancangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah quasi experiment dengan desain faktorial 2 x 2. Populasi penelitian adalah siswa Kelas VII SMP PGRI 6 Malang , dan sampelnya adalah 1 kelas eksperimen dan 1 kelas kontrol. Teknik untuk menguji hipotesis adalah dengan mengunakan uji ANAVA dua jalur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) kemampuan  penyelesaian masalah fisika siswa yang belajar dengan strategi open ended problem bersetting kooperatif  lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan pembelajaran konvensional, 2) Terdapat interaksi antara strategi open ended problem bersetting kooperatif dengan kreativitas terhadap kemampuan penyelesaian masalah fisika, 3) Kemampuan penyelesaian masalah siswa dengan kreativitas tinggi, yang belajar dengan strategi open ended problem bersetting kooperatif lebih tinggi daripada dengan pembelajaran konvensional, 4) Kemampuan penyelesaian masalah fisika siswa dengan kreativitas rendah yang belajar dengan strategi open ended problem bersetting kooperatif lebih rendah daripada pembelajaran konvensional.Kata kunci: kreativitas, kemampuan menyelesaikan masalah, open ended problem  Abstract: Learning of open ended problems set in cooperative is learning where the teacher presents a problem that has many answers, then the students discuss in the group study and presented the results of discussions and ultimately the teacher concludes the discussion of students in the subject matter or concept of what the student obtained. Creativity is the ability to prepare or find something new and combination of logical thinking and divergent thinking that takes into account the flexibility, fluency, and novelty in solving problems and pose problems. The aim of this research was to determine the effectiveness of the open ended problems strategy set in cooperatively in the ability to solve the problem in terms of the creativity of the students. The design used in this research is a quasi experiment with a 2 x 2 factorial design. The research population  are students of seventh grade in junior high school at PGRI 6 Malang, and the research sample is first grade as a experiment class that we apply the open ended problems strategy set in cooperatively and one class as control class that implements learning the Conventional methods. The techniques that we use to test the hypothesis is ANOVA. The results from this research showed that: 1) the ability of solving physics students that use the open ended problems strategy set in cooperative higher than use conventional learning, 2) There is interaction between the open ended problems strategy set in cooperation with the creativity of the ability of problem solving physics, 3)The ability solving problems of students with high creativity that use the open ended problems strategy set in cooperative higher than use conventional learning, 4)The ability solving problems of students with low creativity, that use the open ended problems strategy set in cooperative lower than use conventional learning.Keywords: creativity, ability to solve the problem, open ended problem

    Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar dan Literasi Lingkungan pada Topik Energi melalui Model Discovery Learning Terintegrasi SDGs

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kualitas implementasi model Discovery Lerning, peningkatan prestasi belajar siswa dan literasi lingkungan siswa pada topik energi  bagi siswa VII SMP PGRI O2 Singosari. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMP PGRI 02 Singosari dengan subjek penelitian kelas VII yang berjumlah 33 orang. Jenis dan metode yang di gunakan adalah jenis pendekatan kualitatif dan metode penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) yang terdiri dari dua siklus. Teknik pengumpulan data meliputi RPP, Lembar Observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan soal prestasi belajar (20 soal) Dan angket literasi lingkungan (10 pernyataan). Pada siklus I dan II pembelajaran di lakukan dengan menggunakan model Discovery Learning. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan, Pertama, penggunaan Model Discovery Learning dapat meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran, hal ini dapat dibuktikan dari hasil persentase kualitas keterlaksanaan pembelajaran siklus II sebesar 75,62%. Kedua, penggunaan Model Discovery Learning dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa. Hal ini dibuktikan nilai prestasi belajar pada siklus II meningkat dari siklus I 77% menjadi 81,60%. Ketiga, model Discovery Learning dapat meningkatkan literasi lingkungan siswa. Hal ini dapat di buktikan hasil persentase literasi lingkungan siswa meningkat dari persentase siklus sebelumnya yaitu 78% menjadi 83,71%. Dari penelitian tersebut dapat di simpulkan bahwa penerapan model Discovery Learning sangat membantu siswa dalam belajar sehingga bisa meningkatkan prestasi belajar dan literasi lingkungan siswa


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan identifikasi akuifer air asin dan air tawar di daerah Sidoarjo. Penentuan akuifer dilakukan berdasarkan model tahananjenis 2D dan data bor. Interpretasi data tahananjenis menunjukkan bahwa prospek akuifer air tawar ada pada kedalaman 10 hingga 50 meter yang menyebar luas, dan akuifer air tawar dalam berada pada kedalaman 140 sampai 170 meter. Akuifer- akuifer tersebut memiliki nilai tahananjenis antara 14,7 sampai 46,2 ohm-meter. Akuifer air asin teridentifikasi pada kedalaman 51 sampai 110 meter dengan nilai tahananjenis 0,48 sampai 3,1 ohm-meter, dan air payau pada kedalaman 20 hingga 40 meter. ABSTRACT Identification of Salt and Fresh Water Aquifers Based on Resistivity Model and Logging Data in Sidoarjo, East Java. The purpose of this study is to identify saltwater and freshwater aquifers in Sidoarjo region. The aquifers were identified based on a 2D resistivity modeling from geoelectrical survey and data interpretation from resistivity logging. Analyzes from both data show that the freshwater aquifer is at the depth of 10 to 50 meters, which are widespread. A deep freshwater aquifer is in a depth of 140 to 170 meters. These aquifers has a resistivity value between 14.7 to 46.2 ohm-meters. Saltwater aquifers are identified in the depth of 51 to 110 meters with resistivity values of 0.48 to 3.1 ohms-meters. And brackish water is at the depth of 20 to 40 meters

    Underground Water-Level Monitoring by Integrated Study of Geoelectric, Logging, Cutting and Pumping Data in Industrial Area of Candi Sub-District, Sidoarjo

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    Monitoring of underground water level with integrated data of geoelectric, logging, cutting and pumping has been done in industrial area of Candi Sub-district, Sidoarjo, which is productive aquifers with widespread area. The integrated study showed that monitoring aquifers in industrial wells has carried out at depths of 140-165 meters. The lithology of the aquifer layer consists of sand layer, clay, and gravel with a low resistivity value of 14.7 to 46.8 ohmmeters. The monitoring results showed that the use of underground water at night was higher than the day and the use on workday was higher than on holiday. The stable debit generated by monitoring wells was 8.41 lt/sec and the groundwater level would return to stable 2.17 meters if the well is rested for 3 hours. The implication of this study was monitorable of the dynamics underground water levels periodically

    Meta-Analysis of the Relationship Between Learning Media in Hybrid Learning and Critical Thinking and Creativity in Science

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    The 21st-century learning paradigm is characterized by integrating technology into learning facilitating flexible and accessible learning experiences. One such model is hybrid learning, enabling education to transcend time and place with technological aid. Amidst this backdrop, it is crucial that hybrid learning provides education and fosters essential skills of the 21st century, including critical thinking and creativity. This research endeavors to establish a connection between the learning media employed in hybrid learning and the enhancement of critical thinking and creativity skills within the Science and STEM education context. The study also investigates the utilization of laboratory-based applications in chemistry instruction. Employing a meta-analysis approach with descriptive analysis methods, the researchers scrutinized 50 articles cataloged in Scopus, focusing on publications from the past decade. The meta-analysis findings unveil a significant effect size of 0.87, indicating a substantial correlation between the use of learning media and the cultivation of critical thinking skills. Moreover, the association between hybrid learning's learning media and creativity skills is evidenced by an effect size of 0.94. Consequently, it can be inferred that a substantial correlation exists between learning media in hybrid learning and the development of creativity and critical thinking abilities. The impact of laboratory-based applications and software in science education, particularly chemistry, is greatly influenced by pedagogical aspects and instructional strategies