23 research outputs found

    Stein manifolds M for which O(M) has the property Ω-tilda (Dedicated to Mikhail Mikhaylovich Dragilev on the occation of his 90th birthday)

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    In this note, we consider the linear topological invariant Ω-tilda for Fréchet spaces of global analytic functions on Stein manifolds. We show that O(M), for a Stein manifold M, enjoys the property Ω-tilda if and only if every compact subset of M lies in a relatively compact sublevel set of a bounded plurisubharmonic function defined on M. We also look at some immediate implications of this characterization

    Parabolic stein manifolds

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    An open Riemann surface is called parabolic in case every bounded subharmonic function on it reduces to a constant. Several authors introduced seemingly different analogs of this notion for Stein manifolds of arbitrary dimension. In the first part of this note we compile these notions of parabolicity and give some immediate relations among these different definitions. In section 3 we relate some of these notions to the linear topological type of the Fr´echet space of analytic functions on the given manifold. In sections 4 and 5 we look at some examples and show, for example, that the complement of the zero set of a Weierstrass polynomial possesses a continuous plurisubharmonic exhaustion function that is maximal off a compact subset

    S-parabolic manifolds

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    A Stein manifold is called S-Parabolic in case there exits a special plurisubharmonic exhaustion function that is maximal outside a compact set. If a continuous special plurisubharmonic exits then we will call the manifold S*-Parabolic: In one dimensional case these notions are equivalent. However in several variables the question as to weather these notions coincide seems open. In this note we establish an interrelation between these two notions

    On lelong-bremermann lemma

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    The main theorem of this note is the following refinement of the well-known Lelong-Bremermann Lemma: Let u be a continuous plurisubharmonic function on a Stein manifold. of dimension n. Then there exists an integer m C-m, s = 1, 2,..., such that the sequence of functions u(s) (z) = 1/p(s) max (ln vertical bar g(j)((s)) (z)vertical bar : j = 1,..., m converges to u uniformly on each compact subset of Omega. In the case when Omega is a domain in the complex plane, it is shown that one can take m = 2 in the theorem above (Section 3); on the other hand, for n-circular plurisubharmonic functions in C-n the statement of this theorem is true with m = n + 1 (Section 4). The last section contains some remarks and open questions

    Bohr property of bases in the space of entire functions and its generalizations

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    We prove that if (φn)n=0,  φ01,(\varphi_n)_{n=0}^\infty, \; \varphi_0 \equiv 1, is a basis in the space of entire functions of dd complex variables, d1,d\geq 1, then for every compact KCdK\subset \mathbb{C}^d there is a compact K1KK_1 \supset K such that for every entire function f=n=0fnφnf= \sum_{n=0}^\infty f_n \varphi_n we have n=0fnsupKφnsupK1f.\sum_{n=0}^\infty |f_n|\, \sup_{K}|\varphi_n| \leq \sup_{K_1} |f|. A similar assertion holds for bases in the space of global analytic functions on a Stein manifold with the Liouville Property.Comment: This version is accepted for publication in the Bulletin of the London Mathematical Societ

    Biological activities and DNA interactions of aqueous extract of Phlomis linearis (Boiss. & Bal.)

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    Phlomis linearis Boiss. & Bal. of the Lamiaceae family is one of the endemic species in Turkey, i.e., growing in the east, central, and southeast parts of Anatolia and used for herbal tea. This study was designed to identify the biochemical and bioactivity properties of this endemic species by DPPH scavenging activity, metal chelating activity, total phenolic content, HPLC-DAD analysis, and MTT assay. Furthermore, the plant extract was evaluated for its antimicrobial activity against bacteria and fungi by using the microdilution method. The interactions between extract and plasmid DNA and their restriction endonuclease reactions were investigated by agarose gel electrophoresis. To support our hypothesis, we performed a molecular docking analysis. The DPPH scavenging activity of the plant extract was 53.86 ± 0.50 µg/ml in terms of IC50 value. The IC50 value of the plant extract was determined as 14.71 ± 4.01 mg/ml for metal chelating assay. The phenolic content of the extract was 231.55 ± 2.11 mg/g dry weight expressed as gallic acid equivalents (GAE). HPLC-DAD results revealed that the phenolic compounds were mainly derivatives of rosmarinic acid, chlorogenic acid, luteolin, luteolin-7-glycoside, luteolin derivatives, rutin derivatives, and apigenin derivatives. Besides, the cytotoxic activity of the plant extract against L929 fibroblast, H1299 non-small-cell lung carcinoma, and Caco-2 colorectal adenocarcinoma cell lines was determined by MTT assay. Phenolic content and molecular docking results correlated with each other

    Functional analysis and complex analysis

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