23 research outputs found

    Effects of support vector machines parameter optimization on sentiment anaylsis

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    Güran, Aysun (Dogus Author) -- Uysal, Mitat (Dogus Author)Kişilerin kullandıkları ürünler ve satın aldıkları hizmetler hakkındaki görüşlerini sosyal medya üzerinden paylaşması yorumların kategorize edilmesini sağlayan duygu analizi konusunun önem kazanmasını sağlamıştır. Duygu analizi ile ilgili çalışmalarda sınıflandırma metodu olarak destek vektör makineleri (DVM)’nin başarılı performansı pek çok kez vurgulanmıştır. Bu çalışma ile duygu analizinin gerçekleştirebileceği farklı veri setleri üzerinde DVM yöntem performansını etkileyen parametre değişimlerinin sınıflandırma performansı üzerindeki etkileri incelenmiş ve farklı deneyler sonucu elde edilen durumlar yorumlanmıştır.Sentiment Analysis which has the meaning of categorization of comments has been popular since people share their ideas about the products and services that they bought. The studies about sentiment analysis point out the importance of support vector machines (SVM) many times. By this work, using different sentiment analysis data sets, parameter changes that effects the performance of SVM method have been analysed and different cases that are acquired by different experiments have been interpreted


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    Four apricot nurseries were surveyed in Hatay province in Turkey to evaluate the phytosanitary status of the nursery plant material. Endophytic and potential pathogenic fungi were identified in plants and 12 Cylindrocarpon-like anamorph isolates were detected in the root system and basal stems of analyzed rootstocks. Based on partial sequencing ITS, three different  Cylindrocarpon-like anamorph species were identified as Dactylonectria torresensis (6 isolates), Dactylonectria novozelandica (3 isolates) and Neonectria candida (3 isolates). Pathogenicity tests were conducted under greenhouse conditions which showed that all three Cylindrocarpon-like anamorph species, were identified as pathogens. ADt12 (D. torresensis) isolate, obtained from the survey area, have been tested in vitro for its sensitivity to several fungicides (thiophanate-methyl (70%), fluazinam (500g/L), fludioxonil (230g/L), and boscalid (26.7%)+pyraclostrobin (6.7%)). It was determined that ADt12 isolate was highly sensitive to fludioxonil and fluazinam, and sensitive to thiophanate-methyl and boscalid+pyraclostrobin as a result of probit analysis of EC50 values

    Determination of the Antifungal Effect of Boron, Sodium and Potassium Salts against Pomegranate Fruit and Crown Rot Disease Agent Coniella granati

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    Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) is one of the most important fruit species grown in Turkey. Fungal pathogens cause significant losses in quality and yield of pomegranate fruit in orchards and warehouses. Pomegranate fruit and crown rot, caused by Coniella granati, is one of the most serious diseases of pomegranate. No fungicides have been registered in Turkey to control this disease. In this study, the antifungal effect of etidote-67, borax, boric acid, sodium benzoate, sodium nitrite, sodium carbonate and potassium sorbate on mycelial growth of C. granati was investigated in vitro. The antifungal effect of the salts on mycelial growth of the fungus was determined at concentrations of 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06 and 0.07 (w%252Fv). Increased concentrations of etidote-67, borax, boric acid, sodium benzoate, sodium nitrite, sodium carbonate, and potassium sorbate significantly inhibited mycelial growth of the fungus compared to the control. Significant differences were found between the efficacy of the treatments (Plt%253B0.05). The concentrations of 0.04%25 and 0.03%25 of etidot-67 and borax salts, respectively, were determined to be the doses that completely inhibited mycelial growth of the fungus. Boric acid, sodium nitrite, sodium carbonate and potassium sorbate completely inhibited the fungal mycelial growth at a concentration of 0.05%25, while sodium benzoate inhibited fungal mycelial growth at a relatively high concentration (0.07%25). When comparing the effective concentrations (EC50) of the salts inhibiting mycelial growth by 50%25, sodium benzoate showed a stronger inhibitory effect against the fungus. In conclusion, the results of this study show that boron, sodium, and potassium salts can be used as an alternative to synthetic fungicides to control fruit and crown rot disease caused by C. granati in pomegranate

    Determination of in vitro Biocontrol Potentials of Antagonist Bacterial Isolates Against Onion Basal and Root Rot Disease Agent Fusarium proliferatu

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    Various Fusarium species cause significant yield and quality losses in onion (Allium cepa L.) plants. Onion basal and root rot, caused by Fusarium proliferatum, is an emerging postharvest disease that causes severe economic losses. Although the disease has long been recognized as a major constraint to the production of Allium spp., there is insufficient information to support disease management. In recent years, a need has arisen for environmentally friendly, innovative alternative methods to avoid the use of chemical pesticides in the control of diseases that are a problem in agriculture. In this study, the biocontrol efficiency of antagonistic bacterial isolates obtained from bulbs, roots and leaves of healthy onion plants was investigated against F. proliferatum in vitro. The antagonistic activity of the bacterial isolates in inhibiting the mycelial growth of the fungal agent was determined by the dual culture assay. The bacterial isolates were identified by morphological, biochemical and proteomic (MALDI-TOF MS) methods. A total of 18 putative bacterial isolates were obtained from the bulbs, roots and leaves of healthy onion plants on selective media. As a result of in vitro dual culture assays, only six bacterial isolates (Bacillus cereus MK2, Enterobacter xiangfangensis MK3, Bacillus thuringiensis MK8, Alcaligenes faecalis MK9, Pseudomonas putida MK16 and Citrobacter freundii MK17) significantly suppressed mycelial growth of disease agent (43.89-50.56%25 inhibition). Bacillus cereus MK2 was found to be the most effective bacterial isolate with a 50.56%25 inhibition rate of mycelial growth. Overall, the results suggest that Bacillus cereus MK2 could be used as a potential biocontrol agent for a sustainable and environmentally friendly control strategy for onion fields affected by Fusarium basal and root rot disease. It is necessary to conduct further studies on the effects of the effective bacterial isolates against the pathogen in vivo and their mechanisms of action

    In vitro sensitivity of anthracnose disease agent, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz.) Penz. & Sacc., to some fungicides on lemon

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    Antraknoz, dünyada ve ülkemizde limon başta olmak üzere turunçgil üretimini ciddi düzeyde tehdit eden hastalıklardan birisidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, limonda Antraknoz hastalığı etmeni Colletotrichum gloeosporioides’ in DMI, SDHI, QoIs, amid, aniline ve dithiocarbamate gibi farklı kimyasal gruplardan farklı etki mekanizmalarına sahip bazı fungisitlere karşı duyarlılığını belirlemektir. Bu amaçla, limon bahçelerinden toplanan hastalıklı bitkilerin doku parçaları, PDA besi yerinde 25 °C’de 5 gün inkübe edilmiştir. Fungal kültürlerin morfolojik ve moleküler teşhisleri sonucunda tüm izolatların, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides olduğu belirlenmiştir. Patojenisite denemelerinde tüm izolatların virülenslik düzeyleri belirlenmiş ve en yüksek virülensliğe LC5 izolatının sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir. C. gloeosporioides LC5 izolatının 10 farklı fungisite karşı duyarlılıkları, in vitro ’da miselyal gelişim ve konidiyal çimlenme denemeleri ile ortaya konmuştur. Sonuç olarak en yüksek etkiyi, fluopyram+tebuconazole, fluazinam, fluxapyroxad+difenoconazole ve dithianon+fosforoz asit fungisitlerinin gösterdiği belirlenmiştirAnthracnose is one of the diseases that seriously threaten citrus production, especially lemons in the world and in our country. The aim of this study was to determine the sensitivity of an anthracnose disease agent, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, on lemon, to some fungicides with different mechanisms of action from different chemical groups such as DMI, SDHI, QoI, amides, anilines and dithiocarbamates. For this purpose, tissue pieces of diseased plants collected from lemon orchards were incubated in PDA medium at 25 °C for 5 days. All isolates were identified as Colletotrichum gloeosporioides as a result of morphological and molecular diagnoses of fungal cultures. The virulence levels of all isolates were determined in pathogenicity tests and the highest virulence was found to have LC5 isolate. The susceptibility of C. gloeosporioides LC5 isolate to 10 different fungicides was demonstrated by in vitro mycelial growth and conidial germination trials. As a result, it was determined that fungicides fluopyram+tebuconazole, fluazinam, fluxapyroxad+ difenoconazole and dithianon+phosphorous acid showed the highest effect

    An additive FAHP based sentence score function for text summarization

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    Güran, Aysun (Dogus Author) -- Uysal, Mitat (Dogus Author)This study proposes a novel additive Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) based sentence score function for Automatic Text Summarization (ATS), which is a method to handle growing amounts of textual data. ATS aims to reduce the size of a text while covering the important points in the text. For this aim, this study uses some sentence features, combines these features by an additive score function using some specific weights and produces a sentence score function. The weights of the features are determined by FAHP - specifically Fuzzy Extend Analysis (FEA), which allows the human involvement in the process, uses pair-wise comparisons, addresses uncertainty and allows a hierarchy composed of main features and sub-features. The sentences are ranked according to their score function values and the highest scored sentences are extracted to create summary documents. Performance evaluation is based on the sentence coverage among the summaries generated by human and the proposed method. In order to see the performance of the proposed system, two different Turkish datasets are used and as a performance measure, the F-measure is used. The proposed method is compared with a heuristic algorithm, namely Genetic Algorithm (GA). Resulting performance improvements show that the proposed model will be useful for both researchers and practitioners working in this research area

    Identification of walnut stem canker disease agent Botryosphaeria dothidea and determination of in vitro antifungal efficiencies of some fungicides against the disease agent

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    Amaç: Çalışmada Hatay’ın İskenderun ilçesinde Mayıs 2019 tarihinde ceviz bahçelerdeki ceviz ağaçlarında, iletim dokularında kahverengi-koyu kahverengi renk değişikliği, odun dokusu nekrozu ve dallarda geriye doğru ölüm hastalık belirtilerine neden olan fungal etmenin tanılanması ve etmenin bazı fungisitlere karşı duyarlılık düzeylerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem ve Bulgular: Hastalıklı dallardan, kanserlerden ve belirti göstermeyen ceviz örneklerinden yapılan izolasyonlar sonucunda elde edilen fungal izolat morfolojik ve moleküler çalışmalara göre Botryosphaeria dothidea olarak tanılanmıştır. Patojenisite denemeleri, fungal izolatın bölgede yetiştirilen Chandler çeşidi ceviz ağacı sürgünlerinde oldukça virülent olduğunu göstermiştir. Mevcut bilgilerimize göre bu çalışma, Türkiye’de cevizi enfekte eden Botryosphaeria dothidea’nın ilk raporudur. Fluazinam (0.001-0.015 µg/ml), thiophanate-methyl (0.1-10.0 µg/ml), boscalid + pyraclostrobin (1.0-50.0 µg/ml), trifloxystrobin (0.5-50.0 µg/ml), kresoxim-methyl (0.1-50.0 µg/ml) ve tebuconazole (0.5-50.0 µg/ml) gibi 6 farklı fungisitin farklı konsantrasyonlarının, fungal etmene karşı in vitro antifungal etkileri belirlenmiştir. Fungisitlerin ortalama etkili konsantrasyon (EC50) değerleri, Probit analiziyle belirlenmiştir. Hesaplanan EC50 değerlerine göre hastalık etmenine karşı en etkili fungisit fluazinam (0.002 µg/ml) olarak kaydedilmiş olup, bu fungisiti thiophanate-methyl (0.275 µg/ml), tebuconazole (0.994 µg/ml), boscalid + pyraclostrobin (3.993 µg/ml) ve trifloxystrobin (4.262 µg/ml) izlemiştir. En düşük antifungal etkinlik fungisitler arasında misel gelişimini %37.5 oranında engelleyen kresoxim-methyl tarafından gösterilmiştir. Genel Yorum: Bu çalışma fungal etmen Botryosphaeria dothidea’nın Türkiye’de yetiştirilen ceviz ağaçlarında gövde kanseri hastalığa neden olduğunun ilk kayıdıdır. Elde edilen sonuçlar ayrıca Botryosphaeria dothidea’nın sebep olduğu ceviz kanser hastalığının seçilen fungisitlerin uygulanmasıyla ağaçların hastalıktan korunabileceğini önermektedir. Çalışmanın Önemi ve Etkisi: Sonuç olarak, fluazinam, thiophanate-methyl ve tebuconazole’ün fungal patojen B. dothidea’nın kontrolünde kullanım potansiyeli bulunduğunu ortaya koymaktadır.Aims: Symptoms of canker disease on walnut trees included brown to dark brown discoloration of vascular tissues, wood necrosis, and branch dieback were observed in several orchards in İskenderun City of Hatay Province in May 2018. The aims of this study were to identify the fungal pathogen and to determine its sensitivities against some fungicides. Methods and Results: Isolations were made from diseased branches, cankers and asymptomatic walnut samples and causal disease agent was identified as Botryosphaeria dothidea based on morphological characteristics and molecular techniques. Pathogenicity tests showed that fungal isolate were highly virulent on shoots of walnut (cv. Chandler) trees commonly grown in the region. To our knowledge, this is the first report of Botryosphaeria dothidea infecting walnut in Turkey. In vitro antifungal effect of different concentrations of six fungicides, fluazinam (0.001-0.015 µg/ml), thiophanate-methyl (0.1-10.0), boscalid + pyraclostrobin (1.0-50.0 µg/ml), trifloxystrobin (0.5-50.0 µg/ml), kresoxim-methyl (0.1-50.0), and tebuconazole (0.5-50.0 µg/ml) were also evaluated against the pathogen. The mean effective concentration (EC50) values were determined by Probit analysis. According to EC50 values, fluazinam (0.002 µg/ml) was recorded as the most effective fungicide and it was followed by thiophanate-methyl (0.275 µg/ml), tebuconazole (0.994 µg/ml), boscalid + pyraclostrobin (3.993 µg/ml) and trifloxystrobin (4.262 µg/ml). The lowest antifungal efficacy was followed by kresoxim-methly inhibiting mycelial growth by 37.5% at the highest concentration used.. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first report of Botryosphaeria dothidea causing stem canker diseases on walnut trees grown in Turkey. Our results also suggest that the walnut canker disease caused by Botryosphaeria dothidea could be reduced effectively with the application of selected fungicides. Significance and Impact of the Study: In conclusion, our results suggest that fluazinam, thiophanate-methyl and tebuconazole have the potential effects to control Botryosphaeria dothidea

    Identification of microorganism species in leafy vegetables using MALDI-TOF MS (Matrix assisted laser desorption / ionization mass spectrometry) technique

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    Gıda kaynaklı fungal ve bakteriyel patojenler giderek taze meyve ve sebzelerle ilişkilendirilmektedir. Taze üretilen bitkilerin bakteriyel kolonizasyonu, dış dokuda yüksek seviyelerde oluşabilir, ancak bitki dokusu içerisinde bakteriler de tespit edilmektedir. Hatay ilinin Defne ve Antakya ilçelerinde farklı sebze pazarlarından marul, ıspanak, lahana, roka, nane, maydanoz, dereotu, pırasa gibi yapraklı sebzeler toplanmıştır. Mikrobiyolojik analizler için patates dekstroz agar, nutrient agar ve kanlı agar besi yerleri kullanılmıştır. Bu mikroorganizmaların tanılanması, fenotipik karakterler ve matris destekli lazer desorpsiyon/iyonizasyon uçuş süresi kütle spektrometresi (MALDI-TOF MS) tekniğine dayalı olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. MALDI-TOF MS analizi sonucuna göre mikroorganizmaların dağılımı incelendiğinde, tür düzeyinde 60 adet ile en fazla bakteri türleri tanılanırken, bunu 4 adet fungus ve 1 adet maya izlemiştir. En fazla mikroorganizma türü marul örneklerinden elde edilmiştir. Cins düzeyinde dağılımları incelendiğinde; 9 tür ile Pseudomonas başta gelirken, bunu 5 tür ile Lactobacillus, 4 tür ile Acinetobacter ve 2 tür ile Klebsiella, Citrobacter, Enterobacter, Lysinibacillus, Pantoea 1 tür Bacillus, 1 tür Escherichia coli, 1 tür Exiguobacterium cinsleri izlemiştir. Mikroorganizma türlerinin koloni yoğunlukları incelendiğinde, en yoğun koloni Pseudomonas ve Acinetobacter cinsine ait türlerde belirlenmiştir. En az koloni yoğunluğu funguslarda gözlenmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda Salmonella sp, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Bacillus cereus, Klebsiella oxytoca türleri insan sağlığı için en tehlikeli türler olarak bulunmuşturThe foodborne fungal and bacterial pathogens are increasingly associated with fresh fruit and vegetables. Bacterial colonization of fresh produce plants can occur to high levels on the external tissue but bacteria are detected within plant tissue. Leafy vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, cabbage, rocket, mint, parsley, dill, and leek were collected from different vegetable markets in the counties of Defne and Antakya of Hatay province. Growing media potato dextrose agar, nutrient agar and blood agar media were used for microbiological analysis. Their identification were performed based on phenotypic characters and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-offlight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) technique. According to the results of MALDI-TOF MS analysis, when the distribution of microorganisms was examined, the most common bacterial species were identified with 60 species at the species level, followed by 4 fungi and 1 yeast. The most common microorganism species were obtained from lettuce samples. When the distribution of species level is examined; firstly, 9 species with Pseudomonas, 5 species with Lactobacillus, 4 species with Acinetobacter and 2 species with Klebsiella, Citrobacter, Enterobacter, Lysinibacillus were obtained and Pantoea one species Bacillus, one species Escherichia coli, one species followed by Exiguobacterium genera. When the colony density of microorganism species was examined, the most intensive colony was determined in the species belonging to the genus Pseudomonas and Acinetobacter. At least colony density was observed in fungi. In result, Salmonella sp, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Bacillus cereus, Klebsiella oxytoca species were found to be very dangerous species for human health

    Yaprağı Yenen Sebzelerdeki Mikroorganizma Türlerinin MALDI-TOF MS (Matris Destekli Lazer Desorpsiyon/İyonizasyon Uçuş Süresi Kütle Spektrometresi) Tekniği Kullanılarak Tanılanması

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    Gıda kaynaklı fungal ve bakteriyel patojenler giderek taze meyve ve sebzelerle ilişkilendirilmektedir. Taze üretilen bitkilerin bakteriyel kolonizasyonu, dış dokuda yüksek seviyelerde oluşabilir, ancak bitki dokusu içerisinde bakteriler de tespit edilmektedir. Hatay ilinin Defne ve Antakya ilçelerinde farklı sebze pazarlarından marul, ıspanak, lahana, roka, nane, maydanoz, dereotu, pırasa gibi yapraklı sebzeler toplanmıştır. Mikrobiyolojik analizler için patates dekstroz agar, nutrient agar ve kanlı agar besi yerleri kullanılmıştır. Bu mikroorganizmaların tanılanması, fenotipik karakterler ve matris destekli lazer desorpsiyon/iyonizasyon uçuş süresi kütle spektrometresi (MALDI-TOF MS) tekniğine dayalı olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. MALDI-TOF MS analizi sonucuna göre mikroorganizmaların dağılımı incelendiğinde, tür düzeyinde 60 adet ile en fazla bakteri türleri tanılanırken, bunu 4 adet fungus ve 1 adet maya izlemiştir. En fazla mikroorganizma türü marul örneklerinden elde edilmiştir. Cins düzeyinde dağılımları incelendiğinde; 9 tür ile Pseudomonas başta gelirken, bunu 5 tür ile Lactobacillus, 4 tür ile Acinetobacter ve 2 tür ile Klebsiella, Citrobacter, Enterobacter, Lysinibacillus, Pantoea 1 tür Bacillus, 1 tür Escherichia coli, 1 tür Exiguobacterium cinsleri izlemiştir. Mikroorganizma türlerinin koloni yoğunlukları incelendiğinde, en yoğun koloni Pseudomonas ve Acinetobacter cinsine ait türlerde belirlenmiştir. En az koloni yoğunluğu funguslarda gözlenmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda Salmonella sp, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Bacillus cereus, Klebsiella oxytoca türleri insan sağlığı için en tehlikeli türler olarak bulunmuşturThe foodborne fungal and bacterial pathogens are increasingly associated with fresh fruit and vegetables. Bacterial colonization of fresh produce plants can occur to high levels on the external tissue but bacteria are detected within plant tissue. Leafy vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, cabbage, rocket, mint, parsley, dill, and leek were collected from different vegetable markets in the counties of Defne and Antakya of Hatay province. Growing media potato dextrose agar, nutrient agar and blood agar media were used for microbiological analysis. Their identification were performed based on phenotypic characters and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-offlight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) technique. According to the results of MALDI-TOF MS analysis, when the distribution of microorganisms was examined, the most common bacterial species were identified with 60 species at the species level, followed by 4 fungi and 1 yeast. The most common microorganism species were obtained from lettuce samples. When the distribution of species level is examined; firstly, 9 species with Pseudomonas, 5 species with Lactobacillus, 4 species with Acinetobacter and 2 species with Klebsiella, Citrobacter, Enterobacter, Lysinibacillus were obtained and Pantoea one species Bacillus, one species Escherichia coli, one species followed by Exiguobacterium genera. When the colony density of microorganism species was examined, the most intensive colony was determined in the species belonging to the genus Pseudomonas and Acinetobacter. At least colony density was observed in fungi. In result, Salmonella sp, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Bacillus cereus, Klebsiella oxytoca species were found to be very dangerous species for human health