6 research outputs found

    The effect of education given to primigravida women on fear of childbirth

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    Objective: The present study was conducted to determine the effect of education that is given information about the delivery room, labor and coping strategies with the fear of pain of childbirth in primigravida women

    Personali̇ty trai̇ts of pregnants and the level of thei̇r anxi̇ety have a relati̇on wi̇th the fear of chi̇ldbi̇rth

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    Bu araştırma gebelerin kişilik özellikleri ve kaygı düzeylerinin doğum korkusuyla ilişkisini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. İlişki arayıcı ve tanımlayıcı olarak yapılan bu araştırma Kayseri il merkezinde Eğitim Araştırma Hastanesi'ne bağlı Kadın Doğum Kliniğinde Ocak 2016-Şubat 2017 tarihleri arasında çalışma kriterlerine uyan 853 gebe ile yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada veriler Gebe Tanıtım Formu, Wijma Doğum Beklentisi/Deneyimi Ölçeği( W-DEQ) A Versiyonu, Eysenck Kişilik Anketi-Gözden Geçirilmiş /Kısaltılmış (EKA-GGK) Ölçeği, Durumluluk ve Süreklilik Kaygı Ölçeği kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Verilerin istatistiksel değerlendirilmesinde Shapiro-Wilk, Krulskal Wallis, Many Whitney U, ve Spearman korelasyon, Dunn Bonferroni ve Ki kare testi kullanılmıştır. Gebelerin W-DEQ puan ortalaması 60.97±26.47 durumluluk anksiyete puan ortalaması 45.94±5.51, süreklilik anksiyete puan ortalaması 46.32±5.35, eysenck kişilik anketi alt grupları (nörositizm, dışadönüklük, psikositizm, yalan) puan ortalaması sırasıyla 2.93±1.78, 3.75±2.12, 1.04±1.15, 4.41±0.93'tür. Gebelerin %41.1'inin orta düzeyde, %19.1'inin şiddetli düzeyde, %19.6'sının klinik düzeyde doğum korkusu yaşadığı saptanmıştır. Gebelerin nörötizim puan ortancası W-DEQ puan düzeyi hafif düzeyde olan gebelerde 2.00 iken klinik düzeyde olan gebelerde 4.00 (p0.05), yalan puan ortancası W-DEQ puan düzeyi hafif, orta ve şiddetli düzeyde olan gebelerde 5.00, klinik düzeyde olan gebelerde 4.00 olarak tespit edilmiştir (p>0.05). Durumluluk anksiyete puan ortancası W-DEQ puan düzeyi hafif düzeyde olan gebelerde 47.00 iken klinik düzeyde olan gebelerde 43.00 ( p0.001) in the W-DEQ score at the clinic level, the avarage of psychoticism score in W-DEQ subscale was 1.00 in mild, severe and clinically level fear of childbirth, 0.00 (p>0.05), mean psychoticism score W-DEQ subscale was 1.00 in mild, moderate and severe pregnancies was 0.00 (p>0.05), the median lie W-DEQ subscale was 5.00 for mild, moderate and severe fear of childbirth, 4.00 for clinically level fear of childbirth. and 47.00 for state anxiety score W-DEQ subscale at mild, 43.00 for trait anxiety score W-DEQ score at clinically level fear of childbirth (p<0.05), the trait anxiety score was 45.00 in the case of the W-DEQ subscale at mild level and 49.00 (p<0.001) in the clinical level. It has been identified that there is a positive meaningful relation between W-DEQ scores and neurotism (p<0,001), negatively between the extrinsic and lie (p<0.001), from the sub-dimensions of the Eysenck personality scale, weakly positive (p<0,01) between the psychoticism. It has been found that there was a positive correlation between the W-DEQ score and state anxiety, and a negative (p<0.001) relationship between the trait anxiety. And also it has been identified that the pregnant women who have lower education level, the ones who get pregnant reluctantly, ones whose family doesn't support, the ones whose pregnancy number is four and over, the ones who have had an abortion before and the ones who have three or more children, have felt more fear fort he birth ( p<0.05). As a conclusion, the pregnants who have neuroticism and psychotism personality and high state anxiety, experince higher level of fear of birth, but the pregnants who have extrinsic personality, feel less fear of childbirth

    Investigation of the effect of pregnant women’s childbirth-related Internet use on fear of childbirth

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    This research was carried out to examine the effect of childbirth-related Internet use by pregnant women on fear of childbirth (FOC). The descriptive study was conducted with 350 pregnant women who applied to the Outpatient Polyclinic of Gynaecology and Obstetrics. Of the pregnant women who used the Internet, 72.9% did so to research information about childbirth. The pregnant women used the Internet mostly to obtain information about coping with labour pain (43.4%), the delivery process (46.9%), the needs list at delivery (39.4%), about C-section/epidural analgesia for labour (26.8%), and about the environment of the delivery room (25.7%). It was determined that there was a statistically significant difference (p < .05) between the delivery-related video viewing status of the pregnant women, the mean score of the W-DEQ Version A (p < .05), and the FOC was lower in those who watched videos about delivery.IMPACT STATEMENT What is already known on this subject? Previous studies have shown that pregnant women frequently use the Internet as a source of information about childbirth. What do the results of this study add? The findings of this study reveal that watching videos and listening to or reading the narrations significantly affected the FOC. What are the implications of these findings for clinical practice or further research? Nurses who provide preconception and antenatal care should consider Internet use as a risk factor for FOC and should guide pregnant women to reliable sources

    Retrospective analysis of episiotomy prevalence

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    WOS: 000423956200007PubMed ID: 29278232Objective: This study was performed to determine the rate of episiotomy. Material and Methods: This retrospective was conducted in 3 state hospitals located in 3 cities in the Central Anatolia region of Turkey. Ethics committee approval was received for this study. Also, institutional permissions from the institutions where the study was conducted were obtained before the study. The sample of the study consisted of 8587 women. The data of the study were collected by analyzing birth records in archive records. R esults: The average age of the women was 26.16 +/- 5.9 years, the average number of deliveries was 2.19 +/- 1.2, and 52.0% of the women who gave birth via vaginal delivery underwent episiotomy. The rate of episiotomy was found to be 93.3% in primipara women and 30.2% in multipara women. It was determined that neonatal weight did not affect the episiotomy rate, and that neonatal height was higher in deliveries with episiotomy and suture. Also, it was determined that as the age and parity of the women decreased, the rate of episiotomy increased. Conclusion: The rate of episiotomy was observed to be high, especially in primipara women