266 research outputs found

    Highly unstable complex C3-type distal femur fracture: can double plating via a modified Olerud extensile approach be a standby solution?

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    BACKGROUND: Multiplanar complex C3-type unstable distal femoral fractures present many challenges in terms of approach and fixation. This prospective study investigates a possible solution to these problems through double plating with autogenous bone grafting via a modified Olerud extensile approach. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twelve patients with closed C3-type injuries were included; eight of them were male, and their mean age was 33.5 years (range 22–44 years). Mechanism of injury was road traffic accident (RTA) in nine patients and fall from height in the other three cases. Eight cases were operated during the first week and four cases during the second week after injury. Mean follow-up was 13.7 months (range 11–18 months). RESULTS: Mean radiological healing time was 18.3 weeks (range 12-28 weeks), and all cases had good radiological healing without recorded nonunion or malunion. Clinically, two cases (16.7 %) had excellent results, five cases (41.7 %) had good results, three cases (25 %) had fair results, and two cases (16.7 %) had poor results. No cases developed skin necrosis, deep infection, bone collapse, or implant failure. However, two cases (16.7 %) had limited knee flexion to 90° and required subsequent quadricepsplasty. CONCLUSIONS: Use of this modified highly invasive approach facilitated anatomical reconstruction of C3-type complex distal femoral fractures with lower expected complication rate and acceptable clinical outcome, especially offering good reconstruction of the suprapatellar pouch area. It can be considered as a standby solution for managing these difficult injuries

    Development of chitosan-glucose and chitosan-citric complexes edible coating to improve tomatoes post-harvest quality

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     The effect of different shrimp chitosan molecular weights as well as shrimp chitosan complexes (chitosan-glucose and chitosan-citric) on the quality characteristics of the stored (at 7°C±2°C and 90% RH) tomato fruits (Lycopersicum esculentum) was investigated.  Coating tomatoes with high molecular weight chitosan (H.M.C.G) significantly improved firmness and weight loss.  The lowest weight loss was found in high molecular weight chitosan-glucose (H.M.C.G) treatment followed by the fruits coated with high molecular weight chitosan (HMC) and then uncoated tomato fruits.  Both molecular weights was clear on retarding the total acidity loss especially for stored tomato fruit coated with low molecular weight chitosan, while control tomatoes exhibited a larger reduction (p ≤ 0.05) in total acidity over storage.  Meanwhile, the increasing of cold storage time significantly (p ≥ 0.05) increased the pH in all uncoated and coated tomatoes.  Generally, no significant (P > 0.05) difference was observed in pH, titratable acidity and total soluble solids (T.S.S.) as well as sensory attributes among the tomato fruits coated with chitosan, chitosan citric and chitosan glucose.  Meanwhile, the fruits coated with low molecular weight chitosan had a higher (p ≥ 0.05) T.S.S. compared with that coated by the high molecular weight chitosan.   Keywords: chitosan, edible coating, tomatoes, firmness and weight loss

    A New Duplication Task Scheduling Algorithm in Heterogeneous Distributed Computing Systems

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    The efficient scheduling algorithm is critical to achieve high performance in parallel and distributed systems. The main objective of task scheduling is to assign the tasks onto the available processors with the aim of producing minimum schedule length and without violating the precedence constraints. So we developed new algorithm called Mean Communication Node with Duplication MCND algorithm to achieve high performance task scheduling. The MCND algorithm has two phases namely, task priority and processor selection. Our algorithm takes into account the average of parents' communication costs for each task to reduce the overhead communication. The algorithm uses new task duplication algorithm. We build a simulation to compare the MCND algorithm with CPOP with duplication algorithm. The algorithms are applied on real application. From results, the MCND algorithm shows the best result

    El uso de la prensa digital en el desarrollo de la comprensión lectora en el aula de Español como Lengua Extranjera (ELE)

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    [ES] La presente investigación centra su estudio en el periodismo digital como material de lectura en el ámbito de español como lengua extranjera (ELE). Consideramos que la prensa en línea constituye un material asequible y accesible para el profesorado, y que representa una dosis de lengua y cultura para el alumnado. Sin embargo, resulta sorprendente el uso limitado de la prensa digital ya que, incluso en los materiales existentes, se usan textos creados ad hoc que no representan textos auténticos. Asimismo, muchos estudiosos tratan el texto periodístico digital como el texto impreso, utilizando las mismas tareas durante su explotación didáctica y dejando de lado los múltiples beneficios de la jerarquía digital para el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. A raíz de esta motivación, se han planteado los principales objetivos de la investigación, basados en el fundamento de acentuar las claves esenciales del uso de textos periodísticos digitales en el desarrollo de la destreza lectora y el empleo de los mismos en tareas y herramientas más dinámicas y colaborativas, las denominadas tareas 2.0. En concreto, para alcanzar estos objetivos, hemos seguido varias fases y estrategias. Primero, hemos revisado la fundamentación epistemológica de las materias teóricas en las que se basará el estudio: nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje del ELE y los nuevos paradigmas pedagógicos; aprovechamiento didáctico de internet en el aula del ELE, ventajas y desventajas; evaluación de recursos del ELE en la red; tipología de software educativo para ELE; características y tipología de actividades en el aula del ELE con la red. Dicha fase ha promovido la implantación de una sólida base doctrinal cuyas proposiciones facilitarán, a priori, la dirección de las labores empíricas. Segundo, hemos empezado a fijar los principios metodológicos básicos y aplicarlos a la hora de tratar el texto periodístico digital como material de lectura en la pantalla. Así, nos restringimos a abordar internet como una fuente gigantesca de información cuya herramienta es el hipertexto, lo cual nos lleva a tratar los beneficios del hipertexto como una herramienta de gran utilidad para la mejora de la comprensión lectora en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje del ELE: interactividad, flexibilidad en la temporalización, facilidad de acceso a las ayudas, etc. Además, acentuamos las dificultades de la lectura virtual y cómo resolverlas a la hora de explotar un material digital en el ámbito del ELE. Tampoco hemos olvidado tratar otros temas como, por ejemplo, la heterogeneidad del español en internet y las técnicas de lectura online, entre otras. De este modo, hemos revelado la necesidad de clarificar los procesos de comprensión, indispensables para leer en la red, y hemos empezado a trazar el camino para asegurar que el ciberperiodismo es un material idóneo para leer online. Tercero, partiendo de las bases trazadas anteriormente, hemos introducido el enfoque de nuestro estudio: el aprovechamiento de la prensa digital en ELE como material virtual poderoso para la destreza lectora, y cómo puede ser aprovechado en el aula del ELE. Asumiendo las consideraciones analizadas anteriormente, presentaremos un curso como un acercamiento práctico cuyo objetivo es desarrollar actividades relacionadas con la comprensión lectora, considerando el periodismo digital como material y recurso, y explotando las diversas alternativas cumplimentarías que brindan las TIC. Esta visión práctica ha sido aprobada por una muestra de un grupo piloto de profesorado del ELE. Asimismo, como estudio de casos, hemos empleado una propuesta didáctica con tres estudiantes egipcios del ELE que fueron entrevistados posteriormente con el fin de acentuar los retos ante el uso del texto periodístico como material hipertextual en el ámbito del ELE.[CA] La present investigació centra el seu estudi en el periodisme digital com a material de lectura en l'àmbit d'espanyol com a llengua estrangera (ELE). Considerem que la premsa en línia constitueix un material assequible i accessible per al professorat, i que representa una dosi de llengua i cultura per a l'alumnat. No obstant això, resulta sorprenent l'ús limitat de la premsa digital ja que, fins i tot en els materials existents, s'usen textos creats ad hoc que no representen textos autèntics. Així mateix, molts estudiosos tracten el text periodístic digital com el text imprés, utilitzant les mateixes tasques durant la seua explotació didàctica i deixant de banda els múltiples beneficis de la jerarquia digital per al procés d'ensenyament-aprenentatge. Arran d'aquesta motivació, s'han plantejat els principals objectius de la investigació, basats en el fonament d'accentuar les claus essencials de l'ús de textos periodístics digitals en el desenvolupament de la destresa lectora i l'ús d'aquests en tasques i eines més dinàmiques i col¿laboratives, les denominades tasques 2.0. En concret, per a assolir aquests objectius, hem seguit diverses fases i estratègies. En primer lloc, hem revisat la bibliografia de les matèries teòriques en què es basarà l'estudi: Noves Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació en el procés d'ensenyament-aprenentatge d'ELE i els nous paradigmes pedagògics; aprofitament didàctic d'internet a l'aula d'ELE, avantatges i inconvenients; avaluació de recursos d'ELE a la Xarxa; tipologia de programari educatiu per a ELE; característiques i tipologia d'activitats a l'aula d'ELE amb la xarxa. Aquesta fase ha promogut la implantació d'una sòlida base doctrinal les proposicions de la qual facilitaran, a priori, la direcció de les tasques empíriques. En segon lloc, hem començat a fixar els principis metodològics bàsics i a aplicar-los a l'hora de tractar el text periodístic digital com a material de lectura a la pantalla. Així, ens restringim a abordar internet com una font gegantina d'informació la eina de la qual és l'hipertext, la qual cosa ens porta a tractar els beneficis de l'hipertext com una eina de gran utilitat per a la millora de la comprensió lectora en el procés ensenyament-aprenentatge d'ELE: interactivitat, flexibilitat en la temporalització, facilitat d'accés a les ajudes, etc. A més, accentuem les dificultats de la lectura virtual i com resoldre-les a l'hora d'explotar un material digital en l'àmbit de l'ELE. Tampoc no hem oblidat tractar altres temes com, per exemple, l'heterogeneïtat de l'espanyol a internet i les tècniques de lectura en línia, entre d'altres. D'aquesta manera, hem revelat la necessitat de clarificar els processos de comprensió, indispensables per llegir a la xarxa, i hem començat a traçar el camí per assegurar que el ciberperiodisme és un material idoni per llegir en línia. En tercer lloc, partint de les bases traçades anteriorment, hem introduït l'enfocament del nostre estudi: l'aprofitament de la premsa digital en l'ELE com a material virtual poderós per a la destresa lectora, i com pot ser aprofitat a l'aula d'ELE. Assumint les consideracions analitzades anteriorment, presentarem un curs com un acostament pràctic que segueix les directrius del MCER (2002). El seu objectiu és desenvolupar activitats relacionades amb la comprensió lectora, considerant el periodisme digital com a material i recurs, i explotant les diverses alternatives complementàries que brinden les TIC. Aquesta visió pràctica ha estat aprovada per una mostra d'un grup pilot de professorat d'ELE. Així mateix, com a estudi de casos, hem emprat una proposta didàctica amb tres estudiants egipcis d'ELE que van ser entrevistats posteriorment per tal d'accentuar els reptes davant l'ús del text periodístic com a material hipertextual en l'àmbit de l'ELE.[EN] This research focuses on digital journalism as reading material with the Spanish language serving as a foreign language (SFL). The online press constitutes an affordable and accessible source of material for teachers, and represents a dosage of language and culture for the students. However, the limited use of the digital press is surprising since even existing materials use ad hoc texts that do not represent authentic texts. Likewise, many scholars treat the digital journalistic text as the printed text, using the same tasks when exploiting it didactically and leaving aside its digital hierarchy, which entails many benefits for the teaching-learning process. As a result of this motivation, the main objectives of this research have been raised, based on the foundation of accentuating the essential keys of the use of digital journalistic texts for the development of reading skills using more dynamic and collaborative tasks and tools through tasks 2.0. To achieve these objectives, we have followed several phases and strategies: Firstly, we have reviewed the literature of the theoretical subjects on which the study will be based: New Information and Communication Technologies in the teaching-learning process of SFL and the new pedagogical paradigms; didactic use of the internet in the SFL classroom, advantages and disadvantages; evaluation of SFL resources in the Network; type of educational software for SFL; characteristics and typology of activities in the SFL classroom with the Network. This phase has promoted the establishment of a solid doctrinal base whose proposals will facilitate, a priori, the direction of the empirical tasks in the best criterion. Secondly, we have begun to set the basic methodological principles and apply them when dealing with the digital journalistic text as reading material on the screen. Thus we restrict ourselves to approach the internet as a gigantic source of information whose tool is hypertext, which leads us to treat the benefits of hypertext as a very useful tool for improving reading comprehension in the teaching-learning process of SFL: interactivity, flexibility in timing, ease of access to help, etc. In addition, we accentuate the difficulties of virtual reading and how to solve them when exploiting a digital material in the field of SFL. Nor have we forgotten to deal with other topics such as, for example, the heterogeneity of Spanish on the internet and online reading techniques among others. In this way, we have revealed the need to clarify comprehension processes, which are indispensable for reading online, and we have begun to chart the path to ensure that online journalism is an ideal material for reading online. Thirdly, starting from the basis outlined above, we have introduced the focus of our study: the use of the digital press in SFL as a powerful virtual material for reading skills, and how it can be used in the SFL classroom. Assuming the considerations discussed above, we will present a course as a practical approach that follows the guidelines of the CEFR (2002). Its objective is to develop activities related to reading comprehension, taking into consideration digital journalism as a material and resource exploiting the various alternatives offered by ICT. This practical vision has been approved by a sample of a pilot group of SFL professors. In addition, as a case study, we used a didactic proposal with three Egyptian students of SFL, who were interviewed later in order to accentuate the challenges faced with the use of journalistic text as a hypertext material in the field of SFL. In this way, the developed thesis has addressed a theoretical section, and another empirical, underlining the peculiarities of the virtual texts, and, reflectively, which are reflected in digital journalism for the class of FL as a context of reception and interpretation, generating positive effects for the apprentices.Abbas El Sayed Abd El Rady, A. (2019). El uso de la prensa digital en el desarrollo de la comprensión lectora en el aula de Español como Lengua Extranjera (ELE) [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/116835TESI

    Influence of the analysis technique on estimating hepatic iron content using MRI

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/134998/1/jmri25317.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/134998/2/jmri25317_am.pd


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    Objective: This study was performed to investigate the antidiabetic effect of caffeic acid and 18 β -glycyrrhetinic acid against diabetic rats.Methods: In this experiment, the animals were divided into five groups. Group I: Normal rats. Group II: diabetic control rats.Group III: diabetic rats treated with 18β-glycyrrhetinic. Group IV: diabetic rats treated with caffeic acid. Group V: diabetic rats treated with 18β-glycyrrhetinic and caffeic acid. Fasting blood glucose, insulin, glutathione reductase (GR), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), total antioxidant (TAO), catalase , and superoxide dismutase (SOD) and malondialdehyde (MDA) were analyzed.Results: Fasting blood glucose and MDA were significantly increased, whereas insuline, GR, GPx, TAO, catalase , SOD were decreased significantly in diabetic rats. Though the diabetic rats treated with caffeic acid and 18β-glycyrrhetinic acid individual exerts beneficial effects in all the biochemical parameters in diabetic rats. The combined treatment with caffeic acid and 18β-glycyrrhetinic acid normalized all the above-mentioned biochemical parameters in diabetic rats.Conclusion: our findings demonstrated that 18β-glycyrrhetinic acid and  caffeic acid either used individually or in combination to diabetic rats have an antidiabetic effect and a good antioxidant property .From the results, the combined dose of 18β-glycyrrhetinic acid and caffeic acid to diabetic rats showed promising antidiabetic effect and antioxidant property compared to individual treatments.Keywords: Diabetes, Caffeic acid, 18β-glycyrrhetinic acid, Streptozotocin, Antioxidant

    Finite state machines implementation using DNA Techniques

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    Abstract A finite-state machine (FSM) is an abstract mathematical model of computation used to design both computer programs and sequential logic circuits. Considered as an abstract model of computation, the finite state machine is weak; it has less computational power than some other models of computation such as the Turing machine. This paper overview the finite-state automata based on Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA). Such automata uses massive parallel processing offered by molecular approach for computation and exhibits a number of advantages over traditional electronic implementations

    The Impact of Applying ISO Standards Systems on Improving the Quality of the Performance in Higher Educational Institutions in Egypt

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    Applying ISO 21001:2018 standard ensures that universities have a competitive advantage as well as the achievement of their objectives. This study aims to identify the impact of implementing ISO 21001: 2018 management systems standards on the performance quality of higher education institutions. The study investigates the reasons why private higher education institutions seek ISO standards certificates in general and the specifications of management systems for educational institutions in particular. The study applied a set of statistical testing methods on paired samples as well as independent samples to ensure quality assurance. The study also proposes the required prerequisites that should be considered. The study investigated a hypothesis stating that "there are no statistically significant differences before and after applying the ISO 21001:2018 management systems specification for educational institutions in improving the quality of performance in higher education institutions" which was rejected by conducting an experiment in Future University in Egypt and accepting the alternative hypothesis. The study confirmed the impact of quality which was previously investigated by prior research that has been discussed in this study. The study further presented the need to apply quality based on determined criteria which were not considered in prior studies. Moreover, the study proposed the impact of ISO standards in educational institutions in general and in Egypt in specific. This recommendation is proved by this study to enhance the quality level in educational institutions

    A Survey of Multicast Routing Protocols for Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks

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    Abstract Many network applications require transmitting the same single copy of data packets concurrently to many destinations, it is called multicasting. Wired and infrastructure-based wireless networks are supported by many multicast routing protocols. But, applying this concept in Mobile Ad hoc wireless NETworks (MANETs) is a big challenge. Ad hoc wireless networks composed of self-organized mobile nodes that can move arbitrarily without any preexisting communication infrastructure base stations. It causes producing dynamic and unpredictable network topology. Many proposals are introduced trying to solve multicast supporting problem in MANETs. In this paper, multicast routing protocols in MANETs that was proposed in recent years will be classified according to different view points such as multicast topology, topology initialization, topology maintenance, core or coreless approach, and dependency on unicast routing protocols