501 research outputs found

    Sovereign Chaos and Riotous Affects, Or, How to Find Joy Behind the Barricades

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    A commonly deployed signifier to render the political event of a riot intelligible, ‘chaos’ describes an affective condition of disorder and disarray. For some theorists of affect, such a condition of chaotic unpredictability suggests emancipatory potential. Recounting the 2018 May Day / May 1st protests in Paris, that both politicians and media declared to be a riot, this paper argues that to consider the riot as chaotic is to think and feel like a state. Critically interrogating the analytical purchase of ‘chaos’ to describe a riotous assembly of bodies, this paper contends that ‘chaos’ is not only a theoretically impoverished concept to understand such political events, but also that sovereignty mobilizes ‘chaos’ as an affective infrastructure of governance to shore up attachment to the security state. Repudiating the sovereign logic of chaos, this paper presents a first-person encounter with a protest-declared-riot in order to explore the various affects that materialize around such events. Through ethnographic reflection, this paper outlines a series of affects that accompanied the day’s events, such as speculative optimism, fragility, suspicion, fear, boldness, and joy. In so doing, the paper develops an affective approach to theorize relations of political antagonism in the street, arguing that whereas the state weaponizes terror as a form of governance, the rioters weaponize joy as an affective means of resistance

    Analysis of repair mechanism choice during homologous recombination

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    Double-strand breaks (DSBs) occur frequently during cell growth. Due to the presence of repeated sequences in the genome, repair of a single DSB can result in gene conversion, translocation, deletion or tandem duplication depending on the mechanism and the sequence chosen as partner for the recombinational repair. Here, we study how yeast cells repair a single, inducible DSB when there are several potential donors to choose from, in the same chromosome and elsewhere in the genome. We systematically investigate the parameters that affect the choice of mechanism, as well as its genetic regulation. Our results indicate that intrachromosomal homologous sequences are always preferred as donors for repair. We demonstrate the occurrence of a novel tri-partite repair product that combines ectopic gene conversion and deletion. In addition, we show that increasing the distance between two repeated sequences enhances the dependence on Rad51 for colony formation after DSB repair. This is due to a role of Rad51 in the recovery from the checkpoint signal induced by the DSB. We suggest a model for the competition between the different homologous recombination pathways. Our model explains how different repair mechanisms are able to compensate for each other during DSB repair

    Cdk1 restrains NHEJ through phosphorylation of XRCC4-like factor Xlf1

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    Eukaryotic cells use two principal mechanisms for repairing DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs): homologous recombination (HR) and nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ). DSB repair pathway choice is strongly regulated during the cell cycle. Cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (Cdk1) activates HR by phosphorylation of key recombination factors. However, a mechanism for regulating the NHEJ pathway has not been established. Here, we report that Xlf1, a fission yeast XLF ortholog, is a key regulator of NHEJ activity in the cell cycle. We show that Cdk1 phosphorylates residues in the C terminus of Xlf1 over the course of the cell cycle. Mutation of these residues leads to the loss of Cdk1 phosphorylation, resulting in elevated levels of NHEJ repair in vivo. Together, these data establish that Xlf1 phosphorylation by Cdc2Cdk1 provides a molecular mechanism for downregulation of NHEJ in fission yeast and indicates that XLF is a key regulator of end-joining processes in eukaryotic organisms

    Product innovation, process innovation and export propensity: persistence, complementarities and feedback effects in Spanish firms

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    Drawing on a longitudinal data of Spanish manufacturing firms, this study explores the persistence of technological innovation and exports, their potential complementary relations and feedback effects. Empirical results suggest the presence of both true and spurious state dependence in all three activities. True state dependence in technical innovation and exports implies intertemporal spillovers relevant to the evaluation of innovation and export policy measures. However, given that results also suggest spurious state dependence, firm-specific characteristics should be taken into account in promoting technological innovations and exports. In addition, we find a strong complementarity between product and process innovation both through a contemporaneous effect and via unobserved firm characteristics. However, concerning complementarity between innovation and exports, results suggests complementarity only through contemporaneous effects. Finally, we find no support for the causal link from past product and process innovations to current export activities

    MUC1 gene overexpressed in breast cancer: structure and transcriptional activity of the MUC1 promoter and role of estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) in regulation of the MUC1 gene expression

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    BACKGROUND: The MUC1 gene encodes a mucin glycoprotein(s) which is basally expressed in most epithelial cells. In breast adenocarcinoma and a variety of epithelial tumors its transcription is dramatically upregulated. Of particular relevance to breast cancer, steroid hormones also stimulate the expression of the MUC1 gene. The MUC1 gene directs expression of several protein isoforms, which participate in many crucial cell processes. Although the MUC1 gene plays a critical role in cell physiology and pathology, little is known about its promoter organization and transcriptional regulation. The goal of this study was to provide insight into the structure and transcriptional activity of the MUC1 promoter. RESULTS: Using TRANSFAC and TSSG soft-ware programs the transcription factor binding sites of the MUC1 promoter were analyzed and a map of transcription cis-elements was constructed. The effect of different MUC1 promoter regions on MUC1 gene expression was monitored. Different regions of the MUC1 promoter were analyzed for their ability to control expression of specific MUC1 isoforms. Differences in the expression of human MUC1 gene transfected into mouse cells (heterologous artificial system) compared to human cells (homologous natural system) were observed. The role of estrogen on MUC1 isoform expression in human breast cancer cells, MCF-7 and T47D, was also analyzed. It was shown for the first time that synthesis of MUC1/SEC is dependent on estrogen whereas expression of MUC1/TM did not demonstrate such dependence. Moreover, the estrogen receptor alpha, ERα, could bind in vitro estrogen responsive cis-elements, EREs, that are present in the MUC1 promoter. The potential roles of different regions of the MUC1 promoter and ER in regulation of MUC1 gene expression are discussed. CONCLUSION: Analysis of the structure and transcriptional activity of the MUC1 promoter performed in this study helps to better understand the mechanisms controlling transcription of the MUC1 gene. The role of different regions of the MUC1 promoter in expression of the MUC1 isoforms and possible function of ERα in this process has been established. The data obtained in this study may help in development of molecular modalities for controlled regulation of the MUC1 gene thus contributing to progress in breast cancer gene therapy

    Telomere length regulation: coupling DNA end processing to feedback regulation of telomerase

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    The conventional DNA polymerase machinery is unable to fully replicate the ends of linear chromosomes. To surmount this problem, nearly all eukaryotes use the telomerase enzyme, a specialized reverse transcriptase that utizes its own RNA template to add short TG-rich repeats to chromosome ends, thus reversing their gradual erosion occurring at each round of replication. This unique, non-DNA templated mode of telomere replication requires a regulatory mechanism to ensure that telomerase acts at telomeres whose TG tracts are too short, but not at those with long tracts, thus maintaining the protective TG repeat cap at an appropriate average length. The prevailing notion in the field is that telomere length regulation is brought about through a negative feedback mechanism that counts TG repeat-bound protein complexes to generate a signal that regulates telomerase action. This review summarizes experiments leading up to this model and then focuses on more recent experiments, primarily from yeast, that begin to suggest how this counting mechanism might work. The emerging picture is that of a complex interplay between the conventional DNA replication machinery, DNA damage response factors, and a specialized set of proteins that help to recruit and regulate the telomerase enzyme

    Oasis de M'hamid. El Ghizlane.

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    "En la línea de trabajo que hemos seguido, en todo momento hemos tenido en cuenta que una mejora en las condiciones de vida de la población no sería posible sin: _ la creación de nuevas actividades productivas que puedan dar trabajo a los hombres y generar economía en estos pueblos _ un mejor acondicionamiento de los espacios públicos donde mujeres y niños pasan la mayor parte del día actualmente A escala territorial, la mejora en el sistema hídrico podría ayudar a una mejor explotación agrícola de las tierras, permitiendo con el tiempo, generar una actividad productiva con la venta de cultivos (existente en otras partes de la provincia) A escala urbana, . poner en valor las construcciones tradicionales y evitar que se pierda la forma tradicional de construcción con tierra característica de estos pueblos con la introducción de la técnica del btc empleando un 2-7% de cemento, con lo que conseguiríamos lo bueno del hormigón [ausencia de mantenimiento y rapidez en la construcción] y de la tierra [buen funcionamiento térmico] . una mejora en las competencias técnicas de quienes se dedican a la construcción y el aprendizaje de un nuevo oficio por parte de otros, haciéndoles partícipes de la construcción de su propio entorno. Un año después de la llegada de los talleres de construcción con tierra a los pueblos del oasis, se han producido algunos cambios que suponemos estaban ya a punto de florecer. La construcción de una red hídrica que deriva el agua a las casas en M´Hamid ha empezado a construirse mientras llevábamos a cabo el análisis para esta práctica.


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    Law nº 13.467/2017, known as Labor Reform, brought various legislative changes in the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT), and more than legal change the new law impacted models and now requires new positions of the parties involved in labor relations. Among the various modifications is the abolition of compulsory union contribution, which, therefore, is no longer mandatory and became optional, the payment of which is conditional on the prior and express authorization of those who participate in a particular economic or professional category, or a liberal profession. Much has been discussed about the constitutionality of the legal amendment, however, the Supreme Court (STF) declared constitutional change. From then on, union entities and other entities began to defend the possibility of prior authorization and expresses being collective and not individual. This article aims to analyze the issue from a legal point of view and manifest the impossibility of replacing individual authorization by collective.A Lei nº 13.467/2017, conhecida como Reforma Trabalhista, trouxe várias modificações legislativas na Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho (CLT), e mais do que alteração legal a nova lei impactou modelos e passa a exigir novas posturas das partes envolvidas nas relações de trabalho. Dentre as diversas modificações está a supressão da compulsoriedade da contribuição sindical, que, portanto, deixou de ser obrigatória e passou a ser facultativa, cujo pagamento está condicionado à prévia e expressa autorização dos que participarem de uma determinada categoria econômica ou profissional, ou de uma profissão liberal. Muito se discutiu sobre a constitucionalidade da alteração legal, contudo, o Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) declarou constitucional a mudança. A partir de então, entidades sindicais e outras entidades passaram a defender a possibilidade da autorização prévia e expressa ser coletiva e não individual. O presente artigo tem o objetivo de analisar a questão do ponto de vista jurídico e manifestar a impossibilidade da substituição da autorização individual por coletiva


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    O presente artigo tem como objeto de pesquisa os crimes informáticos quando violam a intimidade das pessoas, visando compreender como a internet, ao mesmo tempo em que facilitou a vida dos seres humanos, trouxe uma total invasão à sua privacidade, com a prática de delitos antes dela inimagináveis. Inicialmente, foi analisado o direito à intimidade, garantido pela Constituição Federal e por leis ordinárias. Em seguida, adentrou-se ao estudo da Informática, com o surgimento da internet e dos crimes informáticos, em seus aspectos técnicos e a legislação pátria pertinente. Por fim, chegou-se à análise da violação da intimidade praticada por meios virtuais. Após todas essas etapas, verificou-se ser insuficientes as leis que existem no Brasil, capazes de conter os avanços da criminalidade virtual


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    El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado, tiene por objeto el estudio del mercado laboral en España en un periodo de tiempo muy importante para la historia del país. Este periodo analizado, entre los años 2009-2019 generó una variación económica y del mercado laboral que ha tenido repercusiones hasta la actualidad.Durante esta crisis, que comenzó en el año 2008 se produjeron numerosos recortes dando lugar también a la significativa reforma laboral del 2012, como consecuencia de estos instrumentos, podemos analizar tras los datos recogidos en el INE, la evolución donde nos muestra que crece el paro, el paro de larga duración y se reduce la población ocupada, terminando el periodo analizado con diferentes resultados en el 2019 en cuanto a ocupación después de las medidas tomadas en la reforma. Tras un estudio estadístico realizado por comunidades autónomas centrado en el análisis por sectores económicos y por el sexo de la población, sea activa, ocupada o parada, comprobamos los grandes cambios que se han producido a lo largo de estos años empezando con la bajada en los cuatro sectores sobre los que se sustenta la economía española (Agricultura, Industria, Construcción y Servicios) al principio de la crisis económica y la burbuja inmobiliaria, terminando el periodo, con una evolución positiva (excepto en la construcción) en términos económicos con un aumento significativo de la ocupación de los españoles en el mercado laboral que dan lugar al final de la crisis del 2008.<br /