4 research outputs found

    Evaluation of patients with general condition disorder admitted to the emergency department and comparison of hotel, WPS, rems scores in predicting mortality

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    Giriş ve Amaç: Genel durum bozukluğu triyaj sürecinde sık görülen bir şikayettir. Genel durum bozukluğu, sağlık ve esenlikte spesifik olmayan bir düşüşü tanımlar ve acil servisteki yaşlı hastalarda yaygındır. Bu çalışmada, acil servise genel durum bozukluğu şikayeti ile başvuran hastaların genel değerlendirilmesinin yapılması ve bu hastaların mortalitelerini öngörebilecek skorlama sistemlerinin prognostik değerinin karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışma Düzce Üniversitesi Sağlık Uygulama ve Araştırma Hastanesi acil servisine 01.03.2021-01.06.2021 tarihleri arasında genel durum bozukluğu şikayeti ile başvuran ve çalışmaya gönüllü olarak katılan 137 hasta üzerinde tek merkezli ve prospektif olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Acil servise genel durum bozukluğu şikayeti ile gelen hastaların ateş, nabız, tansiyon, ortalama arter basıncı, oksijen satürasyonu, solunum sayısı, EKG, bağımsız ayakta duramama, GKS, yaş ve cinsiyeti sorgulanmıştır. Hastaların vital bulgularının yanı sıra tanımlayıcı demografik özellikleri de not edilmiştir. Bunun yanında hastanın; Glasgow Koma Skalası (GKS), HOTEL skoru, Hızlı Acil Tıp Skoru (REMS), Worthing Fizyolojik Skorlama Sistemi (WPS) değerlendirilmiştir. GDB ile başvuran hastaların 1 aylık mortalite durumları, MV ihtiyaçları ve YBÜ ihtiyaçları not edildi. İstatistiksel değerlendirmede Pearson Ki Kare Testi, Yates Düzeltmesi, Fisher's Exact Testi, Bağımsız Örnekler T Testi, Mann Whitney U Testi, Tek Yönlü Varyans Analizi (ANOVA), Kruskal Wallis H Testi, Univariate ve Multivariate model olarak binary lojistik regresyon analizi uygulanmıştır ve HOTEL, REMS, WPS skorlarının mortaliteyi belirlemedeki değerini ölçmek için Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) eğrileri çizilmiştir. İstatistiksel anlamlılık düzeyi p0,005). Exitus olma durumuna göre HOTEL değeri üzerinden yapılan ROC analizine göre kesme değeri (cut-off) 1 olarak bulunmuştur. Bu cut-off değerindeki duyarlılık %78,08, özgüllük ise %43,75 olarak bulunmuştur. Exitus olma durumuna göre REMS değeri üzerinden yapılan ROC analizine göre cut-off değeri 8 olarak bulunmuştur. Bu cut-off değerindeki duyarlılık %47,95, özgüllük ise %71,87 olarak bulunmuştur. HOTEL skorunun öngörme düzeyinin (AUC=0,644), REMS skorunun (AUC=0,635) düzeyinden yüksek olduğu görülmüştür. Aynı zamanda exitus olma durumuna göre WPS değeri üzerinden yapılan ROC analizinde anlamlı farklılık görülmemiştir (p=0,337; AUC=0,547). Sonuç: Bu çalışma, genel durum bozukluğu ile başvuran hastaların ölüm riskinin yüksek olduğunu göstermektedir. Acil serviste triyaj planlanırken bu durum dikkate alınmalıdır. Aynı zamanda genel durum bozukluğu olan hastalarda mortalitenin tahmininde hem HOTEL hem de REMS skorlama sistemlerinin iyi prognostik değere sahip olduğu gösterilmiştir. Her ne kadar HOTEL skorunun AUC değeri REMS skorunun AUC değerinden daha fazla olsa da bu farklılığın çok az olduğu görülmüştür. Anahtar Kelimeler: Genel durum bozukluğu, acil servis, HOTEL, WPS, REMSIntroduction and Object: General condition disorder is a common complaint in the triage process. General condition disorder describes a nonspecific decline in health and well-being and is common in elderly patients in the emergency room. In this study, it was aimed to evaluate the patients who admitted to the emergency department with the complaint of general condition disorder and to compare the prognostic value of the scoring systems that can predict the mortality of these patients. Materials and Methods: This study was carried out as a single center and prospective on 137 patients who admitted to the emergency service of Düzce University Health Practice and Research Hospital between 01.03.2021 and 01.06.2021 with the complaint of general condition disorder and participated in the study voluntarily. The patient who came to the emergency department with the complaint of general condition disorder was questioned in terms of fever, pulse, blood pressure, mean arterial pressure, oxygen saturation, respiratory rate, ECG, inability to stand independently, GCS, age, gender (The descriptive demographic characteristics of the patients were noted as well as their vital signs.). In addition, the patient; Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), HOTEL score, Rapid Emergency Medicine Score (REMS), Worthing Physiological Scoring System (WPS) were evaluated. The 1-month mortality status, MV needs and ICU needs of the patients admitting with GCD were noted. In statistical evaluation, Pearson Chi-Square Test, Yates Correction, Fisher's Exact Test, Independent Samples T Test, Mann Whitney U Test, One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Kruskal Wallis H Test, Univariate and Multivariate model binary logistic regression analysis were applied and HOTEL, Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves were drawn to measure the value of REMS and WPS scores in determining mortality. Statistical significance level was taken as p0.005). According to the ROC analysis made over the HOTEL value according to the exitus status, the cut-off point was found to be 1. The sensitivity at this cut-off point was 78.08%, and the specificity was 43.75According to the ROC analysis made over the REMS value according to the exitus status, the cut-off point was found to be 8. The sensitivity at this cut-off point was 47.95%, and the specificity was 71.87%. The predictive level of the HOTEL score (AUC=0.644) was found to be higher than the level of the REMS score (AUC=0.635). At the same time, there was no significant difference in the ROC analysis performed on the WPS value according to the exitus status (p=0.337; AUC=0.547). Conclusions: This study shows that patients presenting with a general condition disorder have a high risk of death. This should be taken into account when planning triage in the emergency department. At the same time, it has been shown that both HOTEL and REMS scoring systems have good prognostic value in estimating mortality in patients with general condition disorder. Although the AUC value of the HOTEL score was higher than the AUC of the REMS score, this difference was observed to be very small. Keywords: General condition disorder, emergency department, HOTEL, WPS, REM

    Effect of parental pressure on emergency physicians for computerized tomography imaging request in children with head trauma

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    Background: Both minor and major head traumas constitute an important proportion of childhood emergency admissions. In this study, the findings of cranial computed tomography (CCT) scans performed as a result of the parental pressure were evaluated. Methods: The frequency and findings of CCT scans performed as a result of parental pressure were examined in a separate subgroup. Results: A total of 227 patients were included in the study; 158 (69.9%) patients had undergone CCT scans; a pathological finding was detected in 24 (10.6%) of these patients and undergone a consultation by the neurosurgeon (most common finding was isolated linear fracture; n = 12; 50%). The patients undergoing CCT scans were divided in two subgroups: the PECARN group [n = 123 (77.8%)] and the Parental pressure group [n = 33 (22.2%)]. Conclusion: One third of the parents of children who presented to the emergency department with head trauma and had no indication for CCT according to PECARN rules insisted on CCT imaging, and none of these cases showed ciTBI, surgical operation, or mortality. None of the patients in the parental pressure group had a history of surgical intervention or mortality within one month after discharge. © 2020 Elsevier Inc

    Re-examining the characteristics of pediatric multiple sclerosis in the era of antibody-associated demyelinating syndromes.

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    Background: The discovery of anti-myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG)-IgG and anti-aquaporin 4 (AQP4)-IgG and the observation on certain patients previously diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) actually have an antibody-mediated disease mandated re-evaluation of pediatric MS series. Aim: To describe the characteristics of recent pediatric MS cases by age groups and compare with the cohort established before 2015. Method: Data of pediatric MS patients diagnosed between 2015 and 2021 were collected from 44 pediatric neurology centers across Turkiye. Clinical and paraclinical features were compared between patients with dis-ease onset before 12 years (earlier onset) and >= 12 years (later onset) as well as between our current (2015-2021) and previous (< 2015) cohorts. Results: A total of 634 children (456 girls) were enrolled, 89 (14%) were of earlier onset. The earlier-onset group had lower female/male ratio, more frequent initial diagnosis of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM), more frequent brainstem symptoms, longer interval between the first two attacks, less frequent spinal cord involvement on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and lower prevalence of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-restricted oligoclonal bands (OCBs). The earlier-onset group was less likely to respond to initial disease-modifying treatments. Compared to our previous cohort, the current series had fewer patients with onset < 12 years, initial presentation with ADEM-like features, brainstem or cerebellar symptoms, seizures, and spinal lesions on MRI. The female/male ratio, the frequency of sensorial symptoms, and CSF-restricted OCBs were higher than reported in our previous cohort. Conclusion: Pediatric MS starting before 12 years was less common than reported previously, likely due to exclusion of patients with antibody-mediated diseases. The results underline the importance of antibody testing and indicate pediatric MS may be a more homogeneous disorder and more similar to adult-onset MS than previously thought