79 research outputs found

    Academic achievement and self-regulated learning from parent’s perspective of student with learning difficulties

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    The study was designed to realize the association between academic achievement and self-regulated learning of students presenting learning difficulties. Therefore, the study adopted a quantitative approach and distributed the developed questionnaire to over 384 participants. The results reported underscored worsen achievement of students in distance learning compared to face-to-face setting despite the assistance they received during distance settings. The achievement of students differs due to the category of difficulty. Students presenting learning difficulties exhibited medium acquisition level of self-regulated learning. Elementary stage students exhibited a higher level of self-regulated learning, while female students exhibited a higher level of self-efficacy, metacognitive, micro-strategies, and emotional support. There is a strong association combined between students’ achievement and self-regulated learning. Furthermore, the study revealed a difference in self-regulated learning due to students’ gender, difficulty categories, and grade. Future studies can opt for specific self-regulated learning strategies according to subjects' particularism, such as mathematic material or specific age groups using the self-assessment tool

    Parents’ perceptive regarding the effect of internet use on students with and without learning difficulties

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    In the recent digital era, the use of the internet worldwide has become vital in almost all fields of life, and no one can deny its significant impact on activities of different age groups. The current study investigated the effect of internet usage on students with/without learning difficulties in Jordanian primary schools from point of view of their parents. For this purpose, a questionnaire consisting of 21 items was built by the researchers including these areas: social interactions, communication, health, entertainment, learning, academic activities, behavior, and security. The targeted population was the parents of students with/without learning difficulties in public and private schools. The findings indicated that parents perceive a moderate level of effect of internet usage on their children’s most activities except entertainment and security which have a high impact. Moreover, parents of students with learning difficulties perceive a positive impact of the internet in enhancing their children’s learning abilities

    Дослідження механізмів «відновлення» певних біохімічних показників біологічно активними сполуками після дії токсичних доз іонів міді

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    Mohammad Morshed Ayed Alsardia. The study of the mechanisms of "recovery" of certain biochemical parameters of biologically active compounds after exposure to toxic doses of copper ions. – Qualification scientific paper, manuscript. Thesis for a Сandidate Degree in Biology, Specialty: 03.00.04 - biochemistry. – V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kharkiv, 2019. Mechanisms of oxidative stress consequence in animals were measured against the background of intoxication with copper ions after multiple successive exposure to cuprous sulphate in a dose of 1 μg / 100 g body weight. In order to determine the role of pro-antioxidant system in the development of pathology, in particular, liver fibrosis, low molecular weight components of colostrum and a biologically active additive "mix-factor" that have a wide range of effects on biological systems, including those having antioxidant effect, were used. It can be assumed that by effecting the pro-oxidant-antioxidant system, biologically active additives ("mix-factor" and low molecular weight components - "LMWC") can: eliminate the effects of intoxication with cuprous sulphate or increase the life expectancy of older animals that may have an increased number of free radical reactions as a result of aging. The purpose of the work was to measure the mechanisms of regulation of some values of the pro-antioxidant system in animals after intoxication with cuprous sulphate and the influence of low molecular weight components of biological origin ("mix-factor", " LMWC ") on these values, as well as the interrelation of values of the pro-antioxidant system with physiological characteristics and life expectancy of experimental animals (rats).В роботі досліджували механізми прояву окисного стресу у тварин на тлі інтоксикації іонами міді після багатократного послідовного впливу сірчанокислої міді в дозі 1 мкг / 100 г маси тіла. Було показано, що багаторазове послідовне введення сірчанокислої міді з інтервалом між введенням 48 годин у дозі 1 мг / 100 г маси тіла, яка становила 30 % від летальної дози, супроводжувалося втратою маси тіла, зниженням температури тіла на 0,5 ± 1 0С і зниженням працездатності. У цих тварин вміст гідроперекисів ліпідів як в мітохондріях печінки, так і сироватці крові був збільшений порівняно з контролем на 45-90 %. При цьому активність глутатіонпероксидази як в мітохондріях і мікросомах печінки, так і сироватці була зменшена на 35-40 %. Активність γ-глутамілтрансферази була збільшена на 263 % порівняно з контролем. Разом з тим, такі показники активності печінки, як активність аланінамінотрансферази і аспартатамінотрансферази залишалися в межах контрольних значень. Незмінним у тварин після інтоксикації сірчанокислою міддю залишався і вміст триацилгліцеридів, креатину й альбуміну. Ці результати дозволяють стверджувати, що після триразового введення експериментальним тваринам сірчанокислої міді мала місце початкова стадія розвитку фіброзу печінки, і на початкових стадіях змінювалися, насамперед, показники про-антиоксидантної системи та активність ГГТ. В работе исследовали механизмы проявления окислительного стресса у животных на фоне интоксикации ионами меди после многократного последовательного воздействия сернокислой меди в дозе 1 мкг / 100 г массы тела. Было показано, что многократное последовательное введение сернокислой меди с интервалом между введением 48 часов в дозе 1 мг / 100 г массы тела, которая составляла 30 % от летальной дозы, сопровождалось потерей массы тела, снижением температуры тела на 0,5 ± 1 0С и снижением работоспособности. У этих животных содержание гидроперекисей липидов как в митохондриях печени, так и в сыворотке крови, был увеличен по сравнению с контролем на 45-90 %. При этом. активность глутатионпероксидазы как в митохондриях и микросомах печени, так и в сыворотке, была уменьшена на 35-40 %. Активность γ-глутамилтрансферазы была увеличена на 263 % по сравнению с контролем. Вместе с тем, такие показатели активности печени, как активность аланинаминотрансферазы и аспартатаминотрансферазы, оставались в пределах контрольных значений. Неизменным у животных после интоксикации сернокислой медью оставалось и содержание триацилглицеридов, креатина и альбумина. Эти результаты позволяют утверждать, что после трехкратного ввода экспериментальным животным сернокислой меди имело место начальная стадия развития фиброза печени, и на начальных стадиях менялись, прежде всего, показатели про-антиоксидантной системы и активность ГГТ

    The mediating role of customer awareness to enhance the relationship between using social media tools and post-purchase behavior upon electrical devices buyers in Jordan

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    This study examined the effect of social media on post-purchase behavior on electrical device buyers in Jordan. Drawing on resource-based and knowledge-based previous studies, the mediating effects of customer awareness were also tested. Data were collected from 385 participants from the segment targeted group of customers in Jordan, and hypotheses were tested through partial least squares structural equation modeling using Smart PLS 4.0. The results showed that the mediating role of customer awareness influences enhancing the relationship between social media and promotion mix on the one hand, and post-purchase behavior (exit, voice, and loyalty) on the other hand. Our findings contribute to the existing literature by explaining and strengthening this relationship, which is also referred to as the black box through the mediation of customer awareness. Marketers should recognize the importance of this relationship to develop modern promotional tools in multiple social media to positively enhance the customers’ post-purchase behavior by giving them a competitive advantage

    The reality of polarizing professional human resources in the Jordanian higher education institutions

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    The study aimed to identify the reality of polarizing professional human resources from the point of view of academics in Jordanian higher education institutions (JHEI), following the variables: gender, educational qualification, academic qualifications, years of service, and type of institution. The study followed a descriptive-analytical approach. The study sample comprised 674 faculty members working in various institutions of the JHEI. The researcher used a questionnaire comprising 24 items as a study instrument. The study’s findings revealed that the JHEI for polarizing professional human resources were ordinary. and that academic institution administrations encourage personnel to submit distinguished ideas. Also, they seek to adopt a philosophy of change as needed, while the administrations do not care about measuring the job satisfaction of employees. Periodically, it was found that JHEI encourage feedback from students to improve the quality of services and adopt modern technological means to provide their services

    Yield quantitative trait loci from wild tomato are predominately expressed by the shoot

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    Plant yield is the integrated outcome of processes taking place above and below ground. To explore genetic, environmental and developmental aspects of fruit yield in tomato, we phenotyped an introgression line (IL) population derived from a cross between the cultivated tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and a wild species (Solanum pennellii). Both homozygous and heterozygous ILs were grown in irrigated and non-irrigated fields and evaluated for six yield components. Thirteen lines displayed transgressive segregation that increased agronomic yield consistently over 2 years and defined at least 11 independent yield-improving QTL. To determine if these QTL were expressed in the shoots or the roots of the plants, we conducted field trials of reciprocally grafted ILs; out of 13 lines with an effect on yield, 10 QTL were active in the shoot and only IL8-3 showed a consistent root effect. To further examine this unusual case, we evaluated the metabolic profiles of fruits from both the homo- and heterozygous lines for IL8-3 and compared these to those obtained from the fruit of their equivalent genotypes in the root effect population. We observed that several of these metabolic QTL, like the yield QTL, were root determined; however, further studies will be required to delineate the exact mechanism mediating this effect in this specific line. The results presented here suggest that genetic variation for root traits, in comparison to that present in the shoot, represents only a minor component in the determination of tomato fruit yield. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00122-010-1456-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Satisfaction of adult and pediatric neurologists and neurosurgeons using telehealth during the COVID-19 pandemic in Saudi Arabia: a cross-sectional study

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    ObjectivesTelehealth has become increasingly important in achieving universal health coverage. It offers doctors and their patients' convenience, including providing quality care at reduced costs. During the coronavirus disease (COVID)-19 pandemic, telehealth has been a vital tool for remote healthcare services. This study aimed to assess the satisfaction of adult and pediatric neurologists and neurosurgeons using telehealth, during the COVID-19 pandemic in Saudi Arabia.MethodsThis study had 348 participants. It was conducted among adult and pediatric neurologists and neurosurgeons using telehealth technology at their clinics between February and June 2021. The self-administered questionnaire included sociodemographic data, behavior in using telehealth, and an assessment of satisfaction with telehealth; the SPSS Windows software version 26 was used to analyze the data.ResultsThe most common age group was 25–34 years (42.8%), with men dominating (68.4%). The mean satisfaction score was 25.9 (SD 3.91) out of 33 points, with 90.2% of respondents satisfied with telehealth and 9.8% dissatisfied. Working in an academic center or private hospital, being a first-time telehealth user, using messages as a telehealth method, and using telehealth daily were associated with increased satisfaction with telehealth use.ConclusionThe satisfaction of adult and pediatric neurologists and neurosurgeons with telehealth was high. Although physicians still preferred face-to-face interviews, they recognized the benefits of telehealth in strengthening the patient–provider relationship, improving productivity, and integrating into daily workflows. The satisfaction levels align with past studies, but physical examination needs should be considered. Telehealth is suitable for follow-up visits and varies across subspecialties

    The Effect of Training and Development Effectiveness on Jordanian Municipalities

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    Purpose: This study investigates the impact of training and development effectiveness on Jordanian municipality's performance. It aims to understand the relationship between training programs and municipal outcomes, with a focus on employee performance and organizational effectiveness.   Theoretical framework: The study employs a descriptive analysis approach to explore its objectives. It relies on a questionnaire-based data collection method, targeting all workers in Jordanian municipalities and the Greater Amman Municipality. The research uses statistical analysis software SPSS for data analysis and hypothesis testing.   Design, methodology, approach: The study's design involves surveying 7043 employees across various job titles in Jordanian municipalities and the Amman municipality. The questionnaire serves as the primary data collection tool. The research utilizes the SPSS program for statistical analysis and hypothesis validation. Descriptive statistics and analytical methods are employed to assess the effectiveness of training and development programs.   Findings: The study reveals that the majority of employees are male, aged 40 or younger, with less than 15 years of service. Around 78.5% of employees hold a diploma or higher qualification. The research indicates an average level of approval regarding the performance of municipalities and employees. It establishes a significant impact of training and development effectiveness on municipal and employee performance, influenced by factors such as academic qualification and age.   Research, practical & social implications: The findings emphasize the need for tailored training programs, especially for younger employees and newcomers. The study advocates for comprehensive training preparation, evaluation based on predefined criteria, and the allocation of financial resources in municipal budgets for ongoing training and development initiatives. These insights have practical implications for enhancing municipal employee performance and, consequently, the overall functioning of Jordanian municipalities.   Originality: This study contributes original insights by investigating the specific context of Jordanian municipalities. It sheds light on the effectiveness of training and development programs, highlighting their influence on employee and municipal performance. The research provides unique recommendations, emphasizing the importance of targeted training for specific employee groups and the necessity of financial allocation for sustained training efforts

    Extraintestinal Manifestations Of Ulcerative Colitis In Saudi Arabia: Systematic Review

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    Background: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), particularly ulcerative colitis (UC), exhibits varied clinical presentations and extraintestinal manifestations (EIMs) that impact the overall well-being of affected individuals. This systematic review aims to consolidate recent studies conducted in Saudi Arabia to comprehensively analyze the sociodemographic characteristics and clinical features of UC patients, with a specific focus on bone-related complications. Objective: To systematically review Extraintestinal Manifestations of Ulcerative Colitis in Saudi Arabia Methodology: Using the PRISMA guidelines, a comprehensive A systematic search was conducted to identify relevant studies published between 2014 and 2023 on PubMed in English that investigated UC in Saudi Arabia. resulting in the inclusion of seven studies with a collective participant count of 1580. Sociodemographic characteristics & Clinical characteristics, particularly the prevalence of bone-related complications, were examined across these studies. Results: The sociodemographic analysis of 1580 participants from seven studies highlighted variations in extraintestinal manifestations in IBD. Due to the inflammatory nature of the UC disease, and increased glucocorticoids concentrations, bone-related complications, including osteoporosis and osteopenia, were prevalent in UC patients, with distinct patterns observed in different studies. Arthropathy emerged as one of the most common extraintestinal manifestation. Moreover, renal stones are another issue for these patients. Finally, all of these manifestations contribute to the prevalence of anxiety and depression symptoms that was identified among UC patients, that indicated that fifth of these cohort suffer from, psychological disease. Conclusion: This systematic review provides a comprehensive overview of recent studies on UC in Saudi Arabia, emphasizing the prevalence of bone-related complications as predominant extra intestinal manifestations. The findings underscore the importance of addressing these complications in the management of UC patients, necessitating regular testing of the bone density in these patients and provide supplements and other necessary treatments for these patients. Moreover, it is important to consider the psychological impact of such disease on the quality of life of patients. Comprehensive multi-disciplinary medical teams need to work together to address various clinical aspects regarding Ulcerative colitis. This does not only include gastroenterologist, nephrologists and general internists, but also include psychologists/therapists to ensure all patients needs are addressed. Finally, further research is needed to have comprehensive view of UC in Saudi Populations and improve the overall quality of care

    Pediatric Dermatology In Family Medicine: Common Conditions And Management Strategies

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    Among the most prevalent disorders are those related to the skin.  However, in medical education and training, this class of illnesses is frequently disregarded. The first line of defence for the treatment of common dermatological diseases is a family physician. The purpose of our study was to evaluate the particular identification, management, encountering, and referral practices related to dermatological illnesses in family care. We also looked into the challenges and opportunities that family doctors experience in family medicine and saw a few of the paediatric dermatological diseases that family doctors may encounter.  Finding areas of weakness in the clinical therapy of certain dermatological disorders, however, will be aided by assessing how family doctors treat particular ailments. Thus, this needs assessment might serve as a foundation for future research on the efficacy of family medicine in treating common paediatric dermatological problems as well as aid in the development of evidence-based training for family physicians in the area