87 research outputs found

    Bacteriophage as Biotechnological Tools to Improve the Effectiveness of Anaerobic Digestion Process

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    Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) serve as habitats for diverse and densely populated bacterial communities, fostering intricate microbial interactions. Conventional treatment methods employed often fail to completely eliminate pathogens. Consequently, inadequate chemical treatments lead to the eventual release of waterborne bacterial pathogens into the environment through effluent water. Anaerobic digestion represents a biological treatment approach for organic waste and wastewater, providing cost-reduction benefits and enabling energy generation through biogas production from organic waste. However, the role of viruses-host interactions in anaerobic digestion and their effects on biological wastewater treatment (WWT) has been lacking and requires further research and attention. Bacteriophages (phages), viruses that target specific bacteria, are abundant within WWTPs and engage in diverse interactions with their host organisms. Also, there are reports indicating the presence of archaeal viruses capable of impacting crucial methanogenic organisms in anaerobic digestion, alongside phages. Despite their apparent lack of discernible metabolic functions, viral community have significant potential to influence WWT by shaping the structure of microbial communities, thereby impacting the efficiency of the processes. This chapter aims to explore the influence of reported viral communities, especially phages on shaping microbial communities; elucidate the dynamics and limitations of phage-host relationships; and evaluate their potential as biological tools for enhancing the anaerobic digestion process in WWT

    Tekrarlanan döküm işleminin dental alaşımların mekanik özelliklerine etkisi

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    In the dental laboratories, surplus alloys are commonly reused from the initial casting, and with the addition of new alloy, produces other restorations. Recasting may change the chemical composition and microstructure of alloys and thus have an effect on the change of mechanical properties. The results about this subject have indicated that the amounts of the elements, especially Cu, Sn, Zn, Cr and Ti, were decreased; the grain size was increased; the casting defects, principally porosities, and the impurity contents were increased, and the mechanical properties were affected. Since particular metal oxides are critical for adequate adhesion of dental porcelain to metal structure, it is possible that repeated casting of metals could also be detrimental for metal-ceramic bonding. The optimal proportions of new and old alloys are not well known and the effect of reusing dental alloys on mechanical properties has not been completely understood. Before a definitive recommendation can be made for repeatedly using dental alloys, clinically relevant mechanical properties and bond strength of porcelain-to-metal for different alloy systems should be evaluated and considered along with compositional-microstructural analyses and biological properties of the remelted alloys. In this review article, the effects of recasting on mechanical properties of dental alloys and current issues relevant to these properties of recast alloys were presented. ÖZET Dental laboratuvarlarda, ilk dökümden artan alaşımlar sıklıkla yeniden kullanılmakta ve yeni alaşım ilavesi ile başka restorasyonlar oluşturulmaktadır. Tekrarlanan döküm işlemi, alaşımın kimyasal bileşimini ve mikroyapısını değiştirebilir ve böylece mekanik özelliklerini etkileyebilir. Bu konuya ilişkin çalışma sonuçları özellikle Cu, Sn, Zn, Cr ve Ti miktarlarının azaldığına, tane boyutunun büyüdüğüne, özellikle poroziteler olmak üzere döküm defektlerinin ve kirliliklerin arttığına işaret etmiştir. Dental porselenin metal yapıya yeterli adezyonunda spesifik metal oksitleri önemli olduğu için, tekrarlanan döküm işleminin metal-porselen bağlantısı için de zararlı olması mümkündür. Yeni ve eski alaşımın optimal karıştırılma oranları tam olarak netleşmemiştir ve artık alaşımların mekanik özellikler üzerindeki etkisi tam olarak bilinmemektedir. Dental alaşımların tekrarlanan kullanımı için beyanda bulunulmadan önce, klinik bağlantılı mekanik özellikleri ve farklı alaşım sistemleri için metal-porselen bağlanma direnci incelenmeli ve bulgular, artık alaşımların bileşim- mikroyapı analizleri ve biyolojik özellikleri ile birlikte değerlendirilmelidir. Bu makalede, tekrarlanan dökümün dental alaşımların mekanik özellikleri üzerindeki etkileri ve artık alaşımların mekanik özelliklerini inceleyen çalışmalar değerlendirilmiştir. Anahtar kelimeler: Bileşim, dental döküm alaşımları, mekanik özellikler, mikroyapı, tekrarlanan dökü

    The Diversity of Gut Bacteria and Psychological Disorders

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    The human body can be considered a superorganism, containing a large number of microorganisms in symbiosis. An average human body contains about a kilogram of bacterial cells, which is about the same weight as the human brain. Majority of these bacteria resides within the gastrointestinal tract, outnumbering human cells and constituting approximately 99% of the genetic material in the human body. Human gut microbiota has been shown to have diverse effects on the host, and recent studies show that their effects extend to mental health. This review aims to understand the recent developments of the effects of gut microbiota community on mental health and potential manipulations of gut microbiota for prevention and mitigation of mental disorders by highlighting the nutritional value of diet, probiotics, prebiotics, and psychobiotics for mental health, modifying gut microbiota by fecal microbiota transplantation and antibiotics. In addition to these, providing the current knowledge on relevant neuroprotective mechanisms in the brain associated with gut microbiota and main gut microbiota modifying ways such as quorum sensing and bacteriophage was reviewed for future recommendation

    Enhancement of microbial diversity and methane yield by bacterial bioaugmentation through the anaerobic digestion of Haematococcus pluvialis

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    Microalgae has recalcitrant cell walls that may limit digestibility and, therefore, reduce bioenergy production. In light of the fact that cellulose can increase the cell wall recalcitrance of the Haematococcus pluvialis species of microalgae, the objective of this research was to examine how bioaugmentation with the Clostridium thermocellum at various inoculum ratios represents a viable method by which the CH4 production of microalgae can be enhanced. The results of the investigation revealed that bioaugmentation with C. thermocellum increased the degradation of H. pluvialis biomass and resulted in a 18-38 % increase in methane production as a result of increased cell disruption. In addition, the use of Illumina Miseq sequencing highlighted that the bacterial and archaeal diversity and quantities in the genus were enhanced as a result of the addition of C. thermocellum and this, in itself, improved the efficiency of the biodegradation. Bioaugmentation with C. thermocellum (%15) was also determined to represent the most energy-efficiency method of producing methane

    Dose Controllıng Levels In Contamınated Foodstuffs Wıth Radıonuclıdes And A Sample Applıcatıon Wıth Chernobyl Fallout Data In Turkey

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    Bir nükleer kaza veya patlamada fisyon ve aktivasyon ürünleri yüksek basınç ve ısıl etki ile yükselerek, atmosferde dağılır ve yer çekimi etkisi ile yeryüzüne inerek radyoaktif serpintiyi oluşturur. Gıdalarda belirlenen radyonüklit kirlenme düzeyleri bölgesel olarak hesaplanmış kirlenme sınırlarına göre değerlendirilerek gıdanın tüketiminin iznine, kısıtlanmasına veya önlenmesine karar verilir. Bu çalışmada 1986 da vuku bulan Çernobil Reaktör Kazası sonrası Türkiye Atom Enerjisi Kurumunca Türkiye’deki temel gıda maddelerinde ölçülen radyoaktif kirlenme düzeyleri incelendi; süt ürünleri, et, unlu mamüller, sebze ve meyve olmak üzere dört temel gıda maddesi için kirlenme düzeyleri ve kirlenme sınırları hesaplandı. Karşılaştırıldığında, kirlenme düzeylerinin (Dx) kirlenme sınırlarından (D) küçük olduğu görüldüğünden incelenen gıda maddelerinin tüketilebilir nitelikte olduğu değerlendirildi. Dört temel gıda grubu için hesaplanan toplam kirlenme düzeyi 0,050 olarak bulundu. Bu değer 1’den küçük olduğundan dört temel gıda grubunun birlikte tüketilebilir düzeyde olduğu belirlendi. Dört temel gıda grubunda bebekler için toplam kirlenme düzeyi 0,770 olarak hesaplandı, bu değerin kirlenme sınırından küçük olduğu görüldüğünden bu gıda maddelerinin bebeklerce birlikte tüketilebilir olduğu belirlendi. Ayrıca topraktaki nükleer serpinti sonucu oluşan radyoaktif kirlenmenin çevresel azalması için bir mekanizma önerildi. Bu mekanizmaya dayalı olarak çıkarılan çevresel azalma kinetiğinde incelenen kirleticilerden en uzun yarı ömürlü radynüklit olan Cs-137’nin toprakta ölçülen radyoaktivite düzeyleri kullanılarak, Cs-137’nin fiziksel ve çevresel yarı ömrünü içeren etkin yarılanma süresi; Doğu Karadeniz ve Batı-Orta Karadeniz Bölgelerinde 6,664 yıl, Marmara Bölgesinde 6,728 yıl, Ege-Akdeniz Bölgelerinde ise 7,294 yıl olarak bulundu. Bu bölgelerde Cs-137 radyoaktivitesinin %1 düzeyine düşmesi için 44 yıllık bir süre geçmesi gerektiği bulundu. Bu çalışmada bulunan kinetik yöntem ve parametrelerin bölgesel radyoaktivite temizlenmesi tahmininde kullanılabileceği önerildiIn a nuclear accident or explosion, fission and activation products rise with high pressure and thermal effects, are dispersed in the atmosphere and descend to earth with the effect of gravity to form radioactive fallout. The radionuclide contamination levels determined in foods are evaluated according to regionally calculated contamination limits and it is decided to allow, restrict or prevent the consumption of food. In this study, occurring after the 1986 Chernobyl reactor accident in Turkey Atomic Energy Authority has been viewed radioactive contamination levels measured in basic foodstuffs in Turkey; contamination levels and contamination limits were calculated for four basic foodstuffs: dairy products, meat, bakery products, vegetables and fruits. When compared, it was evaluated that the foodstuffs were consumable as the contamination levels (Dx) were found to be smaller than the contamination limits (D). The total contamination level calculated for the four main food groups was found to be 0,050. Since this value was less than 1, it was determined that four basic food groups were consumable together. The total contamination level for infants was calculated as 0,770 in the four basic food groups; this value was found to be less than the contamination limit, these foodstuffs were decided to be consumed by infants. A mechanism was also proposed for the environmental deacrease of radioactive contamination from nuclear fallout in the soil. Using the radioactivity levels of Cs-137, the being longest half-life radionuclide, one of the pollutants examined in the environmental decreasing kinetics based on this mechanism, the effective half-life comprising the physical and weathering half-lives of Cs-137 were calculated as 6,664 years for Eastern Black Sea and Western-Central Black Sea Regions, 6,728 years for Marmara Region, 7,294 years for Aegean-Mediterranean Region. It was found that a time period of 44 years should pass before Cs-137 radioactivity in these regions decreased to 1%. It was suggested that the kinetic methods and parameters derived in this study could be used in the prediction of regional radioactivity clearanc

    Enhanced biodegradation of antibiotic combinations via the sequential treatment of the sludge resulting from pharmaceutical wastewater treatment using white-rot fungi Trametes versicolor and Bjerkandera adusta

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    While anaerobic treatment is capable of treating pharmaceutical wastewater and removing antibiotics in liquid phases, solid phases may still contain significant amounts of antibiotics following this treatment. The main goal of this study was to evaluate the use of white-rot fungi to remove erythromycin, sulfamethoxazole, and tetracycline combinations from biosolids. The degradation potential of Trametes versicolor and Bjerkandera adusta was evaluated via the sequential treatment of anaerobic sludge. Polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) analyses were used to identify competition between the autochthonous microbial communities and white-rot fungi. Solid-phase treatment using white-rot fungi substantially reduced antibiotic concentrations and toxicity in sludge. According to PCR-DGGE results, there is an association between species of fungus and antibiotic type as a result of the different transformation pathways of fungal strains. Fungal post-treatment of sludge represents a promising method of removing antibiotic combinations, therefore holding a significant promise as an environmentally friendly means of degrading the antibiotics present in sludge

    Microbial sequencing methods for monitoring of anaerobic treatment of antibiotics to optimize performance and prevent system failure

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    As a result of developments in molecular technologies and the use of sequencing technologies, the analyses of the anaerobic microbial community in biological treatment process has become increasingly prevalent. This review examines the ways in which microbial sequencing methods can be applied to achieve an extensive understanding of the phylogenetic and functional characteristics of microbial assemblages in anaerobic reactor if the substrate is contaminated by antibiotics which is one of the most important toxic compounds. It will discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages associated with microbial sequencing techniques that are more commonly employed and will assess how a combination of the existing methods may be applied to develop a more comprehensive understanding of microbial communities and improve the validity and depth of the results for the enhancement of the stability of anaerobic reactors

    Tekrarlanan döküm işleminin dental alaşımların mekanik özelliklerine etkisi

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    <p>In the dental laboratories, surplus alloys are commonly reused from the initial casting, and with the addition of new alloy, produces other restorations. Recasting may change the chemical composition and microstructure of alloys and thus have an effect on the change of mechanical properties. The results about this subject have indicated that the amounts of the elements, especially Cu, Sn, Zn, Cr and Ti, were decreased; the grain size was increased; the casting defects, principally porosities, and the impurity contents were increased, and the mechanical properties were affected. Since particular metal oxides are critical for adequate adhesion of dental porcelain to metal structure, it is possible that repeated casting of metals could also be detrimental for metal-ceramic bonding. The optimal proportions of new and old alloys are not well known and the effect of reusing dental alloys on mechanical properties has not been completely understood. Before a definitive recommendation can be made for repeatedly using dental alloys, clinically relevant mechanical properties and bond strength of porcelain-to-metal for different alloy systems should be evaluated and considered along with</p> <p>compositional-microstructural analyses and biological properties of the remelted alloys. In this review article, the effects of recasting on mechanical properties of dental alloys and current issues relevant to these properties of recast alloys were presented.</p> <p><strong>ÖZET</strong></p> <p>Dental laboratuvarlarda, ilk dökümden artan alaşımlar sıklıkla yeniden kullanılmakta ve yeni alaşım ilavesi ile başka restorasyonlar oluşturulmaktadır. Tekrarlanan döküm işlemi, alaşımın kimyasal bileşimini ve mikroyapısını değiştirebilir ve böylece mekanik özelliklerini etkileyebilir. Bu konuya ilişkin çalışma sonuçları özellikle Cu, Sn, Zn, Cr ve Ti miktarlarının azaldığına, tane boyutunun büyüdüğüne, özellikle poroziteler olmak üzere döküm defektlerinin ve kirliliklerin arttığına işaret etmiştir. Dental porselenin metal yapıya yeterli adezyonunda spesifik metal oksitleri önemli olduğu için, tekrarlanan döküm işleminin metal-porselen bağlantısı için de zararlı olması mümkündür. Yeni ve eski alaşımın optimal karıştırılma oranları tam olarak netleşmemiştir ve artık alaşımların mekanik özellikler üzerindeki etkisi tam olarak bilinmemektedir. Dental alaşımların tekrarlanan kullanımı için beyanda bulunulmadan önce, klinik bağlantılı mekanik özellikleri ve farklı alaşım sistemleri için metal-porselen bağlanma direnci incelenmeli ve bulgular, artık alaşımların bileşim- mikroyapı analizleri ve biyolojik özellikleri ile birlikte değerlendirilmelidir. Bu makalede, tekrarlanan dökümün dental alaşımların mekanik özellikleri üzerindeki etkileri ve artık alaşımların mekanik özelliklerini inceleyen çalışmalar değerlendirilmiştir.</p> <p><strong>Anahtar kelimeler:</strong> Bileşim, dental döküm alaşımları, mekanik özellikler, mikroyapı, tekrarlanan döküm</p&gt

    Pyophage cocktail for the biocontrol of membrane fouling and its effect in aerobic microbial biofilm community during the treatment of antibiotics

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    Membrane bioreactor systems face an inevitable challenge that is biofouling, which not only hinders the operation of the system, but also poses an environmental and medical concern caused by the increased antibiotic resistance in bacterial biofilms. This study investigates the disruption of membrane fouling using bacteriophage cocktail (Pyophage) in an aerobic membrane bioreactor for treatment of wastewater containing high non-lethal concentration of erythromycin, tetracycline and sulfamethoxazole, while also considering the effect of the cocktail on performance. The results indicate that Pyophage cocktail contributes significantly to the decrease (45%) in transmembrane pressure while also suppressing biofilm-producing bacteria compared to the control reactors. It also reconstructed biodegradation mechanism of antibiotics especially increasing the relative abundance of gram-negative bacteria by enhancement the removal rate of erythromycin and sulfamethoxazole from the aerobic system to 99%

    Bioaugmentation of the green alga to enhance biogas production in an anaerobic hollow-fiber membrane bioreactor

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    Anaerobic membrane reactors (AnMBRs) offer an alternative wastewater treatment system, presenting both reclamation of value through biogas production, and efficient treatment of recalcitrant contaminants such as antibiotics from wastewater. The effects of bioaugmentation with the green alga Haematococcus pluvialis on anaerobic treatment of pharmaceutical wastewaters, alleviating membrane biofouling, biogas production and impact on the indigenous microbial communities were evaluated using AnMBRs. The outputs of the bioreactor experiments revealed that bioaugmentation strategies with the green alga increased removal of chemical oxygen demand by 12% and delayed membrane fouling by 25% and increased biogas production by 40%. Furthermore, bioaugmentation with the green alga led to a significant change in relative abundance of archaea and the main methanogenesis pathway shifted from Methanothermobacter to Methanosaeta, accompanied by their respective syntrophic bacteria