646 research outputs found

    Notes on Cesonia, a newly recorded genus for the Asian spider fauna (Araneae, Gnaphosidae)

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    The spider species Cesonia aspida Chatzaki, 2002, together with its genus Cesonia Simon. 1893, was found in Anatolia (Turkey) and represent new records for the Asian spider fauna. Its characteristic features, drawings of genitalia, a photograph of the general habitus and a distribution map for Eurasia are presented

    Spectrally and Energy Efficient Radio Resource Management for Multi-Operator Shared Networks

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    Commercial mobile communication systems are mainly based on licensed frequency spectrum, and the license is very expensive as the spectrum is a sparse wireless resource. Therefore, sharing this wireless resource is an essential requirement not only at the present but also in the future considering trends like connectivity for everybody and everything. In this thesis, we study the sharing of wireless resources with different approaches for realizing fair, efficient, and predictable sharing solutions in a controlled manner. The efficient use of wireless channel resources is an important target to reduce the costs of network operation and deployment. To achieve this, we need practical scheduling algorithms for wireless resources, out of which several of them will be presented and analyzed in this work. Different optimization frameworks for the spectral efficiency utility are presented, with an individual focus on guaranteeing resource or rate fairness among the operators in a network with shared radio resources. Thus, the presented proposals will help the mobile network operators to overcome the issues of losing network control and traceability of used wireless resources in a shared environment. Besides this, emerging vertical industries, such as automotive, healthcare, industry 4.0, internet of things (IoT) industries will put a certain burden on the wireless networks asking for guaranteed service level requirement from the mobile network operators. In this regard, this thesis provides the necessary methods addressing these challenges with the help of scheduling methods which are based on the joint optimization of spectral and energy efficiency. Thus, wireless networks will be enabled as a service function in a controlled and scalable way for new emerging markets. Furthermore, the presented solutions t well with the requirements of fifth generation (5G) network slicing

    Utjecaj parametara CNC obrade na kvalitetu površine drvnih ploča koje se upotrebljavaju u industriji namještaja

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    The processing of wood-based panels such as plywood, particleboard and fiberboard, which are widely used in the furniture industry, with CNC (Computer Numerical Control) milling machines has been increasing recently. Even though CNC milling machines have many advantages for furniture producers, it is difficult to set process parameters to obtain the desired surface quality of the material. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the most suitable of these parameters for the surface quality of each wood-based panel. This study aimed to determine the effects of processing parameters on the surface quality of plywood, particleboard and medium density fiberboard (MDF) panels processed in CNC milling machines. Furthermore, the average surface roughness values of these panels were compared after CNC processing. Three spindle rotational frequencies (10.000, 14.000 and 18.000 rpm), three feed rates (5, 7, and 9 m/min) and two cutting tool diameters (2 and 5 mm) were selected as CNC processing parameters. To determine the surface quality of wood-based panels, the surface roughness measurements were performed according to DIN 4768 standard and three surface roughness parameters (Ra, Rmax and Rz) were determined. According to the results of this study, it can be concluded that the surface roughness values of wood-based panels decreased with increasing spindle rotational frequency and feed rate, while they increased with increasing cutting tool diameter. Among the wood-based panels used in this study, the lowest average roughness values were obtained for plywood samples.Za obradu ploča na bazi drva kao što su furnirske ploče, iverice i vlaknatice, koje imaju široku primjenu u industriji namještaja, u posljednje se vrijeme sve češće primjenjuju CNC (Computer Numerical Control) glodalice. Iako CNC glodalice imaju mnoge prednosti za proizvođače namještaja, teško je odrediti parametre procesa za postizanje željene kvalitete površine obrađivanog materijala. Stoga je potrebno odrediti najprikladnije parametre obrade za svaku vrstu ploče na bazi drva. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj parametara obrade CNC glodalicama na kvalitetu površine furnirske ploče, iverice i ploče vlaknatice srednje gustoće (MDF ploče). Nadalje, uspoređene su srednje vrijednosti hrapavosti površine tih ploča nakon CNC obrade. Kao parametri CNC obrade odabrane su tri frekvencije vrtnje vretena (10 000, 14 000 i 18 000 okr./min), tri posmične brzine (5, 7 i 9 m/min) te dva promjera reznog alata (2 i 5 mm). Za određivanje kvalitete površine ploča na bazi drva provedena su mjerenja hrapavosti površine prema normi DIN 4768, a hrapavost je iskazana trima parametrima hrapavosti površine (Ra, Rmax i Rz). Prema rezultatima ovog istraživanja može se zaključiti da su se vrijednosti hrapavosti površine ploča na bazi drva smanjivale s povećanjem frekvencije vrtnje vretena i posmične brzine, dok su se povećavale s povećanjem promjera reznog alata. Među pločama na bazi drva na kojima je provedeno ovo istraživanje najniže srednje vrijednosti hrapavosti dobivene su za uzorke furnirske ploče

    Usporedba ekonomskih i tehnoloških svojstava brezovine i bukovine za proizvodnju furnirske ploče

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the use of birch wood, one of the most important wood species used in the plywood industry, especially in Europe, the Nordic countries, Poland, Belarus and Russia as an alternative to beech wood. For this purpose, comparison was made of their economic and technological properties. In five-ply plywood manufacturing, beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) and birch (Betula pendula) veneer sheets were used with melamine urea formaldehyde (MUF) and urea formaldehyde (UF) resins. Some mechanical properties such as shear strength, bending strength and modulus of elasticity of plywood panels were conducted according to EN 314-1 and EN 310, respectively. Mean mechanical strength obtained for birch plywood panels was quite above the limit values specified in the related standards. When taking into consideration the annual increment of beech and birch trees in 1 ha and the time they need to reach suitable diameters for the manufacturing of rotary cut veneers, it was calculated that birch trees provide 2.46 times more physical harvesting than beech trees.U radu je istraživana uporaba brezovine kao jedne od najvažnijih vrsta drva koja se upotrebljava kao alternativa bukovini za proizvodnju furnirskih ploča, posebice u Europi, u nordijskim zemljama, Poljskoj, Bjelorusiji i Rusiji. Za potrebe rada uspoređivana su njihova ekonomska i tehnološka svojstva. U proizvodnji furnirske ploče od pet slojeva upotrijebljeni su listovi furnira od bukovine (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) i brezovine (Betula pendula), koji su slijepljeni ljepilom na bazi melamin-urea-formaldehidnih (MUF) i urea-formaldehidnih (UF) smola. Ispitana su mehanička svojstva furnirskih ploča prema normi EN 314-1 i EN 310, i to čvrstoća na smicanje, čvrstoća na savijanje i modul elastičnosti. Dobivene srednje vrijednosti čvrstoće brezovih i bukovih furnirskih ploča bile su znatno iznad graničnih vrijednosti navedenih u normama. Kada se u obzir uzme godišnji prirast bukve i breze na 1 ha šume i vrijeme potrebno za postizanje odgovarajućih promjera za proizvodnju ljuštenih furnira, izračunano je da breza osigurava 2,46 puta više raspoložive količine za sječu od bukve

    Sosyal Etki Tahvilleri: Sosyal Sorunların Menkul Kıymetleştirilmesi Social Impact Bonds: Securitization of Social Problems

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    Sosyal etki tahvilleri evsizlik, yeniden suç işleme gibi bazı toplumsal sorunları finansallaştırmak için geliştirilen yenilikçi bir girişimdir. Devletin toplumda meydana gelen sorunlar ile ilgili oluşturduğu sosyal program için kaynak sağlama gereksinimini, yatırımcılardan sağlama ihtiyacından ortaya çıkmıştır. Sosyal etki tahvilleri bütçeler, gelecekteki nakit akışları, iskonto, performans ölçümü ve denetim gibi muhasebe dallarının geniş bir yelpazesinden oluşmaktadır. Bu nedenle, belirlenen toplumsal sorunların çözümünde gerekli olan finansman kaynağını yaratacak yeni bir finansman çeşididir. Sosyal etki tahvilleri ile finansman ihtiyacı olan kamu kuruluşu önceden belirlediği sonuçların oluşmasına göre sosyal etki tahvil yatırımcılarına ödeme yapmaktadır. Bu çalışmada ilk olarak İngiltere ve ABD’de kullanım örneklerine rastladığımız sosyal etki tahvillerinin gelişimi, işleyiş mekanizması, sürdürülebilir tahvil olan sosyal tahvillerden farkları gibi konulara değinilerek sosyal etki tahvilleri ile ilgili örneklere ve bilgilere yer verilmiştir. Social impact assessments are an innovative attempt to finance some social problems, such as homelessness and recidivism. It has emerged from the need to provide funds from investors to provide funding for the social program that the state has created about the problems that are taking place in society. The social impact consists of a wide range of accounting segments such as budgeting budgets, future cash flows, discounting, performance measurement and auditing. For this reason, it is a new type of financing that will create the financing source needed to solve the identified social problems. The social impact is paying on bond investors according to the results that the public entity, which is the need for social influence and financing, has formed beforehand. In this study, firstly the examples of usage examples in the UK and the USA are mentioned and the examples and information about the social effect accounts are mentioned, such as the development of the social impact bonds, the mechanism of operation, the differences from the social bonds which are the sustainable bonds