593 research outputs found

    Wavelet Transform Based Classification of Invasive Brain Computer Interface Data

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    The input signals of brain computer interfaces may be either electroencephalogram recorded from scalp or electrocorticogram recorded with subdural electrodes. It is very important that the classifiers have the ability for discriminating signals which are recorded in different sessions to make brain computer interfaces practical in use. This paper proposes a method for classifying motor imagery electrocorticogram signals recorded in different sessions. Extracted feature vectors based on wavelet transform were classified by using k-nearest neighbor, support vector machine and linear discriminant analysis algorithms. The proposed method was successfully applied to Data Set I of BCI competition 2005, and achieved a classification accuracy of 94 % on the test data. The performance of the proposed method was confirmed in terms of sensitivity, specificity and Kappa and compared with that of other studies used the same data set. This paper is an extended version of our work that won the Best Paper Award at the 33rd International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing

    High order sliding mode control of a flexible-link robot arm

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    Ucunda yük bulunan bir Esnek-Mafsallı Robot Kol (EMRK) hareket kontrolu için Kayma Kipli Kontrol (KKK) ve Yüksek Dereceli Kayma Kipli Kontrol (YDKKK) yöntemleri uygulanmıştır. Esnek kolun istenen bir noktada konumlandırma ve yörünge izleme kontrolu için KKK ve 2nci dereceden YDKKK (2-YDKKK) yöntemleri kullanılarak kontrol algoritmaları türetilmiştir. 1-SD (Serbestlik Dereceli) esnek mafsallı robot kolun hassas hareket kontrolu problemi, özellikle hafif ve esnek yapısı ile matematiksel modelinde yer alan şekil kipleri dikkate alındığında; aşırı doğrusal olmayan ve ayrışmayan dinamik denklemleri ile kontrol alanında oldukça zorlayıcı bir çalışma konusudur. Doğrudan Tahrikli (DT) eklem motoruna sahip EMRK çalışma esnasında oluşan esneme, titreşimler ve farklı kütlelere sahip uç yükü ile birlikte hareket kontrolunun sadece eklem motoruna uygula-nabilen kontrol işareti ile sağlandığı düşünülürse yüksek performanslı kontrolör gerektirdiği açıktır. Dayanıklı kontrol yöntemlerinden, sistem belirsizliklerine karşı etkili ve sistem parametre deği-şimlerinden bağımsız olan KKK yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Yöntemin olumsuzluğu olan çatırtı problemi ise 2-YDKKK yöntemi ile türetilen kontrolör ile giderilmeye çalışılmıştır. Her iki yöntemin deneysel olarak karşılaştırılması ve kontrolörlerin gerçeklenmesi bir Donanımlı Simülatör (Dsim) kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Donanımlı simülatör donanım ve yazılıma sahiptir. Dsim de bulunan donanımlar gerçek sistemin önemli bölümlerini içerir. Bu nedenle doğrudan tahrikli iki motor Dsim de yer almaktadır ve millerinden birbirine akuple bağlanmışlardır. Bu sistemle yapılan deneysel çalışmalara göre 2-YDKKK yönteminin KKK yöntemine göre EMRK hareket kontrolunda daha etkili olduğu gö-rülmüştür. Kontrolörlerin doğrudan tahrikli motor moment salınımlarını bastırmadaki etkinliği harmonik analizi ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kayma Kipli Kontrol, Yüksek Dereceli Kayma Kipli Kontrol, Esnek-Mafsallı Robot kol, donanımlı simülatör, moment salınım analizi.In this study, Sliding Mode Control (SMC) and High Order Sliding Mode Control (HOSMC) me-thods are applied to a single Flexible Link Robot Arm (FLA) with payload. A sliding mode and high order sliding mode controllers are designed to achieve set point precision positioning control and trajectory tracking control for a FLA. Flexible robot arms have structural flexibilities and resulting high number of passive degrees-of-freedom. They cannot be decoupled due to the highly nonlinear structure. Since the flexible systems have highly nonlinear structure and coupled dynamics, the sliding mode based control approach is chosen a powerful me-thod to overcome the unmodeled and parametric uncertainties. One of the proposed controllers is 2nd order HOSMC method is compared with classical SMC method. Comparison of the methods is experimentally fulfilled using HIL simulator, and additionally torque ripple analysis is made to evaluate of the methods aspect from system harmonics. Direct drive motors are used as actuator in controlled systems. Of all system dynamics affect system harmonics via motor shaft due to the direct drive system that is no gear box. Therefore, harmonics analysis is crucial to in-vestigate of designed controllers effects on system harmonics. To precise set-point and trajectory tracking con-trol of 1-DOF DD FLA has been derived SMC and HOSMC. Sliding Mode Controllers (SMCs) have the robustness properties, while also increasing accuracy by reducing chattering effects. The performance of the designed control methods are tested for the precise position and targeting control of a 1-DOF-DD-FLA system under heavy uncertainties. Comparative results of both methods have been evaluated in real-time using a Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) simulator designed for robotics. Especially, HIL simulator for this system includes DD motors and obtained results can be evaluated more realistically according to pure computer simulations. Additionally, torque ripples of whole system with HIL simulator have been determined and their eliminations using for both methods are introduced. HIL simulator is used to implement designed con-troller for a flexible-link arm. Direct drive joint motors are important parts of the direct drive underactuated robot manipulators. Therefore two DD motors take part in HIL simulator and couple through their shaft. One of the motors represents joint actuator, while the other motor is used for generation of the dynamics of the controlled sys-tem via the torque applied to the shaft. The two motors acting as "actuator" and "load torque simulator" are driven separately by a high per-formance controller board. HIL Simulator is ex-pressed briefly as software that is modeled control algorithm and system dynamic model via controller board is integrated with hardware. HIL simulation differs from computer simulation as it involves actual hardware and is not limited with a software-based representation of the system. Main aim is to use HIL Simulator is able to make more realistic analysis about behaviors of the system dynamics in real-time. It is over computer simulation since the simulator incorporates some of the crucial hardware of the actual system that takes part in the loop. For this purpose defined HIL simulation environment is useful to test, analysis and performance evaluation of designed controllers for unde-ractuated robot manipulators. The major contribution of this study is experimen-tal evaluation of 2nd order HOSM controller and SMC for tracking accuracy and robustness against internal and external uncertainties of DD flexible-link arm with the consideration of the full system dynamics effects. The HIL experimental results confirm and depict that the 2-HOSMC me-thod has robust and accurate performance as expected from the HOSM controllers. Additionally, torque ripples of whole system with HIL simulator have been determined and their eliminations using for both methods are introduced. According to the HIL experimental results and torque ripple analysis, using 2-HOSMC has advantages an increased accuracy over the SMC. Keywords: Sliding Mode Control, High Order Sliding Mode Control, Flexible-Link Robot Arm, Hardware in the Loop simulator, torque ripple analysis