131 research outputs found

    Estimation of broad-sense heritability for grain yield and some agronomic and quality traits of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

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    Twenty-five wheat genotypes (Triticum aestivum L.) were grown at three locations (Samsun, Amasya and Tokat) in the Middle Black Sea Region of Turkey in order to estimate the broad-sense heritability for grain yield and some agronomic and quality traits. Estimation of the heritability will help to identify selection parameters in our breeding programs for target environments. The heritability for grain yield, test weight, 1000-kernel weight, Zeleny sedimentation, protein content and plant height were 46.05%, 86.88%, 81.82%, 89.13%, 87.45% and 43.69%, respectively. It was found that Zeleny sedimentation was the least affected trait over environments and followed protein content, test weight and 1000-kernel weight. On the other hand, grain yield and plant height were the most affected traits across environmental conditions

    Effect of Autumn and Spring Sowing Dates on Hay Yield and Quality of Oat (Avena sativa L.) Genotypes

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of sowing dates on hay yield and quality of oat genotypes. Sixteen oat genotypes were grown over the consecutive four growing seasons in Samsun, North of Turkey. Hay yield and quality were significantly different between genotypes and sowing dates. Hay yield, Crude Protein (CP), Acid Detergent Fibre (ADF), Neutral Detergent Fibre (NDF), Total Digestible Nutrients (TDN), Relative Feed Value (RFV), Ca, K, P and Mg contents of hay were determined. Hay yield of the oat genotypes in the autumn sowing was higher than in the spring sowing while hay quality (CP, ADF, NDF, TDN, RFV and some elements) in the autumn sowing was lower than in the spring sowing. The hay yield of latematuring and tall genotypes like Yesilkoy-330, Yesilkoy-1779, Faikbey and Seydisehir (12.1, 12.2, 12.4 and 12.9 t haG 1, respectively) were higher compared with the other genotypes in sowed in autumn. But quality of these genotypes in autumn sowing was lower than the other genotypes. In spring sowing, genotypes Samsun and Kupa had the highest hay yield and fairly high quality. Ca, K and P contents of hay were adequate for ruminants in both sowing dates but Mg content was not adequate. This study showed that sowing date had great effect on hay yield and quality potential of oat genotypes

    Pregnancy Following Kidney Transplantation

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    After a successful kidney transplantation, renal and endocrine functions quickly return to normal in many women and ovulation ensues. Woman with a renal transplant can have a successful pregnancy, however, there are many risks for both the mother and the fetus. For this reason, these patients should be carefully monitored with a multidisciplinary approach including a nephrologist and an obstetrician. Counseling about contraception and pregnancy after transplant should be initiated during the pretransplant evaluation process. The live birth rate appears comparable to the general population. Pregnancy timing depends on whether the graft function is optimal, but the general recommendation is to wait a year after transplantation. The recommended maintenance immunosuppressive therapy in pregnant women includes the use of calcineurin inhibitors (preferably tacrolimus), azathioprine, and low dose prednisone. Vaginal delivery should be preferred in kidney transplant patients. Cesarean section may be considered only when there is an absolute indication. Kidney transplant patients can breastfeed their children with appropriate drug combinations after birth; patients should be encouraged in this regard

    Coruh river dam projects and their ecological impacts

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    Coruh river starts from Mescit Mountains of Bayburt, Turkey and reaches Black Sea in Batum, Georgia. The total length of the river is around 431 km. and 410 km of it in the boundries of Turkey and the remaining 21 km in the Georgia. The annual discharge of the river is 6.3 billion cubic meter. Coruh is the fastest running river of the Turkey with an elevational difference of 1420 m. It carries 5.8 million cubic meter of sediment each year. Ten dams are planned to construct on the main river while 21 planned to construct on the branches of the river. They will generate 10.6 billions kWh energy per year. Seven of these dams are located in the vicinity of Artvin. Construction of new roads have also started to solve the transportation problem of the area because some part of the roads are going to be covered by the water. Road construction will damage the forests of the valley due to high slope in the area. Fish species living in the river such as Salmo trutta labrax, Salmo trutta lcapius, Cypirinus carpio, Barbus cycloepsis and Silurus glanis are going to lose their habitat. The region is rich in endemism. The number of endemic species is 119 for Artvin and some of them grows in the main valley of Coruh river. They will lose their habitat after the construction of the dams

    Yield stability and agronomic performance of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes in the Central Black Sea Region in Turkey

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    Grain yield and yield stability of genotypes are of great importance in wheat genetics and breeding programs. Yield stability can be used to select promising and stable wheat genotypes across environments. It can also represent good adaptation ability of high-yielding genotypes across environments. This study was conducted in 7 environments in the Central Black Sea Region in 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 growing seasons. Twenty-three bread wheat cultivars and advanced lines were tested in a randomized complete block design with 4 replications. Data were recorded for grain yield, plant height, hectolitre weight, thousand kernel weight and SDS (sodium dodecyl sulphate) sedimentation volume. Parametric and nonparametric methods were used to determine the stable genotypes for grain yield. Mean grain yields of genotypes ranged from 5742 to 3262 kg ha-1. The highest mean values for thousand kernel weight, hectolitre weight and SDS sedimentation were obtained from Samsun/Bafra location in 2008-2009 with 46.4 g, Samsun/Bafra location in 2008-2009 with 81.2 kg, and Samsun/Karakoy location with 38.2 ml, respectively. While the genotypes G11 and G22 were most stable by all stability parameters except for the TOP statistic, the genotype G6 was the most stable by all stability parameters except for ASV statistic. The genotypes G6, G11 and G22 will be tested for release procedure and the genotypes with good yield potential and acceptable end-use quality will be used as elite genetic material for future breeding activities in the Central Black Sea Region

    Artvin-Hatilla Milli Parkı, doğu ladini meşçerelerinde görülen kurumaların ekolojik açıdan irdelenmesi

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    Bu çalışmada Artvin-Hatilla Milli parkında görülen böcek kaynaklı kurumaların ekolojik nedenlerinin ortaya konması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla alandaki sağlıklı ve kurumuş büklerden toprak ve artım örnekleri alınarak incelenmiştir. İnceleme sonucu, kuruyan ağaçların son 20 yılda artımları azalan ağaçlar olduğu belirlenmiştirIn this study, the ecelogical reasons behind the spruce-dying in Hatilla National Park were evaluated in Artvin, Turkey. Soil and ingrowth samples were taken from both healty and damaged stands. Our results showed that trees damaged by the spruce bark beetle were those having decreasing growth ring widths in last 20 years

    Çoruh vadisi fıstıkçamı orman ekosistemlerine ilişkin bitki örtüsü ve bazı fiziksel ve kimyasal toprak özelliklerinin incelenmesi

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    Bir Akdeniz bitki örtüsü olan fıstıkçamı Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesinde Trabzon- Söğütlü Deresi ve Artvin-Çoruh Vadisinde dar bir alanda yayılış göstermektedir. Koruma amaçlı ayrılması gereken bu alanlarda fıstıkçamının kalıcılığının sağlanmasında toprak etmenlerinin önemi büyüktür. Bu çalışmada Çoruh vadisi fıstıkçamı meşcerelerinden 8 adet toprak profili alınmıştır. Alınan toprak örneklerinin tekstür, pH, organik madde ve taşlılık oranları belirlenmiştir. Toprak pH’sı 6.3 ile 7.04, toprak organik maddesi ise 0.7 ile 8.1 arasında değişmiştir. Toprağın taşlılık oranı yüksek olup, horizonlaşma zayıftır. Meşcere kapalılığı zayıf olup yoğun diri örtü doğal gençleşme şansını azaltmıştır. Koruma altına alınmadığı takdirde buradaki fıstıkçamı meşcerelerinin yok olması kaçınılmaz görünmektedir.Stone pine (Pinus pinea L.), a mediterranian species, locally spreads in two locations of Eastern Blacksea Region: Tarbzon-Söğütlü Watershed and Artvin-Coruh Watershed. Understanding soil properties of these areas will be useful in preserving them. In this study 8 soil pits were dug in stone pine stands along Coruh Valley. Soil texture, soil organic matter content and soil pH were determined. Soil pH ranged from 6.3 to 7.04; soil organic matter content changed from 0.7 to 8.1. Coarse fragment content of soil were very high. Stand canopy was low and natural regeneration of stone pine were decreased by dense understory cover. It seems these stone pine stands will disappear if the necessary measures were not taken

    Switchgrass as a potential forage grass for Gümüşhane region and its biomass production

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    Dallı darı (Panicum virgatum L.) yüksek ot verimi, iyi düzeydeki yem değeri, biyoenerji kaynağı teşkil etmesi, derin kök sistemi geliştirmesi, toprağı iyileştirmesi, kurağa dayanıklı olması ve nispeten fakir yetişme ortamlarında gelişebilmesi gibi özellikleri nedeni ile önemli bir yem bitkisi türüdür. Dallı darının kökleri uygun yetişme ortamlarında 3.3 m. derine kadar inebilmektedir. Yıllık toprak üstü net biyokütle üretimi hektarda 17 ile 35 ton arasında değişmektedir. Ancak bu değer uygun olmayan yetişme ortamlarında 8-10 ton/ha’a kadar düşebilmektedir. Yıllık net toprak altı biyokütle üretimi yaklaşık 8 ton/ha cıvarında olabilmekte, bu değer kurak ve fakir yetişme ortamlarında 15 ton/ha’a kadar çıkabilmektedir. Dallı darı, uygun varyete ve orijinleri denenerek, Gümüşhane ve yöresi hayvancılığı için çok faydalı olabilecek bir tür niteliğindedir.Switchgrass is one of the important grass species with its deep root system, high annual above- and belowground production, good quality forage, potential to use for bioenergy, resistance to drought, ability to grow in poor soils and potential to improve soil quality. Switchgrass develops roots that penetrates up to 330 cm soil depth. Annual net aboveground production ranges from 17 to 35 tons/ha. However this value can decrease to 8 to 10 tons/ha in poor soil conditions. Annual net belowground production is generally around 8 tons/ha, but it can go up to 15 tons/ha in dry and poor soil conditions. Switchgrass could provide lots of benefits to livestock production in Gümüşhane if right varieties and cultivars have chose

    Ekmeklik Buğday Triticum aestivum L. Çeşit ve Hatlarının Karadeniz Koşullarında Verim ve Kalite Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi

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    Ekmeklik buğdayda verim ve kalite; genotip, çevre ve genotip x çevre interaksiyonundan etkilenmektedir. Bu çalışmada ekmeklik buğday çeşit ve hatlarının Orta Karadeniz Bölgesi koşullarında verim ve bazı kalite özellikleri saptanmaya çalışılmıştır. Denemelerde 5 adet kontrol çeşit ve 20 adet ekmeklik buğday hattı yer almıştır. Samsun ve Amasya lokasyonlarında kurulan denemeler 2003-2004 yetişme sezonunda Tesadüf Blokları Deneme Desenine göre 4 tekrarlamalı olarak yürütülmüştür. Araştırmada tane verimi, bitki boyu, bin tane ağırlığı, hektolitre ağırlığı, protein oranı ve Zeleny sedimantasyon değeri incelenmiştir. Samsun lokasyonunda ortalama tane verimi 345.0 kg/da, Amasya lokasyonunda 486.3 kg/da’dır. Bin tane ağırlığı Samsun ve Amasya lokasyonlarında sırasıyla 25.9-38.3 g ve 27.8-36.9 g, hektolitre ağırlığı ise 63.8-71.8 kg ve 73.1-80.2 kg arasında değişmiştir. Lokasyon ortalamalarına göre sedimantasyon değeri 38.3 ml, protein oranı ise % 11.2’di

    Deniz kıyılarında biriken katı atık maddelerin örnekleme yoluyla tür ve miktar olarak belirlenmesine ilişkin bir çalışma ( Trabzon Beşirli deresi – küçük Yoroz burnu arası )

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    Ülkemiz kıyılarında katı atık kirlenmesinin zaman zaman basın yayın organlarında yer aldığı bilinmektedir. Deniz kıyısı katı atıkların belirlenmesinde bir katkı sağlamak amacıyla konum belirterek yukarıdaki adı yazılan çalışma gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yaklaşık 30 km uzunluğundaki bir deniz kıyısı bölümünde örnekleme yaparak bir takım sayısal veriler elde edilmiştir. İncelemeye konu olan alanda özellikle; plastikler, metaller ve çalı ve odun türü atıklar ana nesneler olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır