451 research outputs found

    Filler model based confidence measures for spoken dialogue systems: a case study for Turkish

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    Because of the inadequate performance of speech recognition systems, an accurate confidence scoring mechanism should be employed to understand user requests correctly. To determine a confidence score for a hypothesis, certain confidence features are combined. The performance of filler-model based confidence features have been investigated. Five types of filler model networks were defined: triphone-network; phone-network; phone-class network; 5-state catch-all model; 3-state catch-all model. First, all models were evaluated in a Turkish speech recognition task in terms of their ability to tag correctly (recognition-error or correct) recognition hypotheses. The best performance was obtained from the triphone recognition network. Then, the performances of reliable combinations of these models were investigated and it was observed that certain combinations of filler models could significantly improve the accuracy of the confidence annotatio

    Bayesian models and algorithms for protein beta-sheet prediction

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    Prediction of the three-dimensional structure greatly benefits from the information related to secondary structure, solvent accessibility, and non-local contacts that stabilize a protein's structure. Prediction of such components is vital to our understanding of the structure and function of a protein. In this paper, we address the problem of beta-sheet prediction. We introduce a Bayesian approach for proteins with six or less beta-strands, in which we model the conformational features in a probabilistic framework. To select the optimum architecture, we analyze the space of possible conformations by efficient heuristics. Furthermore, we employ an algorithm that finds the optimum pairwise alignment between beta-strands using dynamic programming. Allowing any number of gaps in an alignment enables us to model beta-bulges more effectively. Though our main focus is proteins with six or less beta-strands, we are also able to perform predictions for proteins with more than six beta-strands by combining the predictions of BetaPro with the gapped alignment algorithm. We evaluated the accuracy of our method and BetaPro. We performed a 10-fold cross validation experiment on the BetaSheet916 set and we obtained significant improvements in the prediction accuracy

    Bayesian models and algorithms for protein beta-sheet prediction

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    Prediction of the three-dimensional structure greatly benefits from the information related to secondary structure, solvent accessibility, and non-local contacts that stabilize a protein's structure. Prediction of such components is vital to our understanding of the structure and function of a protein. In this paper, we address the problem of beta-sheet prediction. We introduce a Bayesian approach for proteins with six or less beta-strands, in which we model the conformational features in a probabilistic framework. To select the optimum architecture, we analyze the space of possible conformations by efficient heuristics. Furthermore, we employ an algorithm that finds the optimum pairwise alignment between beta-strands using dynamic programming. Allowing any number of gaps in an alignment enables us to model beta-bulges more effectively. Though our main focus is proteins with six or less beta-strands, we are also able to perform predictions for proteins with more than six beta-strands by combining the predictions of BetaPro with the gapped alignment algorithm. We evaluated the accuracy of our method and BetaPro. We performed a 10-fold cross validation experiment on the BetaSheet916 set and we obtained significant improvements in the prediction accuracy


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    This study is planned to review the effect of the plyometrics training performed by icemen on the Dominant and Nondominant leg concentric and isokinetic power values at angular speed. Totally 14 male icemen, the age average of training group is (21,42±4,79), control group’s age average is (21,12±3,44). After being measured the knee extension and flexion, concentric isokinetic power properties, the athletes were divided into two groups as  control and training groups so as to be seven people in each of them by the random  method. The data obtained are analyzed by Mann Whitney-U and Wilcoxon Signed tests by computing the descriptive statistics in SPSS 16 program. While the control group was performing ice hockey for three days a week for eight weeks, the training group was performing the plyometrics training in addition to the same technical training. There is found a significant difference (p<0.05) between 60 deg/sec, 180 deg/sec and 300 deg/sec dominant leg extensor concentric and isokinetic powers. Even though there is a numerical increase between 60 deg/sec, 180 deg/sec, and 300 deg/sec dominant leg flexor concentric and isokinetic powers, no statistically significant difference is determined (p>0.05). A numerical increment is found in 60 dec/sec, 180 dec/sec and 300 dec/sec nondominant leg extensor concentric and isokinetic power. However, there is not seen any statistical enhancement in nondominant leg extensor concentric and isokinetic powers in spite of the numerical increase as 60 dec/sec,  180 dec/sec and 300 dec/sec.  Article visualizations

    Examination of parameters used in ant colony algorithm over truss optimization

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    Metaheuristic optimization techniques have been used to solve engineering problems with an increasing speed for the last 30 years. Most of these algorithms have been developed by imitating a process in nature. In this study, the ant colony algorithm inspired by the natural life of ants is discussed. The ant colony algorithm requires some parameters to perform an optimization, as in other meta-heuristic algorithms. The aim of this study is to examine the effect the values of the parameters used in the ant colony algorithm on the results. For this purpose, as an exemplary problem, a study was carried out on the optimization of truss systems, one of the constrained problems frequently discussed in the literature. Appropriate values of optimum design parameters such as number of ants, pheromone update coefficient and penalty coefficient were investigated using the coded computer program. As a result of the study, the effect of the relevant parameters on the result was determined and the points to be considered in the selection of these parameters were specified


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    II. Meşrutiyet dönemi Konya gazetelerinden biri olan Meşrık-ı İrfan, yayın hayatına Islah-ıMedâris-i İslâmiye bünyesinde başlar. II. Meşrutiyet sonrasıkendini yenileyen medrese, bir de gazete yayınlama ihtiyacıduymuştur. Medresenin kurucumüderrislerinden Nakşibendîliğin Hâlidiye kolu şeyhi Zeynelabidin Efendi’nin siyasî çizgisi, Meşrık-ı İrfan’ın yayın politikasınıda tayin eder. Gazete, medrese temelinde oluşan İttihat ve Terakki muhalefetinin önce Ahali Fırkası, sonra da Hürriyet ve İtilâf nezdinde sözcülüğünü üstlenmiştir. Bu süreç, Hürriyet ve İtilâf’la birlikte Meşrık-ı İrfan’ın, 1917’de de Islah-ıMedâris’in sonunu getirir


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    İstanbul dışında ilk sinema salonu 1909’da İzmir’de açılır. Bunu Ankara ve Bursa’daki sinema salonlarıizlemiştir. Konya’da ilk sinema gösterimi, İzmir’de sinema salonunun açılmasından bir yıl sonra 1910 yılında, AmerikalıMisyoner Dr. Dat’ın özel hastanesinde “Hıristiyan Gençlik Teşkilatı” tarafından gerçekleştirilir. İlk sinema salonu ise bundan üç yıl sonra 1913’te, Sanayi Mektebi Sinemasıadıyla faaliyete geçirilir. Konya’nın ikinci sinema mekânı, esas olarak 1923’ten sonra Belediye mülkiyetinde sinemaya dönüştürülen Belediye Sineması’dır. Bu iki deneyim, 1938’de Belediye Sinemasıişletmecilerinden Tevfik Ceylani’nin Yeni Sinema’sıile başlayan özel sinemacılığa güçlü bir arka plan oluşturur

    Sakarya Savaşı'nda Anadolu'da Yeni Gün

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    Anadolu'da Yeni Gün, ilk olarak 1918 Eylül'ünde, Yunus Nadi tarafından Yeni Gün adıyla İstanbul'da yayınlanmıştır. Mütareke devrinin ağırlığı çökünce Ankara'ya taşınan gazete, Ağustos 1920'den itibaren Ankara'da, Anadolu'da Yeni Gün adıyla tekrar çıkmıştır. Ankara Hükümeti'nin yarı resmi sözcülüğünü yapan Anadolu'da Yeni Gün, Millî Mücadele basını içinde en kuvvetli ve nitelikli gazetelerden biridir. Sakarya Savaşı'nda Kayseri'ye nakledilir. Savaşın zaferle sonuçlanmasının ardından yeniden Ankara'ya taşınmış, Cumhuriyet'in ilanından sonra kapanarak yerini, yine Yunus Nadi tarafından 7 Mayıs 1924'ten itibaren İstanbul'da yayınlanmaya başlayan Cumhuriyet'e bırakmıştır. Niteliksel tarihsel tasarım karakterini taşıyan çalışma, kurtuluş sürecinin kritik evrelerinden biri olan Sakarya Savaşı'nın, Millî Mücadele'nin önde gelen gazetelerinden Anadolu'da Yeni Gün'ün yayın hayatını nasıl etkilediğini ve gazetenin bu süreçte izlediği politikayı değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır

    A preliminary study to evaluate the reproducibility of factor analysis results: The case of educational research journals in Turkey

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    In quantitative research, an attempt to reproduce previously reported results requires at least a transparent definition of the population, sampling method, and the analyses procedures used in the prior studies. Focusing on the articles published between 2010 and 2017 by the four prestigious educational research journals in Turkey, this study aimed to investigate the reproducibility of the factor analysis results from a theoretical perspective. A total of 275 articles were subject to descriptive content analysis. Results showed that 77.8% of the studies did not include an explicit definition of the population under interest, and in 50.9% of the studies, the sampling method was either not clear or reported to be convenience sampling. Moreover, information about the missing data or a missing data dealing technique was absent in the 76% of the articles. Approximately, half of the studies were found to have inadequate model fit. Furthermore, in almost all studies, it could not be determined whether the item types (i.e., levels of measurement scales) were taken into consideration during the analyses. In conclusion, the majority of the investigated factor analysis results were evaluated to be non-reproducible in practice

    Endometriosis ve implantasyon

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    İmplantasyon, embriyonun endometriuma yerleşmesinin gerçekleştiği kompleks bir işlemdir. İnsan endometriumu; endometrial hücreler ve embriyodan kaynaklanan steroid hormonlar ve parakrin faktörlerin etkisi altında, luteal faz süresince embriyoyu kabul etmeye hazır hale gelir. Lösemi inhibitor faktör (LİF) ve interlökin (İL)-11'de dahil olmak üzere, pek çok parakrin faktör implantasyonu etkiler. Bunun yanısıra endometriyumda gelişen pinopodlar, integrinler, HOX genleri ve aynı zamanda oosit kalitesi de implantasyon sonucunu belirler. Endometriosis; yaygın bir jinekolojik hastalıktır ve infertil kadınların yaklaşık %25-50'si endometriosislidir. İnfertiliteye sebep olan mekanizmalar tam olarak anlaşılamamış olmasına rağmen, bu konu hakkındaki genel kanı; normal olmayan folikülogenez, sperm disfonksiyonu, implantasyon başarısızlığı, erken dönem embriyo gelişimine karşı oluşan toksisite, implante olma yeteneği azalmış düşük oosit kalitesinin bazı endometriosisli hastalarda infertiliteye neden olan etkili faktörler olabileceği yönündedir.Implantation is a complex process by which the embryo attaches to the endometrium. The human endometrium becomes receptive to the embryo during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle under the influence of steroid hormones and paracrine factors originating from endometrial cells and the embryo. Several paracrine factors influencing the implantation include leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) and interleukin (IL)-11. Moreover, timely development of pinopodes, and expression of integrins and Hox genes in endometrium, and oocyte quality also determines the implantation outcome. Endometriosis is a common gynecologic disorder and estimated that 25 to 50% of infertile women have endometriosis. Although the mechanisms contributing to infertility are poorly understood, accumulating evidence suggests that altered folliculogenesis, sperm dysfunction, impaired fertilization, toxicity against early embryonic development, defective implantation, and poor oocyte quality with decreased ability to implant may be the contributing factors in some endometriosis patients