23 research outputs found

    The impact of metallicity and X-rays on star formation

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    Star formation is regulated through a variety of feedback processes. In this study, we treat feedback by metal injection and a UV background as well as by X-ray irradiation. Our aim is to investigate whether star formation is significantly affected when the ISM of a proto-galaxxy enjoys different metallicities and when a star forming cloud resides in the vicinity of a strong X-ray source. We perform cosmological Enzo simulations with a detailed treatment of non-zero metallicity chemistry and thermal balance. We also perform FLASH simulations with embedded Lagrangian sink particles of a collapsing molecular cloud near a massive, 10^{7} M\odot, black hole that produces X-ray radiation. We find that a multi-phase ISM forms for metallicites as small as 10^{-4} Solar at z = 6, with higher (10^{-2}Z\odot) metallicities supporting a cold ( 10^{3} cm^{-3}) phase at higher (z = 20) redshift. A star formation recipe based on the presence of a cold dense phase leads to a self-regulating mode in the presence of supernova and radiation feedback. We also find that when there is strong X-ray feedback a collapsing cloud fragments into larger clumps whereby fewer but more massive protostellar cores are formed. This is a consequence of the higher Jeans mass in the warm (50 K, due to ionization heating) molecular gas. Accretion processes dominate the mass function and a near-flat, non-Salpeter IMF results.Comment: Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 270, 2010. 4 pages, 5 figure

    Songlines from Direct Collapse Seed Black Holes: Effects of X-rays on Black Hole Growth and Stellar Populations

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    In the last decade, the growth of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) has been intricately linked to galaxy formation and evolution and is a key ingredient in the assembly of galaxies. To investigate the origin of SMBHs, we perform cosmological simulations that target the direct collapse black hole (DCBH) seed formation scenario in the presence of two different strong Lyman-Werner (LW) background fields. These simulations include the X-ray irradiation from a central massive black hole (MBH), H2\rm{H}_2 self-shielding and stellar feedback from metal-free and metal-enriched stars. We find in both simulations that local X-ray feedback induces metal-free star formation ∼0.5\sim 0.5 Myr after the MBH forms. The MBH accretion rate reaches a maximum of 10−310^{-3} M⊙M_{\odot} yr−1^{-1} in both simulations. However, the duty cycle differs which is derived to be 6%6\% and 50%50\% for high and low LW cases, respectively. The MBH in the high LW case grows only ∼6%\sim 6\% in 100 Myr compared to 16%16\% in the low LW case. We find that the maximum accretion rate is determined by the local gas thermodynamics whereas the duty cycle is determined by the large scale gas dynamics and gas reservoir. We conclude that radiative feedback from the central MBH plays an important role in star formation in the nuclear regions and stifling initial MBH growth, relative to the typical Eddington rate argument, and that initial MBH growth might be affected by the local LW radiation field.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ, with minor changes to submitted versio

    Can the intergalactic medium cause a rapid drop in Lyman alpha emission at z>6?

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    The large cross-section of the Lyman alpha (Lya) line makes it a sensitive probe of the ionization state of the intergalactic medium (IGM). Here we present the most complete study to date of the IGM Lya opacity, and its application to the redshift evolution of the 'Lya fraction', i.e. the fraction of color-selected galaxies with a detectable Lya emission line. We use a tiered approach, which combines large-scale semi-numeric simulations of reionization with moderate-scale hydrodynamic simulations of the ionized IGM. This allows us to simultaneously account for evolution in both: (i) the opacity from an incomplete (patchy) reionization, parameterized by the filling factor of ionized regions, Q_HII; and (ii) the opacity from self-shielded systems in the ionized IGM, parameterized by the average photo-ionization rate inside HII regions, \Gamma. In contrast to recent empirical models, attenuation from patchy reionization has a unimodal distribution along different sightlines, while attenuation from self-shielded systems is more bimodal. We quantify the average IGM transmission in our (Q_HII, \Gamma) parameter space, which can easily be used to interpret new data sets. Using current observations, we predict that the Lya fraction cannot drop by more than a factor of ~2 with IGM attenuation alone, even for HII filling factors as low as Q_HII>0.1. Larger changes in the Lya fraction could result from a co-evolution with galaxy properties. Marginalizing over \Gamma, we find that current observations constrain Q_HII < 0.6 at z=7 [68% confidence level (C.L.)]. However, all of our parameter space is consistent with observations at 95% C.L., highlighting the need for larger observational samples at z >= 6.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, MNRAS submitte