14 research outputs found

    The role of bilingualism and personal variables in reading literacy performance of bilingual students based on the PIRLS study (2001)

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      Today, bilingualism and multilingualism are a global phenomenon and almost rarely, a country can be found in which at least population of its small part does not speak two or more languages. Bilingualism or multilingualism is one of the crucial problems of educational system that has created numerous challenges in formal education especially in the early years. The main purpose of the training curriculum is noticing reinforcing and training skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing. Among the language skills, reading skill is one of the most important learning needs of students in their today life and perhaps the most important skill among school skills. Progress International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) is an initiative program for assessing reading ability of children in fourth grade which has been measured reading process every five years. The aim of the present study is to investigate the role of bilingualism and individual variables on bilingual students' reading literacy performance based on the PIRLS study (2001). Structural equation model is used for research data analysis. Results from this model indicated that the direct impact of two hybrid languages ​​at home and school variable has significant effect on reading literacy performance statistically. Also, direct effect of other personal variables on reading literacy performance of students was also significant.

    Evaluation of academic self-efficacy based on implied intelligence beliefs

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    Academic self-efficacy mainly refers to individuals’ beliefs in relation to their ability to perform a behavior and academic task, achieve the goal and effective coping with stressful environment and the intelligence belief encompasses one's knowledge and belief toward the nature of intelligence. The present study aims to investigate the academic self-efficacy based on the implicit intelligence beliefs. For this purpose, 302 subjects of graduate students of Tabriz University were determined by using Cochran's formula and by random sampling method and completed the measures related to academic self-efficacy and implicit intelligence beliefs. Obtained data were analyzed by using multiple regressions. Results analysis showed that definitive intelligence beliefs have significant and negative relationship with self-efficacy and intelligence increase beliefs have significant and positive relationship with self-efficacy. This means that people having enhanced intelligence beliefs, have high self-efficacy and people who have definitive intelligence beliefs, have low self-efficacy

    The role of bilingualism and personal variables in reading literacy performance of bilingual students based on the PIRLS study (2001)

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      Today, bilingualism and multilingualism are a global phenomenon and almost rarely, a country can be found in which at least population of its small part does not speak two or more languages. Bilingualism or multilingualism is one of the crucial problems of educational system that has created numerous challenges in formal education especially in the early years. The main purpose of the training curriculum is noticing reinforcing and training skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing. Among the language skills, reading skill is one of the most important learning needs of students in their today life and perhaps the most important skill among school skills. Progress International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) is an initiative program for assessing reading ability of children in fourth grade which has been measured reading process every five years. The aim of the present study is to investigate the role of bilingualism and individual variables on bilingual students' reading literacy performance based on the PIRLS study (2001). Structural equation model is used for research data analysis. Results from this model indicated that the direct impact of two hybrid languages ​​at home and school variable has significant effect on reading literacy performance statistically. Also, direct effect of other personal variables on reading literacy performance of students was also significant.

    Evaluation of academic self-efficacy based on implied intelligence beliefs

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    Academic self-efficacy mainly refers to individuals’ beliefs in relation to their ability to perform a behavior and academic task, achieve the goal and effective coping with stressful environment and the intelligence belief encompasses one's knowledge and belief toward the nature of intelligence. The present study aims to investigate the academic self-efficacy based on the implicit intelligence beliefs. For this purpose, 302 subjects of graduate students of Tabriz University were determined by using Cochran's formula and by random sampling method and completed the measures related to academic self-efficacy and implicit intelligence beliefs. Obtained data were analyzed by using multiple regressions. Results analysis showed that definitive intelligence beliefs have significant and negative relationship with self-efficacy and intelligence increase beliefs have significant and positive relationship with self-efficacy. This means that people having enhanced intelligence beliefs, have high self-efficacy and people who have definitive intelligence beliefs, have low self-efficacy

    The role of bilingualism and personal variables in reading literacy performance of bilingual students based on the PIRLS study (2001)

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      Today, bilingualism and multilingualism are a global phenomenon and almost rarely, a country can be found in which at least population of its small part does not speak two or more languages. Bilingualism or multilingualism is one of the crucial problems of educational system that has created numerous challenges in formal education especially in the early years. The main purpose of the training curriculum is noticing reinforcing and training skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing. Among the language skills, reading skill is one of the most important learning needs of students in their today life and perhaps the most important skill among school skills. Progress International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) is an initiative program for assessing reading ability of children in fourth grade which has been measured reading process every five years. The aim of the present study is to investigate the role of bilingualism and individual variables on bilingual students' reading literacy performance based on the PIRLS study (2001). Structural equation model is used for research data analysis. Results from this model indicated that the direct impact of two hybrid languages ​​at home and school variable has significant effect on reading literacy performance statistically. Also, direct effect of other personal variables on reading literacy performance of students was also significant.

    Predicting Variables of Academic Achievement and Science Self-Concept of Students in Third Year Guidance School Based on Parents' Education Level and Attitude towards Science

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    This study was aimed at predicting variables of academic achievement and science self-concept of students in third year guidance based on parents' education level and attitude towards science. Findings of the Thamesin (2007) were used in this study. The sample of this study is 3981 students of third year guidance who answered to questionnaire of Thames 2007.  Collected data were analyzed through structural equation model and results showed that only two routes, namely the direct effect of attitude towards science on science self-concept and science improvement are not significant with possibility of 95%, but the rest of the routs namely the direct effect of parental education on science advancement and attitudes toward science are significant and positive and their influence on science self-concept is negative and significant. Also, the direct influence of science development on science self-concept is positive and significant and its impact on attitude toward science is significant and negative. Moreover, the direct effect of self-concept on attitudes toward science is significant and positive and its influence on science achievement variable is negative and significant. Indirect influence of parental education variables, attitudes towards science and science self-concept on science advancement was reported significant. But, only the overall effect of parental education on the development of science is significant and overall effect of variables of attitudes to science and self-concept on development of science was reported insignificant. In addition, the overall indirect effect of parents' education and development of science on self-concept is significant and also attitude towards science has indirect and significant influence on science self-concept and its overall effect on self-concept is not significant. The general and indirect effect of variables of self-concept and development of science on attitude towards science was significant, while the overall impact of variable of parental education on the attitude to science was non-significant and its indirect effect was reported to be significant. The results indicated that the variables of attitude towards science, science self-concept and achievement have moderating role

    Predicting Variables of Academic Achievement and Science Self-Concept of Students in Third Year Guidance School Based on Parents' Education Level and Attitude towards Science

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    This study was aimed at predicting variables of academic achievement and science self-concept of students in third year guidance based on parents' education level and attitude towards science. Findings of the Thamesin (2007) were used in this study. The sample of this study is 3981 students of third year guidance who answered to questionnaire of Thames 2007.  Collected data were analyzed through structural equation model and results showed that only two routes, namely the direct effect of attitude towards science on science self-concept and science improvement are not significant with possibility of 95%, but the rest of the routs namely the direct effect of parental education on science advancement and attitudes toward science are significant and positive and their influence on science self-concept is negative and significant. Also, the direct influence of science development on science self-concept is positive and significant and its impact on attitude toward science is significant and negative. Moreover, the direct effect of self-concept on attitudes toward science is significant and positive and its influence on science achievement variable is negative and significant. Indirect influence of parental education variables, attitudes towards science and science self-concept on science advancement was reported significant. But, only the overall effect of parental education on the development of science is significant and overall effect of variables of attitudes to science and self-concept on development of science was reported insignificant. In addition, the overall indirect effect of parents' education and development of science on self-concept is significant and also attitude towards science has indirect and significant influence on science self-concept and its overall effect on self-concept is not significant. The general and indirect effect of variables of self-concept and development of science on attitude towards science was significant, while the overall impact of variable of parental education on the attitude to science was non-significant and its indirect effect was reported to be significant. The results indicated that the variables of attitude towards science, science self-concept and achievement have moderating role

    Comparing the Mental Health of Children’s’ Mothers With ADHD And Normal Children’ Mothers In Hamedan

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    The aim of the study: Hyperactivity is one of the most common behavioral disorders that endanger parents' mental health, especially mothers, as someone who has first contact with child. This study aimed to compare the mental health of mothers with hyperactive children and mothers with normal children. Methods: The study's methodology is a scientific-comparison. Statistical population refers to all mothers of Hamedan city in 2011.Sample is 200 children’s mothers with ADHD and normal children’s mothers which is selected by available sampling from elementary school of Hamadan. Data is gathered by Conner (parent form) and SCL-90 questionnaires and is analyzed by computer program of SPSS. Results: The obtained results from statistical findings showed significant differences between the mental health of mothers with ADHD children and mothers with normal children in components of somatization, obsessive and compulsion, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, hostility, phobia, paranoid thoughts and psychotic at the level of 0/01. This difference has advantage for mothers with normal children. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that children with ADHD disorder in the family have a huge impact on the mental health of mothers and families