96 research outputs found

    Global Migration From the Eastern Mediterranean and Eurasia: Security and Human Rights Challenges to Europe (GLOMIG)

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    The main objective of this project is to foster international cooperation between the EU and the INCO countries by organising workshops, forming expert groups, and providing policy recommendations to officials and other stakeholders on global migration. The project focuses on the Western Balkans; Caucasus; Russia, Eastern Mediterranean and Turkey. More specifically, the project aims to contribute to the European Research Area through the creation of a common platform. It will enable interested parties from the EU and above-mentioned INCO countries to share their insights, experiences, and know-how on migration. Towards this aim, the Centre for Black Sea and Central Asia (KORA) and its partner institutions shall organise workshops in order to provide a milieu for interaction for academics, policy-makers, and NGO representatives through which they can develop new strategies for dealing with problems related to global migration and formulate policy recommendations. Addressing Research Area 8.3.3. of the Work Programme, the project aims to promote and facilitate comparative, collaborative, and interdisciplinary approaches to global migration and its opportunities and challenges in terms for EU and INCO countries.SSA - Specific Support Action (FP6-2004-CITIZENS-6

    Faith-Based Organisations and Exclusion in European Cities (FACIT)

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    The research concerns the present role of FBOs in matters of poverty and other forms of social exclusion (such as homelessness or undocumented persons) in cities. We define FBOs as any organisation that refers directly or indirectly to religion or religious values, and functions as a welfare provider or as a political actor. The central assumption is that FBOs tend to fill the gap left after the supposed withdrawal of the welfare state in several domains of public life, particularly in social welfare and in social protection. At first sight, this looks like a return to the charity of former times, when such associations occupied the fore of social help in many countries. But we might as well witness the beginning of a new type of welfare regime with a stronger focus on local policies and strategies and new interplays between local authorities and civil society organisations. What is the position of FBOs in combating poverty and other forms of social distress cities? How has this role changed over time and how do these activities contribute to combating social exclusion and promoting social cohesion? What are the implications for policies and the governance of European cities? From both scientific and policy perspectives, there is a great need for better empirical and comparative data on what is going on in European cites in matters of poverty and exclusion policies and, in particular, the contribution of FBOs in the reduction (or deepening) of the problems. FBOs have direct entrance to the ‘poor side’ of cities because of (1) their activities in deprived urban neighbourhoods and among excluded groups and (2) as in the case of many FBOs with a non-western background, because their members often belong to these deprived and excluded groups themselves.CP-FP - Small or medium-scale focused research project (FP7-SSH-2007-1

    Europeanization without substance? EU-Turkey relations and gender equality in employment

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    This paper focuses on EU-Turkey relations through gender-related employment policy practices. We argue that Turkey is undergoing a process of ‘Europeanization without substance’, in which vague commitments and policy initiatives to enhance female labour force participation coexist uneasily with a contravening political discourse. This is not merely the result of a stalemate in accession negotiations, nor does it stem from the diversity of employment practices across the Union. It rather results from the deliberative discourses used by Turkey’s political leadership to selectively appropriate certain aspects of Europeanization to further a politically motivated agenda that, in essence, negates gender equality altogether. This, we argue in turn, is reflected in a set of practices, policy initiatives, and public statements that make substantive progress in EU-Turkey relations harder. This process is facilitated by the diminishing emphasis placed by the EU on gender equality in employment as manifested by the evolution of gender equality practices at EU level and reinforced by austerity-led policies during the economic crisis

    Konut, komşuluk ve kent kültürü

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    Clientelism: premodern, modern, post modern

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    Evrensellik Ve Çokkültürlülük Tartışması Çerçevesinde Kanada Ve Türkiye'de Kadının İnsan Hakları Üzerine Karşılaştırmalı Çalışma

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    Projenin amacı evrensellik ve çokkültürlülük tartışması çerçevesinde Kanada ve Türkiye'de kadının insan hakları üzerine karşılaştırmalı bir çalışma yapmaktır. Kültürel hakların kadının evrensel hakları ile çatıştığı alanların incelenmesi projenin temel hedefi olacaktır. Bu genel çerçeve kapsamında, Türkiye ve Kanada'da Müslüman kadınlarla derinlemesine mülakatlar yapılarak grupların din ve kültür hakları bağlamında talepleri, devletlerin uygulamaları ve evrensel insan hakları ile bu hakların çatıştığı noktalarda kadınların tercih ve görüşleri ortaya konulmaya çalışılacaktır. Kuramsal tartışmaların, iki ülkede yapılacak saha çalışmasında nasıl bir karşılık bulduğuna bakılarak Müslümanların çoğunluk olduğu Türkiye'de ve Müslümanların azınlık olduğu Kanada'da, Müslüman kadınların, kadının insan hakları bağlamında durumu ve bakış açıları karşılaştırılacaktır. Kadın politikalarının da araştırmanın çerçevesinde inceleneceği projede kültürel grup hakları ile evrensel kadın haklarının çatıştığı alanlar ana eksen olacaktır. Derinlemesine mülakat yapılması planlanan hedef grup kadın hakları savunucuları, konu ile ilgili Sivil Toplum Örgütü (STÖ) temsilcileri, köşe yazarları veya siyasetçiler gibi her iki toplumda da kadın politikalarını şekillendirmede etkin veya etkin olmaya çalışan kesimler arasından belirlenecektir. Proje temel olarak Kadının insan hakları ile evrensellik ve çokkültürlülük tartışmalarına katkı sağlamayı; saha araştırması sonucunda Kanada ve Türkiye'de kadınların bu tartışmalardaki konumunu ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır

    Eurasian Studies in Turkey

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    Gecekondularda Dayanışma

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