16 research outputs found

    Transmissive liquid-crystal device for correcting primary coma aberration and astigmatism in biospecimen in two-photon excitation laser scanning microscopy

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    All aberrations produced inside a biospecimen can degrade the quality of a three-dimensional image in two-photon excitation laser scanning microscopy. Previously, we developed a transmissive liquid-crystal device to correct spherical aberrations that improved the image quality of a fixed-mouse-brain slice treated with an optical clearing reagent. In this study, we developed a transmissive device that corrects primary coma aberration and astigmatism. The motivation for this study is that asymmetric aberration can be induced by the shape of a biospecimen and/or by a complicated refractive-index distribution in a sample; this can considerably degrade optical performance even near the sample surface. The device's performance was evaluated by observing fluorescence beads. The device was inserted between the objective lens and microscope revolver and succeeded in improving the spatial resolution and fluorescence signal of a bead image that was originally degraded by asymmetric aberration. Finally, we implemented the device for observing a fixed whole mouse brain with a sloping surface shape and complicated internal refractive-index distribution. The correction with the device improved the spatial resolution and increased the fluorescence signal by similar to 2.4x. The device can provide a simple approach to acquiring higher-quality images of biospecimens

    Correcting spherical aberrations in a biospecimen using a transmissive liquid crystal device in two-photon excitation laser scanning microscopy

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    Two-photon excitation laser scanning microscopy has enabled the visualization of deep regions in a biospecimen. However, refractive-index mismatches in the optical path cause spherical aberrations that degrade spatial resolution and the fluorescence signal, especially during observation at deeper regions. Recently, we developed transmissive liquid-crystal devices for correcting spherical aberration without changing the basic design of the optical path in a conventional laser scanning microscope. In this study, the device was inserted in front of the objective lens and supplied with the appropriate voltage according to the observation depth. First, we evaluated the device by observing fluorescent beads in single-and two-photon excitation laser scanning microscopes. Using a 25x water-immersion objective lens with a numerical aperture of 1.1 and a sample with a refractive index of 1.38, the device recovered the spatial resolution and the fluorescence signal degraded within a depth of +/- 0.6 mm. Finally, we implemented the device for observation of a mouse brain slice in a two-photon excitation laser scanning microscope. An optical clearing reagent with a refractive index of 1.42 rendered the fixed mouse brain transparent. The device improved the spatial resolution and the yellow fluorescent protein signal within a depth of 0-0.54 mm

    Lentilactobacillus buchneri domination during the fermentation of Japanese traditional fermented fish (funazushi)

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    Abstract Funazushi is a Japanese traditional fermented fish made with boiled rice without the addition of microbial starter cultures. Isolates from various commercial funazushi products, as identified by 16S rDNA sequences, suggested that Lentilactobacillus buchneri strains are major lactic acid bacteria. Based on an analysis of the putative CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat) region, the genetic diversity of L. buchneri strains was examined. The data suggested that the diversity of L. buchneri strains depended on the factories at which funazushi was produced. An analysis of samples during fermentation indicated that the transition of microbes occurred, and L. buchneri was the dominant species. To determine the factors associated with domination, bacteriocin production and environmental stress tolerance, including NaCl and organic acid (lactate and acetate) tolerance, were evaluated. L. buchneri isolates did not produce bacteriocin. Although the isolates did not exhibit NaCl tolerance, they displayed higher lactate tolerance than other lactic acid bacteria isolated during funazushi fermentation. Based on reports that L. buchneri can convert lactate to acetate, the previous and present results suggested that lactate tolerance and lactate conversion in L. buchneri could explain its domination in funazushi. Our study presented a model for the domination mechanisms of specific microbes in fermented foods by spontaneous fermentation


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    報告Reports 本学看護学部では、2019 年度に学生と教員が協働して聖隷婦人科啓発活動プロジェクトを発足した。2020 年度には本プロジェクトは、「地域実践アクティブラーニングⅠ・Ⅱ・Ⅲ」の科目に位置付けられ、活動内容を子宮頸がん啓発活動とし、科目の到達目標達成に向けて活動を行った。具体的には、子宮頸がん啓発ツールの作成、自治体が行っているがん予防啓発活動への参画、高校生を対象とした子宮頸がんや検診に関する出張授業などである。学生は、能動的に学修に取り組み、教員や学外の多様な人たちと連携・協働して活動を展開し、科目の到達目標を概ね達成することができた。今後は、本プロジェクトを継続させるための方略や更なる活動の展開方法に関して検討していくことが課題である