6 research outputs found

    Studi klasterisasi industri galangan kapal kayu berdasarkan ukuran kapal perikanan di Banda Aceh dan Aceh Besar dengan menggunakan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)

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    The abundant potential of fishery products in Aceh has encouraged ship growth to increase. Ship growth continued to increase by 8% over the past 5 years. So as to support the availability of a seaworthy and reliable fishing fleet, the availability and suitability of shipyards are needed at strategic locations. This study aims to determine the strategic location of shipyards for vessels size ≤ 10 GT, ≥ 10-20 GT, ≥ 30 GT in Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar. Data were collected by interview method and using a questionnaire. The data were accumulated, weighted, and analyzed by Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method using Expert Choice 11. The results showed that the comparison between Peukan Bada Shipyard and Lampulo Shipyard obtained: Peukan Bada Shipyard is suitable for vessels size ≤ 10 GT, ≥ 10-20 GT, ≥ 30 GT, compared to Lampulo Shipyard which is not suitable to be used as a shipyard. The comparison of Peukan Bada Shipyard with Krueng Raya Shipyard obtained the following results: The Peukan Bada Shipyard is suitable for vessels size ≤ 10 GT and ≥ 30 GT, and the Krueng Raya Shipyard is suitable for vessels size ≥ 10–20 GT. Determination of shipyards suitable for the vessels size ≤ 10 GT, ≥ 10-20 GT, ≥ 30 GT through the consideration of several criteria including land area, human resources, sources of raw materials, and facilities owned by each shipyard.Keywords: Wooden shipyard, Analytical Hierarchy Prosess (AHP), Vessel sizeABSTRAKPotensi hasil perikanan yang melimpah di Aceh telah mendorong pertumbuhan kapal semakin meningkat. Pertumbuhan kapal terus mengalami kenaikan sebesar 8% selama 5 tahun terakhir. Sehingga untuk menunjang ketersediaan armada penangkapan yang laik laut dan handal, maka diperlukan ketersediaan dan kesesuaian galangan kapal pada lokasi yang strategis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui letak lokasi galangan kapal yang strategis untuk kapal yang berukuran ≤ 10 GT, ≥ 10 – 20 GT, ≥ 30 GT di Banda Aceh dan Aceh Besar. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan metode wawancara dan menggunakan kuesioner. Data diakumulasikan, diberikan bobot, dan dianalisis dengan metode Analytical Hierarchy Prosess (AHP) menggunakan Software Expert Choice 11.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari perbandingan antara Galangan Peukan Bada dengan Galangan Lampulo diperoleh hasil,  Galangan Peukan Bada sesuai untuk kapal yang berukuran ≤ 10 GT, ≥ 10–20 GT, ≥ 30 GT dibandingkan dengan Galangan Lampulo yang tidak sesuai untuk dijadikan sebagai galangan kapal. Perbandingan Galangan Peukan Bada dengan Galangan Krueng Raya diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut. Galangan Peukan Bada sesuai untuk kapal ≤ 10 GT dan ≥ 30 GT, dan Galangan Krueng Raya sesuai untuk kapal ≥ 10–20 GT. Penentuan galangan kapal yang sesuai untuk ukuran kapal ≤ 10 GT, ≥ 10-20 GT, ≥ 30 GT melalui pertimbangan beberapa kriteria yang meliputi luas lahan, sumber daya manusia, sumber bahan baku, serta fasilitas yang dimiliki oleh masing-masing galangan.Kata kunci: Galangan kapal kayu, Analytical Hierarchy Prosess (AHP), Ukuran kapa

    The influence of the number of fishing fleets on the growth of fishery production in an effort to determine shipyard clusters using linear regression

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    Shipyards are not only an essential part of the shipping industry but also function as a crucial element for carrying out various tasks in the process of building and repairing ships. The shipyard's involvement in this process makes it the most important element supporting the progress of the maritime industry as a whole. Therefore, this research was designed with the main aim of investigating and analyzing the relationship between the number of ships or fleets and production growth in the fisheries sector. The data used in this research consists of statistical data on capture fisheries covering the period from 2020 to 2022. This data was then analyzed using a simple linear regression analysis method to identify and understand the dynamics of the relationship between the number of vessels and the growth of fisheries production. Through the use of this approach, the research aims to explore the extent of the influence of the number of vessels on the growth of fisheries production in the context of the years studied. However, the results of the analysis show that there is no significant influence between the number of vessels and the growth of fisheries production. Nevertheless, these findings provide an important contribution to a further understanding of factors that may influence fisheries production dynamics. The implications of this research can provide valuable insights for shipping and fishing industry stakeholders in their efforts to optimize their strategies and policies to support sustainable growth in this sector

    Literature review on shipyard productivity in Indonesia

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    The shipyard industry plays an important role in supporting fishing activities and efforts to fulfill animal protein for humans. It is an industry that has an orientation to produce a product in the form of a ship. There are two types of shipyards, which are offshore buildings and floating buildings - both are used to build new ships and repair old ships. Based on the level of technology used by the shipyard industry, it is divided into modern, traditional, and semi-modern shipyards. Its productivity can see the advantages and disadvantages of a shipyard to ensure this industry remains to exist. Several factors need to be taken into account to increase the shipyard productivity, including land or location, human resources, technology, and materials.Keywords:ProductivityShipyardTechnolog

    Oceanographic studies as the basis for shipyard development at the Fish Landing Port of Sabang

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    Shipbuilding is one of the marine industries which in development needs to pay attention to various parameters from the sea and land. This research was conducted in March to May 2022 with the aim of identifying the influence of oceanographic factors and water quality on the development of the shipbuilding industry at the fishing port of Sabang City. The oceanographic data used includes tides, wind, bathymetry, and sediment composition observed at 12 station points. The depth and tide data are then processed using QGIS. Wind data was analyzed using the Wind Rose Plot and sediment using the Wentworth scale. Oceanographic factors in Sabang Bay have shown very satisfactory results for the development of fish landing bases. The wind in the waters of Sabang Bay blows northwest with high speeds ranging from ≥10.00 m/s. The depth of the waters indicates a potential location for ship mooring. Sandy sediment is the most common type of sediment found. The tides that occur in the bay of Sabang are relatively stable. Oceanographic factors in Sabang Bay have shown very satisfactory results for the development of fish landing bases. Keywords: Oceanography Shipyard Sabang Ba

    Perbedaan Hasil Tangkapan Pukat Pantai Dan Suhu Permukaan Laut Di Gampong Jawa Dan Alue Naga, Banda Aceh

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    Pada bulan Desember 2021, telah dilakukan penelitian selama 30 hari tentang perbedaan tangkapan pukat dan suhu permukaan laut antara pantai Gampong Jawa dan pantai Alue Naga di Banda Aceh. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis komposisi hasil tangkapan pukat pantai dan merepresentasikan suhu permukaan laut di perairan Gampong Jawa dan Alue Naga. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei berupa pengamatan langsung dan pengumpulan data di lokasi penelitian, analisis data secara deskriptif dan penyajian dalam bentuk tabel atau grafik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil tangkapan primer sebesar 23,4 % ikan petek (Leiognathus equulus) pada pukat pantai di perairan Gampong Jawa serta 71,4 % ikan Layur (Trichiurus sp. A) pada pukat pantai di perairan Alue Naga. Pengukuran suhu rata-rata selama penelitian di Gampong Jawa 27°C dan di Alue Naga 28°C