8 research outputs found

    In vitro gas and methane production and dry matter degradation of pumpkin (Cucurbita argyrosperma) silages with pangola grass (Digitaria decumbens) hay

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    Objective: To determine the production of gas, methane and degradation of dry matter in vitro of silage made with pumpkin pulp shell (PPS; Cucurbita argyrosperma), pangola grass hay (Digitaria decumbens) and urea as additives and two inclusion percentages of molasses fermented for 14 and 21 days. Methodology: The silages (2 kg) were: E1= 72.5% PPS, 22.5% pangola grass, 3% molasses and 2% urea; and E2= 72.5 % PPS, 19.5% pangola grass, 6% molasses and 2 % urea. Both silages were fermented for 14 and 21 days. Gas production was evaluated, methane (CH4), total bacteria count and dry matter degradation (DMDEG). The experimental design was a completely randomized 2 × 2 arrangement with types of silage and fermentation time as factors. Results: The E1 at 21 d showed the lowest gas production at 72 h (46.96 mL g-1 MS) and the lowest DMDEG (35.78%; p ? 0.05). CH4 production and total bacteria count did not show differences (p> 0.05) between types of silage, nor fermentation times. Limitations on study: The inclusion of 3% molasses with a fermentation time of 21 days showed the lowest gas production and degradation of dry matter in silage with pumpkin pulp shell and pangola grass hay. Conclusions: Silage made with pumpkin pulp shell is a viable alternative to preserve and produce feed for ruminants in the dry season; likewise, properly use potentially contaminating materials such as pumpkin pulp shell. Keywords: Digitaria decumbens, Cucurbita argyrosperma, gas production, ensilage, in vitro.Objetivo: Determinar la producción de gas, metano y degradación de la materia seca in vitro de ensilados elaborados con cascara y pulpa de calabaza (CPC; Cucurbita argyrosperma), heno de pasto pangola (Digitaria decumbens) y como aditivos urea y dos porcentajes de inclusión de melaza fermentados durante 14 y 21 días. Metodología: Los ensilados (2 Kg) fueron: E1 = 72.5% de CPC, 22.5% de pasto pangola, 3% de melaza y 2% de urea; E2 = 72.5% de CPC, 19.5% de pasto pangola, 6% de melaza y 2% de urea. Ambos ensilados se fermentaron por 14 y 21 días. Se evaluó la producción de gas, metano (CH4), conteo de bacterias totales y degradación de materia seca (DEGMS). El diseño experimental fue un diseño completamente al azar con arreglo factorial 2 x 2 con tipos de ensilado y tiempo de fermentación como factores. Resultados: El E1 a los 21 d mostró la menor producción de gas a las 72 h (46.96 mL g-1 MS) y menor DEGMS (35.78%; p ? 0.05). La producción de CH4 y conteo de bacterias totales no mostraron diferencias (p > 0.05) entre tipos de ensilado, ni tiempos de fermentación. Limitaciones del estudio: La inclusión de 3% de melaza con un tiempo de fermentación de 21 días presentó la menor producción de gas y degradación de la materia seca en ensilados con cascara y pulpa de calabaza y heno de pasto pangola. Conclusiones: Los ensilados elaborados con cascara y pulpa de calabaza son una alternativa viable para conservar y producir alimento para rumiantes en la época de sequía; así mismo usar adecuadamente materiales potencialmente contaminantes como la cascara y pulpa de calabaza

    Características bromatológicas y fermentativas in vitro de complementos con Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Jacq.) Griseb y cáscara de Cucurbita argyrosperma Huber

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    Objective: To determine the bromatological and in vitro fermentative characteristics of supplements made with pod parota and pumpkin pulp shell. Methodology: The supplements evaluated were C1 = 50% pumpkin pulp shell and 50% pod parota; C2 = 60% pumpkin pulp shell and 40% pod parota; C3 = 70% pumpkin pulp shell and 30% pod parota. In the supplements, dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), ash (As), organic matter (OM), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), partial and accumulated production of biogas and methane were determined, biogas production kinetics, pH, total bacteria count, ammoniacal nitrogen, degradation of DM and NDF Results: On average they quantified 15.88% of CP and 42.36% of NDF. C3 produced 4.53% more accumulated biogas than C2 (P<0.05). In the accumulated production of methane C2 and C3 did not show differences (P>0.05); but, they produced 7.31% less methane than C1 (P<0.05). In vitro degradations did not show differences between treatments (P>0.05). Limitations on study: The best fermentative characteristics appear when the complement is worked with 60% pumpkin pulp shell. Conclusions: Pumpkin pulp shell with pod parota are used to elaborate complements based on in vitro biogas production and degradations, so it can represent an alternative feeding of ruminants in the tropics.Objetivo: Determinar las características bromatológicas y fermentativas in vitro de complementos elaborados con harina de vaina de parota, cascara y pulpa de calabaza. Metodología: Los complementos evaluados fueron C1 = 50% harina de cascara con pulpa de calabaza y 50% de harina de vaina de parota; C2 = 60% harina de cascara con pulpa de calabaza y 40% de harina de vaina de parota; C3 = 70% harina de cascara con pulpa de calabaza y 30% de harina de vaina de parota. En los complementos se determinó materia seca (MS), proteína cruda (PC), cenizas (Ce), materia orgánica (MO), fibra detergente neutro (FDN), fibra detergente ácido (FDA), producción parcial y acumulada de biogás y metano, cinética de producción de biogás, pH, conteo total de bacterias, nitrógeno amoniacal, degradación de MS y FDN. Resultados: En promedio cuantificaron 15.88% de PC y 42.36% de FDN. C3 produjo 4.53% más biogás acumulado que C2 (P<0.05). En la producción acumulada de metano C2 y C3 no mostraron diferencias (P>0.05); pero, produjeron 7.31% menos metano que C1 (P<0.05). Las degradaciones in vitro no presentaron diferencias entre tratamientos (P>0.05). Limitaciones del estudio: Las mejores características fermentativas se presentan cuando el complemento se labora con 60% de harina de cascara con pulpa de calabaza. Conclusiones: La harina de cascara con pulpa de calabaza con vaina de parota sirven para elaborar complementos con base en su producción de biogás y degradaciones in vitro, por lo que puede representar una alternativa de alimentación de rumiantes en el trópico

    Productive behavior of sheep fed with soy (Glycine max L.) forage

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    Objective: To evaluate the productive behavior of Creole sheep in the tropics fed a comprehensive diet that includes forage soy (FS, Glycine max) at different phenological stages. Methodology: The treatments T1: control, T2: 30% (SF-56 d), T3: 30% (SF-68 d), T4: 30% (SF-85 d), T5: 30% (SF-110 d) were randomized 30 male Creole sheep (15.51 ± 1.6 kg LW). The experiment lasted 56 d. The variables evaluated were: dry matter consumption (DMC), daily weight gain (DWG) and feed conversion (FC). The experimental design was completely randomized and the averages of the treatments were compared using the Tukey test. Results: Differences (p<0.05) were found in DMC, GWG and FC. The DMC was lower (p<0.05) in the control group. The DWG was higher in the animals that consumed forage soybean compared to the control group (0.205 vs 0.121 kg d-1). The FC decreased (p <0.05) 51% in T3 (SF 68 d), with respect to the control group. Limitations on study: The nutrient contribution of soy forage is based on the phenological stage of the plant. Likewise, the scarce knowledge of the producers of the tropic region to incorporate it in the feeding of small ruminants. Conclusions: The inclusion of 30% of forage soybeans at 68 d of age in a comprehensive diet improves the productive performance of the lambs because it increases daily weight gain and decreases feed conversion.Objective: To evaluate the productive behavior of Creole sheep in the tropics fed a whole food diet that includes soybean (FS, Glycine max) fodder at different phenological stages. Methodology: The treatments T1: control, T2: 30% (SF-56 d), T3: 30% (SF-68 d), T4: 30% (SF-85 d), T5: 30% (SF-110 d) were assigned randomly to 30 male Creole sheep (15.51±1.6 kg LW). The experiment lasted 56 d. The variables evaluated were: dry matter consumption (DMC), daily weight gain (DWG) and feed conversion (FC). The experimental design wascompletely randomized and the averages of the treatments were compared using the Tukey test. Results: Differences (p<0.05) were found in DMC, DWG and FC. The DMC was lower (p<0.05) in the control group. The DWG was higher in the animals that consumed soybean fodder compared to the control group (0.205 vs 0.121 kg d-1). The FC decreased (p<0.05) 51% in T3 (SF 68 d), with respect to the control group. Study Limitations: The nutrient contribution of soybean fodder is based on the phenological stage of the plant. Likewise, producers in the tropical region have scarce knowledge about how to incorporate it in the feeding of small ruminants. Conclusions: The inclusion of 30% of soybean fodder at 68 d of age in a whole food diet improves the productive performance of the lambs because it increases daily weight gain and decreases feed conversion

    Evaluation of herbal choline in productive performance and blood metabolites of ewes

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    Objective: Evaluate the effect of different levels of protected herbal choline (CHP) on productive performance, carcass characteristics and blood metabolites in female lambs. Design/methodology/approach: Fifty-two Hampshire x Suffolk (29.95 ± 3.90 kg initial live weight) were assigned to one of four treatments: 0, 0.3, 0.6 and 0.9 % choline kg-1 dry matter. The experimental design was completely randomized, and linear or quadratic tendencies were detected. Results: There were not treatment effects on productive variables, back fat and Longissimus dorsi muscle area with the addition of protected herbal choline in the diet (p>0.05). CHP linearly increased the concentration of cholesterol, glucose, albumins, globulins, total proteins (p<0.05) and phosphatidylcholine (p<0.10). The concentration of triglycerides had a quadratic response (p<0.05) to the addition of CHP. Study limitations/implications: The level of choline supplementation in sheep depends on whether the source is herbal or synthetic. Findings/conclusions: The addition CHP in female lamb diets increased the serum phosphatidylcholine concentration, changed the concentration of protein and lipid metabolites; however, productive performance was not improved. Key words: sheep, energetic metabolites, lambs, herbal choline.Objective: To evaluate the effect of different levels of protected herbal choline (CHP) on productive performance, carcass characteristics, and serum metabolites in ewes. Design/Methodology/Approach: Fifty-two Hampshire × Suffolk ewes (29.95 ± 3.90 kg of initial live weight, PV) were randomly assigned to one within four treatments: 0, 0.3, 0.6 and 0.9% choline kg-1 dry matter (MS). The experimental design was complete randomized, in order to detect linear or quadratic trends. Results: No treatment effects were detected in the production variables, GD and AML with the addition of protected herbal choline in the diet (p>0.05). CHP linearly increased the concentration of cholesterol, glucose, albumins, globulins, total proteins (p≤0.05) and phosphatidylcholine (p≤0.10). The triglyceride concentration had a quadratic response (p≤0.05) to the addition of CHP. Study limitations/Implications: The level of choline supplementation in sheep depends on whether the source is herbal or synthetic. Findings/Conclusions: The addition of CHP in ewe diets raised the concentration of phosphatidylcholine, modified the concentration of protein and lipid metabolites. However, no improvements in production were found

    Scarification treatments in chepil seeds (Crotalaria longirostrata Hook. & Arn.) used to improve their germination

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    Objective: The objective was to evaluate different treatments of scarification to improve the germination, in seeds of chepil (Crotalaria longirostrata Hook. & Arn.). Design / Methodology / Approach:  The research was established at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry No. 2 of the Autonomous University of Guerrero. The chepil seeds were weighed and counted; Using a DCA, 2 experiments were established with 4 treatments of 4 repetitions each. Imbibition and germination were evaluated. The data was analyzed using a SAS® 9.0 statistical package. Results: The use of water at different temperatures and times presented positive results in imbibition and increased germination percentages; because when using water at 100 °C until cooling, the germination was 80 % and the control it barely reached 12.3 %. Study limitations / implications: Chepil is a wild species that has seeds with physical dormancy, which requires further research to accelerate and increase germination rates. Findings / conclusions:  The imbibition and germination was affected by the applied treatments. The seeds are chepil present physical or superficial dormancy that can be eliminated with the use of heat treatments; however, evaluations are needed to accelerate and find a higher percentage of germination.Objective: The objective was to evaluate different scarification treatments to improvegermination in chepil seeds (Crotalaria longirostrata Hook. & Arn.).Design/Methodology/Approach: The study was established in the School of VeterinaryMedicine and Zootechnics N. 2 of the Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero. The chepilseeds were weighed and counted; 2 experiments were established through a CRD with4 treatments of 4 repetitions each. Imbibition and germination were evaluated. The datawere analyzed with the statistical software package SAS® 9.0.Results: The use of water at different temperatures and times presented positive resultsin imbibition and increased the germination percentages. The treatment with water at100°C until cooling reached a germination of 80%, and the control of 12.3%. Study Limitations/Implications: Chepil is a wild species that has seeds with physicaldormancy, which is something that requires more research in order to accelerate andincrease the germination percentages.Findings/Conclusions: The imbibition and germination was affected by the treatmentsapplied. Chepil seeds presented physical or superficial dormancy that may be eliminatedwith the use of heat treatments; however, evaluations still need to be performed toaccelerate and find a higher percentage of germination

    Effect of sunflower oil (Helianthus annuus) in ruminal fermentation in vitro and emission of gases

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    Objective: The production of total gas, methane (CH4) and in vitro fermentative variables in diets for sheep with 1 and 2 % sunflower oil were evaluated. Design/Methodology/Approach: Serological vials with 0.5 g of treatment and 50 ml of culture medium were incubated at 39 °C for 24, 48 and 72 h. The production of total gas, CH4, and degradation of dry matter (DEGDM), neutral detergent fiber (DEGNDF), acid (DEGADF), production of volatile fatty acids (VFA) and ammoniacal nitrogen (N-NH3) were estimated. . The experimental design was completely randomized. Results: Total gas production at 48 and 72 h increased (p < 0.05) and at 24 h decreased (p < 0.05) as the oil increased. CH4 production at 24 and 48 h did not present differences (p > 0.05); a linear decrease (p < 0.05) was quantified at 72 h. DEGDM increased (p < 0.05) at 24 and 48 h and decreased (p < 0.05) at 72 h. DEGNDF and DEGADF increased (p < 0.05) at 48 h. Butyric acid content and N-NH3 decreased (p < 0.05) at 48 h. Study Limitation/Implications: An inclusion greater than 2 % of sunflower oil in the diet can reduce the degradability of the food and the microbial protein. Findings/Conclusions: The inclusion of up to 2% of sunflower oil in diets for lambs does not affect the degradation of fibers and is an alternative to reduce the methane emitted into the environment

    Morphological characteristics of okra fruits [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench.] cultivated in the dry tropic

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    Objective: The objective was to evaluate the morphological characteristics of okra fruit [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench.], an endemic crop of the Afro-Mexican region, in the dry tropics. Design/Methodology/Approach: Materials were collected in Cuajinicuilapa, in the state of Guerrero in Mexico. Using a completely randomized design (CRD), 4 repetitions of 100 fruits were selected, and each was evaluated for the following: weight, number, size and shape of fruits and seeds. Data were analyzed using measures of central tendency, utilizing SAS. Results: The fruits are heterogeneous and some are deformed, they have a long and fluted shape, with an average weight of 10.4 g and 95 seeds each weighing 0.05 g. The seeds are round with a conical micropyle, the testa is dark grey, and the embryo white. Study Limitations/Implications: It is necessary to keep studying the morphological characteristics of okra fruit for a longer period of time and to establish farming in order to widen the outlook of decision making. Findings/Conclusions: Okra fruits from backyard farming have better quality and potential for fresh or processed consumption. There is a lack of management and improvement of this cro

    Scarification treatments in chepil seeds (Crotalaria longirostrata Hook. & Arn.) used to improve their germination

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    Objective: The objective was to evaluate different scarification treatments to improve germination in chepil seeds (Crotalaria longirostrata Hook. & Arn.). Design/Methodology/Approach: The study was established in the School of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics N. 2 of the Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero. The chepil seeds were weighed and counted; 2 experiments were established through a CRD with 4 treatments of 4 repetitions each. Imbibition and germination were evaluated. The data were analyzed with the statistical software package SAS® 9.0.Results: The use of water at different temperatures and times presented positive results in imbibition and increased the germination percentages. The treatment with water at 100 °C until cooling reached a germination of 80%, and the control of 12.3%.Study Limitations/Implications: Chepil is a wild species that has seeds with physical dormancy, which is something that requires more research in order to accelerate and increase the germination percentages. Findings/Conclusions: The imbibition and germination was affected by the treatments applied. Chepil seeds presented physical or superficial dormancy that may be eliminated with the use of heat treatments; however, evaluations still need to be performed to accelerate and find a higher percentage of germinatio