176 research outputs found

    Inverse-Optimization-Based Uncertainty Set for Robust Linear Optimization

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    We consider solving linear optimization (LO) problems with uncertain objective coefficients. For such problems, we often employ robust optimization (RO) approaches by introducing an uncertainty set for the unknown coefficients. Typical RO approaches require observations or prior knowledge of the unknown coefficient to define an appropriate uncertainty set. However, such information may not always be available in practice. In this study, we propose a novel uncertainty set for robust linear optimization (RLO) problems without prior knowledge of the unknown coefficients. Instead, we assume to have data of known constraint parameters and corresponding optimal solutions. Specifically, we derive an explicit form of the uncertainty set as a polytope by applying techniques of inverse optimization (IO). We prove that the RLO problem with the proposed uncertainty set can be equivalently reformulated as an LO problem. Numerical experiments show that the RO approach with the proposed uncertainty set outperforms classical IO in terms of performance stability.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, To appear in Proceedings of International Conference on Operations Research 202

    Campylobacter fetus meningitis associated with eating habits of raw meat and raw liver in a healthy patient: A case report and literature review

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    Meningitis caused by the zoonotic pathogen Campylobacter fetus in immunocompetent adults is rare. We report a 48-year-old Japanese woman with no underlying disease who was found to have meningitis caused by C. fetus. Both C. fetus subsp. fetus and C. fetus subsp. venerealis were isolated from the cerebrospinal fluid culture. The mode of infection in our patient was considered to be associated with the consumption of raw beef and raw cattle liver on a regular basis. Public awareness and education to avoid the consumption of raw or undercooked meat might help prevent C. fetus meningitis

    Effect of Oligomers Derived from Biodegradable Polyesters on Eco- and Neurotoxicity

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    Biodegradable polymers are eco-friendly materials and have attracted attention for use in a sustainable society because they are not accumulated in the environment. Although the characteristics of biodegradable polymers have been assessed well, the effects of their degradation products have not. Herein, we comprehensively evaluated the chemical toxicities of biodegradable polyester, polycaprolactone (PCL), and synthetic oligocaprolactones (OCLs) with different degrees of polymerization. While the PCL did not show any adverse effects on various organisms, high levels of shorter OCLs and the monomer (1 μg/mL for freshwater microorganisms and 1 mg/mL for marine algae and mammalian cells) damaged the tested organisms, including freshwater microorganisms, marine algae, and mammalian cells, which indicated the toxicities of the degradation products under unnaturally high concentrations. These results highlight the need for a further understanding of the effects of the degradation products resulting from biodegradable polyesters to ensure a genuinely sustainable society

    Mechanical homeostasis of liver sinusoid is involved in the initiation and termination of liver regeneration

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    Organogenesis and regeneration are fundamental for developmental progress and are associated with morphogenesis, size control and functional properties for whole-body homeostasis. The liver plays an essential role in maintaining homeostasis of the entire body through various functions, including metabolic functions, detoxification, and production of bile, via the three-dimensional spatial arrangement of hepatic lobules and has high regenerative capacity. The regeneration occurs as hypertrophy, which strictly controls the size and lobule structure. In this study, we established a three-dimensional sinusoidal network analysis method and determined valuable parameters after partial hepatectomy by comparison to the static phase of the liver. We found that mechanical homeostasis, which is crucial for organ morphogenesis and functions in various phenomena, plays essential roles in liver regeneration for both initiation and termination of liver regeneration, which is regulated by cytokine networks. Mechanical homeostasis plays critical roles in the initiation and termination of organogenesis, tissue repair and organ regeneration in coordination with cytokine networks

    Dark Rearing Promotes the Recovery of Visual Cortical Responses but Not the Morphology of Geniculocortical Axons in Amblyopic Cat

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    Monocular deprivation (MD) of vision during early postnatal life induces amblyopia, and most neurons in the primary visual cortex lose their responses to the closed eye. Anatomically, the somata of neurons in the closed-eye recipient layer of the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) shrink and their axons projecting to the visual cortex retract. Although it has been difficult to restore visual acuity after maturation, recent studies in rodents and cats showed that a period of exposure to complete darkness could promote recovery from amblyopia induced by prior MD. However, in cats, which have an organization of central visual pathways similar to humans, the effect of dark rearing only improves monocular vision and does not restore binocular depth perception. To determine whether dark rearing can completely restore the visual pathway, we examined its effect on the three major concomitants of MD in individual visual neurons, eye preference of visual cortical neurons and soma size and axon morphology of LGN neurons. Dark rearing improved the recovery of visual cortical responses to the closed eye compared with the recovery under binocular conditions. However, geniculocortical axons serving the closed eye remained retracted after dark rearing, whereas reopening the closed eye restored the soma size of LGN neurons. These results indicate that dark rearing incompletely restores the visual pathway, and thus exerts a limited restorative effect on visual function

    Male’s influence on the primary sex ratio bias in Ryukyu drywood termite

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    Selfish genetic elements (SGEs) increase their transmission efficiency relative to the rest of the individual genome, which is often deleterious to individual fitness. Theoretical studies have suggested that intragenomic conflict over the sex ratio distortion between SGEs and the rest of the genome should lead to the evolution of sex-determining systems. However, in insects, there are relatively few studies other than those on Dipterans, which makes it difficult to understand the role of SGEs in the evolution of insect sex determination. This is partially due to the difficulties in observing SGEs under field conditions. The effect of SGEs is often masked by the counter-evolution of the resistance genes. Interpopulation cross-breeding experiments are effective to detect the SGEs and their resistance genes. If these populations have different SGEs and resistance genes, cross-breeding experiments reveal their existence by collapsing the evolutionary antagonistic state. The Ryukyu drywood termites Neotermes sugioi, distributed in the Ryukyu Islands, show male-biased sex ratios in pseudergates, nymphs, alates and soldiers both in Okinawa and Ishigaki Islands, but different degrees of bias have been reported between the islands. Male-specific microsatellite alleles have been reported in this species, which allowed us to identify the sex of the eggs and young larvae. In this study, we used the microsatellite locus with male-specific alleles to investigate the primary sex ratio of field colonies on Okinawa and Ishigaki islands and the sex ratio of offspring obtained through cross-breeding experiments between the islands. The primary sex ratios of field colonies were male-biased in Okinawa but not in Ishigaki. Cross-breeding experiments showed that Okinawa males tend to have a male-biased sex ratio in their offspring, but Ishigaki males do not. This result is consistent with the hypothesis that the male bias in this species is caused by SGEs, even though termites are phylogenetically distant from Diptera. Accumulation of knowledge on genetic conflicts in a wide range of taxa might be an important step toward elucidating the mechanisms of diversification of sex determination systems in insects