21 research outputs found

    Potential of Islamic finance : a survey of Tunisian Northwest companies / Rym Ammar Ayachi, Dhafer Saidane and Fayçal Mansouri

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    The present paper aims to assess the Islamic products potential demand for entrepreneurs in the Tunisian Northwest region. In order to do so, we developed a questionnaire which was sent to these entrepreneurs. The survey results show that the latter perceive Islamic Finance as a seductive phenomenon. However, its development appears to be difficult. Indeed, according to the survey results, the lack of knowledge may impede the expansion of Islamic banking in Tunisia. Moreover, the following factors:, cost, religious conviction, proximity, flexibility and satisfaction of the needs, may affect the entrepreneurs' choice to deal with Islamic financial institution. In addition, the lack of entrepreneurs' confidence with regard to the compliance of Islamic banking with the Shariah principles has a negative effect on Islamic finance development in the Tunisian Northwest, region. For this reason, Tunisian Islamic banks should put more effort to reinforce their competitiveness

    Faktori povezani s bakterijskom kontaminacijom mesa peradi u mesnicama u Biskri, Alžir

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    The latest available data indicate that since 2018, poultry has been the most widely consumed meat in the world. However, poultry meat is frequently highly contaminated with microorganisms. Total viable count (TVC), which is also called total aerobic mesophilic bacteria (TAMB), is an indicator of bacterial quality. The aim of this study was to investigate the factors associated with bacterial contamination of poultry meat at butcher shops. The study was carried out from January 2018 to July 2020 and included 10 butcher shops in Biskra (Algeria). Different poultry meat samples (n=159) were purchased from butcher shops, prior to and after the outbreak of COVID-19. Each sample was tested for TAMB and faecal coliforms. In this study, one independent variable was quantitative, which is the contamination of poultry meat by faecal coliforms, and nine variables were categorical: whole carcass packed at the slaughterhouse or cut at butcher shop, sample type: thigh skin, thigh meat, neck skin, liver, turkey escalope, and before or after the outbreak of COVID-19. Descriptive statistics, multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) and multiple linear regression were used to examine if the various factors identified were associated with the bacterial contamination of poultry meat. The average level of contamination of poultry meat by TAMB was: 6.40 ± 0.81 log10 CFU/g. MCA results with graphical representations of qualitative and quantitative variables show the interfactor relationships. The multiple regression model explained 48.6% of the TAMB variations and estimated TAMB contamination of poultry meat according to the equation: Y= 0.477 X1 + (- 0.639) X2 + (- 0.557) X3 + (- 0.295) X4 +5.522; Y (TAMB in log10 CFU/g), X1 (faecal coliforms in log10 CFU/g), X2 (Before/after COVID-19), X3 (Turkey escalope), X4 (Carcass/cut). Identifying the factors associated with bacterial contamination of poultry meat is necessary to implement effective preventive measures in butcher shops, thus significantly reducing contamination levels and providing customers with high quality poultry meat.Najnoviji dostupni podatci pokazuju da je od 2018. godine meso peradi najviše konzumirano meso na svijetu. Međutim, meso peradi često je vrlo kontaminirano mikroorganizmima. Ukupni broj živih mikroorganizama (engl. total viable count; TVC), koji se naziva i “ukupan broj aerobnih mezofilnih bakterija” (engl. total aerobic mesophilic bacteria; TAMB) indikator je bakterijske kvalitete. Cilj ove studije bio je ispitati faktore povezane s bakterijskom kontaminacijom mesa peradi u mesnicama. Studija je provedena od siječnja 2018. do srpnja 2020. i uključivala je 10 mesnica u Biskri (Alžir). Iz svake mesnice kupljene su različite vrste uzoraka mesa peradi (n=159), prije i nakon koronavirusne bolesti (COVID-19). Svaki uzorak ispitan je na TAMB i fekalne koliforme. U ovoj studiji, jedna nezavisna varijabla bila je kvantitativna, a to je kontaminacija mesa peradi fekalnim koliformima, a devet varijabli bilo je kategorijsko: cijeli trup pakiran u klaonici ili rezan u mesnici, vrsta uzorka: koža zabatka, meso zabatka, koža vrata, jetra, pureća šnicla, te prije i nakon pojave COVID-19. Rabljena je opisna statistika, višestruka analiza korespondencije (engl. multiple correspondence analysis; MCA) i višestruka linearna regresija za ispitivanje jesu li različiti prepoznati faktori povezani s bakterijskom kontaminacijom mesa peradi. Prosječna razina kontaminacije mesa peradi putem TAMB bila je: (6,40 ± 0,81 log10 CFU/g). MCA rezultati s grafičkim prikazom kvalitativnih i kvantitativne varijable prikazuju odnos međufaktora. Izrađen je model višestruke regresije što omogućuje objasniti 48,6 % TAMB varijacija i procijeniti TAMB kontaminaciju mesa peradi prema jednadžbi: Y= 0,477 X1 + (- 0,639) X2 + (- 0,557) X3 + (- 0,295) X4 + 5.522; Y (TAMB u log10 CFU/g), X1 (fekalni koliformi u log10CFU/g), X2 (prije/nakon COVID-19), X3 (pureća šnicla), X4 (trup/komad mesa). Identifikacijski faktori povezani s bakterijskom kontaminacijom mesa peradi potreban je za kreiranje učinkovitih preventivnih mjera u mesnicama da bi se znatno smanjila razina kontaminacije i kupcima osiguralo meso peradi izuzetne kvalitete

    An Algerian perspective on non-typhoidal Salmonella infection

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    Non-typhoidal Salmonella (NTS) represents a leading cause of food-borne disease worldwide. It is a global public health concern: more than 94 million cases and 115,000 deaths are reported every year, with a disproportionate impact in developing countries. The prevalence of multi-drug-resistant (MDR) Salmonella strains is another major health concern which affects antimicrobial treatment, as many studies report that infections caused by MDR strains are more severe than those caused by susceptible strains. In Algeria, NTS represent one of the primary causes of salmonellosis in both humans and food animal production, especially poultry. Epidemiological surveillance systems and monitoring programs for Salmonella infections are essential requirements to provide data useful for the effective detection and control of Salmonella outbreaks. The present review will supply a perspective on NTS infection, pathogenesis and antimicrobial resistance with a focus on the epidemiology of salmonellosis in Algeria

    Učinak higijenskih praksi klanja na kontaminaciju trupova brojlera bakterijom roda Salmonella u Biskri, Alžir

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    Poultry meat is the primary meat consumed in Algeria, surpassing sheep and beef in the 1980s. However, this product is often at risk of being contaminated by Salmonella. Salmonellosis is a foodborne disease with tens of millions of human cases estimated to occur worldwide, and resulting in more than a hundred thousand deaths per year. According to the World Health Organization, salmonellosis in humans is generally contracted through the consumption of contaminated food of animal origin, including poultry. The main objective of this study was to investigate the risk factors associated with Salmonella contamination of broiler carcasses at the slaughterhouse. Sixty fresh chicken carcasses from six slaughterhouses were subjected to bacteriological analysis in accordance with AFNOR (French Standardization Association) standards. Statistical analyses showed an impact of the hygienic quality of the slaughter process on the likelihood of Salmonella contamination of poultry meat. A correlation (r=0.84) was found between hygienic slaughter practices and Salmonella contamination of chicken carcasses. The average level of TAMB (total aerobic mesophilic bacteria) was high in carcasses positive for Salmonella (t-test = 0.019). Not washing live bird transport crates was associated with an increasing risk of Salmonella contamination carcasses (odds ratio/OR = 28). The mean level of TAMB was higher in the presence of the following risk factors: old and small slaughterhouse, not washing live bird transport crates, manual bleeding, scalding type (soaking), non-renewal of scalding water, no disinfectant in water, no ventilation drying, no sanitary facilities. The identification of risk factors responsible for bacterial contamination of broiler meat is essential to determine the most effective methods of prevention.Meso peradi je meso koje se najviše konzumira u Alžiru, a nadmašilo je ovčetinu i govedinu 1980-ih. Međutim, ovaj proizvod često nosi rizik od kontaminacije salmonelom. Salmoneloza je bolest koja se širi putem hrane, a procjenjuje se da se godišnje jave desetci milijuna slučajeva zaraženih ljudi diljem svijeta, što rezultira s više od stotinu tisuća smrti godišnje. Prema Svjetskoj zdravstvenoj organizaciji, ljudi obično obole od salmoneloze konzumiranjem kontaminirane hrane životinjskog podrijetla, uključujući perad. Glavni cilj ove studije bio je istražiti faktore rizika povezane s kontaminacijom trupova brojlera salmonelom u klaonici. Šezdeset svježih trupova pilića iz šest klaonica podloženo je bakteriološkoj analizi u skladu s AFNOR (francuski Nacionalni institut za norme) standardima. Statističke analize pokazale su učinak kvalitete higijene u postupku klanja na vjerojatnost kontaminacije mesa peradi salmonelom. Ustvrđena je povezanost (r=0,84) između higijenskih praksi klanja i kontaminacije trupova pilića salmonelom. Prosječna razina TAMB (broja aerobnih mezofilnih bakterija) u trupova pozitivnih na salmonelu (t-test=0,019) bila je visoka. Propuštanje pranja sanduka za prijevoz živih ptica povezano je s povećanim rizikom od kontaminacije trupova salmonelom (omjer vjerojatnosti/OV=28). Srednja razina TAMB bila je viša u prisutnosti sljedećih faktora rizika: stare i male klaonice, propuštanje pranja sanduka za prijevoz živih ptica, ručno puštanje krvi, vrsta parenja (namakanje), ne mijenjanje vode za parenje, izostanak dezinfekcijskog sredstva u vodi, sušenje bez ventilacije, izostanak sanitarija. Identifikacija faktora rizika odgovornih za kontaminaciju mesa brojlera bakterijama bitna je za određivanje najučinkovitijih metoda prevencije

    Trypanosomiasis of camels (Camelus dromedarius) in Algeria: First report

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    Camel trypanosomosis is a life-threatening disease in the camel species and responsible for severe economic losses either in milk or meat productions. This study was carried out on the south-east area of Algeria on 100 camels of various ages and either sex from two herds. Microscopic examination of blood smears revealed higher levels of trypanosomosis caused by Trypanosoma evansi, an elongated parasite with a kinetoplast and a single nucleus located in its half-length and one flagellum with great heterogeneity. This first investigation reveals higher infection rate than those observed in other countries using blood smears, the trypanosomosis attack has reached an alarming level and the occurrence of trypanosomosis at this high level on blood smears is like "the tree that hides the forest" and make up a serious and potential danger both on animal and public health. Therefore, radical preventive and offensive drastic measures must be taken against this menacing disease at the critical points to prevent the economic losses and to avoid possible human transmission

    Seroprevalence of Mycoplasma synoviae and Mycoplasma gallisepticum at Batna Commercial poultry farms in Algeria

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    Aim: The present study was undertaken to know the seroprevalence of Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) and Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) in broiler and layer chickens in the area of Batna, eastern Algeria. This investigation was conducted during the period from 2008 to 2011. Materials and Methods: A total of 505 sera samples were collected and tested by serum plate agglutination (SPA) test using Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma synoviae antigens (Soleil Diagnostic) to detect the presence of antibodies against MS and MG. Results: The overall prevalence of MS and MG infection in the 27 flocks visited in this investigation were recorded as 66.33% and 69.90% respectively. Seroprevalence of MG infection was found significantly (p<0.05) higher during winter season (61.48%) than in summer (47.74%) while MS infection is more dominant in summer (91.25% against 46.69%). Again this was recorded in different age groups, with significantly higher occurrence in young compared to adult with 85.14% in layer hens and 90.73% in broiler chickens. On the other hand, the seroprevalence of MG and MS infection was found little (p>0.05) higher in large flocks (76.97%) in comparison to small flocks (63.63%). The highest prevalence (76.59%) of mycoplasmal infection in layer hens was found in Lohman strain. Conclusion: It has been found that MG and MS infections are still important disease problems in poultry farms in Algeria. [Vet World 2012; 5(12.000): 709-712

    Meningoencephalitis due to the amoeboflagellate

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    Primary amoebic meningoencephalitis (PAM) is a fatal infection in most cases, caused by the amoeba flagellate Naegleria fowleri. This report describes the first cases of PAM in Algeria, in a cow and a ewe from Batna, north-eastern Algeria. The death of both ruminants occurred a week after the first clinical manifestations. The cerebrospinal fluid, after staining with May-Grünwald-Giemsa, showed the presence of amoebae cells. Histological sections revealed numerous amoebae in all parts of the brain. The presence of N. fowleri was confirmed using a species-specific real-time PCR in histological tissue sections. The two PAM cases were reported during the hot season, and the source of infection is very likely the water where the cattle came to drink. Particular attention should be focused on this type of infection in aquatic environments when the temperature is high and preventive measures must be taken to avoid the proliferation of N. fowleri