518 research outputs found

    Aging of the Zero-Field-Cooled Magnetization in Ising Spin Glasses: Experiment and Numerical Simulation

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    A new protocol of the zero-field-cooled (ZFC) magnetization process is studied experimentally on an Ising spin-glass (SG) Fe0.50_{0.50}Mn0.50_{0.50}TiO3_3 and numerically on the Edwards-Anderson Ising SG model. Although the time scales differ very much between the experiment and the simulation, the behavior of the ZFC magnetization observed in the two systems can be interpreted by means of a common scaling expression based on the droplet picture. The results strongly suggest that the SG coherence length, or the mean size of droplet excitations, involved even in the experimental ZFC process, is about a hundred lattice distances or less.Comment: 4 pages, 5 fugure

    Dressed Power-law Inflation with Cuscuton

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    We study dressed inflation with a cuscuton and find a novel exact power-law solution. It is well known that the conventional power-law inflation is inconsistent with the Planck data. In contrast to this standard lore, we find that power-law inflation with a cuscuton can be reconciled with the Planck data. Moreover, we argue that the cuscuton generally ameliorates inflation models so that predictions are consistent with observations.Comment: 10 page

    Nephrin is an important component of the barrier system in the testis.

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    Nephrin, a gene product of the congenital nephrotic syndrome of the Finnish type (NPHS1), is a 1242-residue putative transmembrane protein of the immunoglobulin family of cell adhesion molecules. The expression of this gene is localized in rat and human glomerular epithelial cells. Here we report the expression of nephrin in various tissues other than the kidneys in mice. The expression of nephrin mRNA in various tissues of mice, including the kidneys, testes, spleen, thymus and brain, were first investigated by the RT-PCR method, and it was shown that a high level of nephrin mRNA could be detected in the testes of mice 1-6 weeks old. In situ hybridization revealed the expression of the nephrin gene in the Sertoli cells. Additionally, immunofluorescent staining studies indicated that nephrin was colocalized with anchoring protein ZO-1 in the mouse testis. From these results, it is inferred that nephrin is an important component of the barrier system in testes.</p

    Loss of MeCP2 in Parvalbumin-and Somatostatin-Expressing Neurons in Mice Leads to Distinct Rett Syndrome-like Phenotypes

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    SummaryInhibitory neurons are critical for proper brain function, and their dysfunction is implicated in several disorders, including autism, schizophrenia, and Rett syndrome. These neurons are heterogeneous, and it is unclear which subtypes contribute to specific neurological phenotypes. We deleted Mecp2, the mouse homolog of the gene that causes Rett syndrome, from the two most populous subtypes, parvalbumin-positive (PV+) and somatostatin-positive (SOM+) neurons. Loss of MeCP2 partially impairs the affected neuron, allowing us to assess the function of each subtype without profound disruption of neuronal circuitry. We found that mice lacking MeCP2 in either PV+ or SOM+ neurons have distinct, non-overlapping neurological features: mice lacking MeCP2 in PV+ neurons developed motor, sensory, memory, and social deficits, whereas those lacking MeCP2 in SOM+ neurons exhibited seizures and stereotypies. Our findings indicate that PV+ and SOM+ neurons contribute complementary aspects of the Rett phenotype and may have modular roles in regulating specific behaviors

    A Comparative and a Syntactic Analysis of Richard Strauss\u27s Lied Leise Lieder and That of Max Reger

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    Since Max Reger composed 14 songs using the same poems from Richard Strauss\u27s pieces, several comparative analyses of their songs have been made. Some of them have considered how conscious Reger was of Strauss\u27s works, reaching the conclusion that Reger\u27s songs were based on a "rivalry" or an "intentional opposing concept" vis-à-vis Strauss. However, in order to understand the techniques of individual compositions, after comparative analysis one must also syntactically analyze each song, focusing on the relevance of all literary and musical elements to each other. Here, through the comparative and syntactic analysis of both composers\u27 Leise Lieder, two main points are considered in this article: how conscious Reger was of Strauss\u27s work, and what the original compositional concepts of each composer were. Both composers emphasized the last line of the last stanza of the poem, but while Strauss used the harmonic as the mainstay of his piece, Reger used a common ending for each phrase in the vocal part. The results clarify that while Reger superficially feigned to challenge Strauss, in fact he carefully constructed a very different song with his own original, unique concepts, focusing on the end phrase patterns in the vocal part.リヒャルト・シュトラウスとマックス・レーガーの歌曲には,テクストが共通するものが14曲も存在するため,それらに関する比較分析の数は少なくない。そのほとんどは,レーガーがシュトラウスの作品をどの程度意識して作曲したのかを考察しており,レーガーの作品にはシュトラウスに対する「対抗意識」あるいは「意図的な相対するコンセプト」が根底にあると結論づけているものもある。しかしながら、個々の作品に特有の作曲手法を理解するためには比較分析のみでは不十分で,各々の歌曲における文学的要素と音楽的要素の関連性に焦点を当てた統辞論的分析も行われて然るべきであろう。したがって本論文では両作曲家の歌曲〈ひそやかな歌〉の比較および統辞論的分析を行い,レーガーはシュトラウスの作品をどの程度意識しているのか,各々の作曲家に独自の作曲コンセプトは何か,の二点について考察した。その結果,両者とも詩の最終詩行を音楽的に強調している点では共通しているが,シュトラウスは聴き手の期待を裏切る和声進行を作品の主軸としているのに対し,レーガーは歌唱声部の各フレーズ末に置いた音形の共通性とその差異に焦点を当てていることが明らかとなった。以上のことから,レーガーの〈ひそやかな歌〉は,表面的にはシュトラウスの楽曲構造を意識しているように見えるが,実際にはシュトラウスとは全く異なる独創的なコンセプトに基づいて創作されているといえよう

    マックス・レーガー歌曲の統辞論的研究 : 韻律と拍節の関係にみるユーモア

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    昨年2016年に没後100年を迎えたドイツ人作曲家マックス・レーガー Max Reger (1873~11916) は,早逝したものの非常に多作で,歌曲だけに限ってみても300曲を超える作品を残している。しかし,同時代に活躍したフーゴー・ヴォルフ Hugo Wolf (1860~1903) ・グスタフ・マーラーGustav Mahler (1860~1911),リヒャルト・シュトラウス Richard Strauss (1864~1949),アルノルト・シェーンベルク Arnold Schönberg (1874~1951) らに比べると彼の知名度はあまりにも低く,作品研究も立ち遅れている。とりわけレーガーの歌曲研究は数が少ないうえ,その内実も和声分析程度にとどまっており,通常ドイツ歌1111において重要視される韻律と拍節の関係については,ほとんど考察されていない。このような現状を打破し.レーガー歌曲の本質を具体的に明らかにするために,本研究ではまずレーガー作品の特徴のひとつである「ユーモア」に注目し分析を進めた