15,775 research outputs found

    Congruent families and invariant tensors

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    Classical results of Chentsov and Campbell state that -- up to constant multiples -- the only 22-tensor field of a statistical model which is invariant under congruent Markov morphisms is the Fisher metric and the only invariant 33-tensor field is the Amari-Chentsov tensor. We generalize this result for arbitrary degree nn, showing that any family of nn-tensors which is invariant under congruent Markov morphisms is algebraically generated by the canonical tensor fields defined in an earlier paper

    The Radius of Metric Subregularity

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    There is a basic paradigm, called here the radius of well-posedness, which quantifies the "distance" from a given well-posed problem to the set of ill-posed problems of the same kind. In variational analysis, well-posedness is often understood as a regularity property, which is usually employed to measure the effect of perturbations and approximations of a problem on its solutions. In this paper we focus on evaluating the radius of the property of metric subregularity which, in contrast to its siblings, metric regularity, strong regularity and strong subregularity, exhibits a more complicated behavior under various perturbations. We consider three kinds of perturbations: by Lipschitz continuous functions, by semismooth functions, and by smooth functions, obtaining different expressions/bounds for the radius of subregularity, which involve generalized derivatives of set-valued mappings. We also obtain different expressions when using either Frobenius or Euclidean norm to measure the radius. As an application, we evaluate the radius of subregularity of a general constraint system. Examples illustrate the theoretical findings.Comment: 20 page

    Vectorial Potential of Cockroaches in Transmitting Parasites of Medical Importance in Arkilla, Sokoto, Nigeria

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    A study was conducted to determine the role of cockroaches as potential carriers of parasites of medical importance in Arkilla Federal Low Cost, Sokoto, Nigeria from October 2011 to February 2012. A total of 218 cockroaches, comprising of two species were collected from different locations using sweep net and examined for human intestinal parasites using the concentration method. The dominant cockroach species was Periplaneta americana 145 (66.51%) followed by Blatta orientalis 73 (33.49%). Six medically important parasites were encountered in the following order Entamoeba histolytica (40.83%), Ascaris lumbricoides (28.40%), Enterobius Vermicularis (15.98%), Schistosoma mansoni (9.48%), S. haematobium (2.95%) and Trichuris trichura (2.36%). There was no statistically significant difference (p > 0.05) in the isolates between cockroach species and stage of development. However significant differences (p < 0.05) were observed between sexes and sites of cockroach collection. Therefore, as cockroaches continue to constitute important reservoir for infectious pathogens, control measures instituted in toilets, kitchens; and targeting especially the females and both stages of development of cockroach could substantially minimize the spread of infectious diseases in the study area

    Violation of the phase space general covariance as a diffeomorphism anomaly in quantum mechanics

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    We consider a topological quantum mechanics described by a phase space path integral and study the 1-dimensional analog for the path integral representation of the Kontsevich formula. We see that the naive bosonic integral possesses divergences, that it is even naively non-invariant and thus is ill-defined. We then consider a super-extension of the theory which eliminates the divergences and makes the theory naively invariant. This super-extension is equivalent to the correct choice of measure and was discussed in the literature. We then investigate the behavior of this extended theory under diffeomorphisms of the extended phase space and despite of its naive invariance find out that the theory possesses anomaly under nonlinear diffeomorphisms. We localize the origin of the anomaly and calculate the lowest nontrivial anomalous contribution.Comment: 36 page

    On acceleration of Krylov-subspace-based Newton and Arnoldi iterations for incompressible CFD: replacing time steppers and generation of initial guess

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    We propose two techniques aimed at improving the convergence rate of steady state and eigenvalue solvers preconditioned by the inverse Stokes operator and realized via time-stepping. First, we suggest a generalization of the Stokes operator so that the resulting preconditioner operator depends on several parameters and whose action preserves zero divergence and boundary conditions. The parameters can be tuned for each problem to speed up the convergence of a Krylov-subspace-based linear algebra solver. This operator can be inverted by the Uzawa-like algorithm, and does not need a time-stepping. Second, we propose to generate an initial guess of steady flow, leading eigenvalue and eigenvector using orthogonal projection on a divergence-free basis satisfying all boundary conditions. The approach, including the two proposed techniques, is illustrated on the solution of the linear stability problem for laterally heated square and cubic cavities

    A new method for experimental characterisation of scattered radiation in 64-slice CT scanner

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    PURPOSE: The consummate 64-slice CT scanner that spawns a new generation of non-invasive diagnostic tool, however revolutionary, brings with it the incidental by-product that is scattered radiation. The extended detector aperture capability in the 64-slcie CT scanner allows the effects of scattered radiation to be more pronounced and therefore demands that the magnitude and spatial distribution of scatter component be addressed during the imaging process. To this end, corrective algorithms need to be formulated on a basis of a precise understanding of scatter distribution. Relative to a 64-slice CT scanner, here now a unique solution is based upon dedicated blockers operative within various detector rows, calculating scatter profiles and scatter to primary ratios (SPR). MATERIALS AND METHODS: A single dimension blocker array was installed beneath the collimator, and the extrapolated shadow area on the detectors revealed the scatter radiation after exposure. The experiment was conducted using a 64-slice CT scanner manufactured by GE Healthcare Technologies. RESULTS: Variables such as tube voltage, phantom size and phantom-off centring on the scatter profile and the SPR was measured using the dedicated blocker method introduced above. When tube voltage is increased from 80kVp to 140kVp in a 21.5 cm water phantom, the SPR is found to reduce from 219.9 to 39.9 respectively. CONCLUSION: The method developed within this study is applicable to any measurement and is direct with minimal complexity

    Parametric Fokker-Planck equation

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    We derive the Fokker-Planck equation on the parametric space. It is the Wasserstein gradient flow of relative entropy on the statistical manifold. We pull back the PDE to a finite dimensional ODE on parameter space. Some analytical example and numerical examples are presented

    The Added Value of Water Footprint Assessment for National Water Policy: A Case Study for Morocco

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    A Water Footprint Assessment is carried out for Morocco, mapping the water footprint of different activities at river basin and monthly scale, distinguishing between surface- and groundwater. The paper aims to demonstrate the added value of detailed analysis of the human water footprint within a country and thorough assessment of the virtual water flows leaving and entering a country for formulating national water policy. Green, blue and grey water footprint estimates and virtual water flows are mainly derived from a previous grid-based (5×5 arc minute) global study for the period 1996–2005. These estimates are placed in the context of monthly natural runoff and waste assimilation capacity per river basin derived from Moroccan data sources. The study finds that: (i) evaporation from storage reservoirs is the second largest form of blue water consumption in Morocco, after irrigated crop production; (ii) Morocco’s water and land resources are mainly used to produce relatively low-value (in US/m3andUS/m3 and US/ha) crops such as cereals, olives and almonds; (iii) most of the virtual water export from Morocco relates to the export of products with a relatively low economic water productivity (in US$/m3); (iv) blue water scarcity on a monthly scale is severe in all river basins and pressure on groundwater resources by abstractions and nitrate pollution is considerable in most basins; (v) the estimated potential water savings by partial relocation of crops to basins where they consume less water and by reducing water footprints of crops down to benchmark levels are significant compared to demand reducing and supply increasing measures considered in Morocco’s national water strateg