12 research outputs found

    The relationship between suicide attempt and self-care agency

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    Objective: This research was intended to determine the relationship between suicide attempt and self-care agency in individuals who did not present with any mental problem, depression or psychiatric diagnosis, using a case comparison group. What is the relationship between suicide attempt and self-care agency in a specified population?Method: The framework of the research consisted of 33 hospitalised people, and 33 peopleaccompanying them. The sample group consists of 31 cases and a control of 31 group people with a healthy body and without a significant psychiatric diagnosis, who agreed to join the research.Result: The results suggested that there was a relationship between the self-care agency and the tendency to commit suicide.Conclusion: This result can be used to in the public health and psychiatry nursing practices. Necessary improvement of self-care agency is recommended for those who have a history of suicide attempt. Also, more researches must be undertaken related this topic.Objective: This research was intended to determine the relationship between suicide attempt and self-care agency in individuals who did not present with any mental problem, depression or psychiatric diagnosis, using a case comparison group. What is the relationship between suicide attempt and self-care agency in a specified population?Method: The framework of the research consisted of 33 hospitalised people, and 33 peopleaccompanying them. The sample group consists of 31 cases and a control of 31 group people with a healthy body and without a significant psychiatric diagnosis, who agreed to join the research.Result: The results suggested that there was a relationship between the self-care agency and the tendency to commit suicide.Conclusion: This result can be used to in the public health and psychiatry nursing practices. Necessary improvement of self-care agency is recommended for those who have a history of suicide attempt. Also, more researches must be undertaken related this topic

    Kadınlarda Mastektominin Psikososyal Etkileri

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    Kadınlarda Mastektominin Psikososyal EtkileriKadınlarda Mastektominin Psikososyal Etkiler

    The prevalence of pandemic anxiety, anxiety and depression during the covid-19 pandemic in Turkey

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    Background: This prevalence study involved participants from various cities in Turkey was conducted in April 2020, during the coronavirus pandemic in Turkey, with a view to evaluate the pandemic-related anxiety, generalized anxiety, and depression in the society. Method: The study was conducted with 1267 people in more than 70 cities in Turkey. The study data were obtained by means of online data collection forms, due to the risks posed by the contagious COVID-19 disease in face to face interviews. The Demographic Properties Form, the Utkan Pandemic Anxiety (UPA) scale, the Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7) scale, and the Beck Depression Inventory for Primary Care (BDI-PC) were utilized as data collection tools. Results: The average value for the UPA scale for the sample was calculated as 10.5 +/- 0.257 points, for the GAD-7 scale as 5.5 +/- 0.153 points, and for the BDI-PC as 3.8 +/- 0.095 points. The cut-off threshold for the UPA scale was exceeded by 34%, for the GAD-7 scale by 25.7%, and for the BDI-PC by 30.9% of the sample. Conclusion: It was concluded that the level of pandemic-related anxiety in the community was high, that the level of generalized anxiety and depression had increased in comparison to pre-pandemic times, and that women had a higher risk of pandemic-related anxiety, generalized anxiety, and depression, because they were a group at risk, and also due to the effect of media surveillance and reports

    Utkan Salgın Hastalık Kaygısı Ölçeği'nin geliştirilmesi ve psikometrik özelliklerinin incelenmesi

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmada genel popülasyonda salgın hastalık kaygısını ölçmeye yönelik olarak “Utkan Salgın Hastalık Kaygısı Ölçeği” geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Dil ve psikometrik geçerliliği yapılmış olan 20 ifadelik deneme formu; %72’si kadın, yaş aralığı 15–68 ve yaş ortalaması ise 28.6±9.9 olan 1037 kişilik bir örnekleme uygulanmıştır. Ölçeğin geçerliliğine yapı geçerliliği ve iç geçerliliği incelenerek karar verilmiştir. Yapı geçerliliğini belirlemek amacıyla faktör analizi, iç geçerliliği belirlemek için ise alt- üst grup karşılaştırılması yapılmıştır. Ölçeğin güvenilirliğini test etmek amacı ile Cronbach α güvenilirrlik katsayısı ve eşdeğer form tutarlılığı hesaplanmıştır. Bulgular: Geliştirilmiş olan “Utkan Salgın Hastalık Kaygısı Ölçeği” tek boyuttan ve 9 maddeden oluşmakta olup, salgın hastalık kaygısına ilişkin varyansın 70.8’ini açıklayabilmektedir. Ölçekten alınabilecek toplam puan 0 ile 36 arasında değişmekte olup, puanın artışı salgın hastalık kaygısının artışını ifade etmektedir. Ölçeğin Cronbach α güvenilirlik katsayısı .94 olarak hesaplanmış olup bu değer yüksek güvenilirliği ifade etmektedir. Sonuç: Bulgulara göre genel popülasyonda salgın hastalık kaygısını belirlemeye yönelik olarak geçerlilik ve güvenilirliği yapılan “Utkan Salgın Hastalık Kaygısı Ölçeği”nin geçerli ve güvenilir bir şekilde ölçüm yapabildiği görülmektedir

    Zihinsel Engelli Çocuğa Sahip Ailelerin Yaşadıkları Psikososyal Sorunlar

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    While the birth of a healthy child constraints the parents, especially the participation of a disabled childcreates important changes in the structure, operation and roles of the family members. The needs of a childwith growth deficiency may affect the style of life and plans of the family members as well as it causes greatconcerns in the family. The disabled children and young people along with their families need psychologicalaid in our country. Heath care staff should make attempts towards the problem experienced by the familiesand support them.Sa????lıklı bir çocu????un do????umu, anne-baba için zorlayıcı olabilirken,özelliklede engelli bir çocu????un aileye katılımıaile yapısında, i????leyi????inde ve aile üyelerinin rollerinde önemli de????i????iklikler yapmaktadır. Geli????im gerili????igösteren bir çocu????un gereksinimleri aile üyelerinin ya????am biçimlerini planlarını etkileyerek , aile içinde yo????unbir kaygıya neden olabilmektedir. Ülkemizde özürlü olan çocuk ve gençler kadar ailelerinde psikolojikyardıma ihtiyaçları vardır. Sa????lık ekibi üyeleri, ailelerin ya????adıkları sorunlara yönelik giri????imlerde bulunmalı vedestek sa????lamalıdı

    The effect of critical thinking education on nursing students' problem-solving skills

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    The aim of the study: The aim of this study is to examine the effect of critical thinking education on nursing students’ problem-solving skills. Materials and method: This study was conducted with 93 nursing students, 49 in the control group and 44 in the education group. The California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory and the Problem-solving Inventory were administered to them before and after 12 weeks of critical thinking education. Results: The education group’s mean critical thinking score was 253.61 on the pretest and 268.72 on the posttest. This increase was statistically significant (p < .001). The posttest mean score of the control group fell to 258.18 on the posttest after a pretest mean score of 260.79, and this difference was statistically significant (p < .001). According to the posttest results, the problem-solving skills of education group increased significantly (p < .001), while the control group’s score fell significantly (p < .001). Conclusion: This study determined that critical thinking education improves problem-solving skill

    The prevalence of depression in elderly living at home in eastern Turkey: Erzurum

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    Objective: To assess the prevalence of depressive symptoms among elderly people who live at home.Design: This research was carried out as cross-sectional between March 2001 and September 2002 so as to determine the depression prevalence in the elderly people living in Abdurahman Gazi Primary Health Care Region in Erzurum.Method: The study population consisted of 1097 elderly people (65 and over) who live in Abdurahman Gazi Primary Health Care Region. At the selection of the samples, the formula whichis used in known population frequency researches was practiced and samples were found as 300.Results: The prevalence of depression symptoms was found to be 58.3 % (n=175) in the total study population 45.1% (n=79) in male subjects and 54.9% (n=96) in female subjects).Conclusion: In the light of these data, multidisciplinary approach is required for preparing social arrangements enhancing family and community support and home car efor elderly subjects.Objective: To assess the prevalence of depressive symptoms among elderly people who live at home.Design: This research was carried out as cross-sectional between March 2001 and September 2002 so as to determine the depression prevalence in the elderly people living in Abdurahman Gazi Primary Health Care Region in Erzurum.Method: The study population consisted of 1097 elderly people (65 and over) who live in Abdurahman Gazi Primary Health Care Region. At the selection of the samples, the formula whichis used in known population frequency researches was practiced and samples were found as 300.Results: The prevalence of depression symptoms was found to be 58.3 % (n=175) in the total study population 45.1% (n=79) in male subjects and 54.9% (n=96) in female subjects).Conclusion: In the light of these data, multidisciplinary approach is required for preparing social arrangements enhancing family and community support and home car efor elderly subjects

    Ways of coping with pain in the elderly

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