22 research outputs found

    Poulton, Cheshire: The investigation of a rural chapel in an evolving medieval landscape

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    This article presents the results of the radiocarbon dating programme and interpretation of a medieval chapel and graveyard in Poulton, Cheshire. The structure was associated with a lost Cistercian Abbey of 12th-13th-century date, which was relocated to Staffordshire after c. 60 years. Extensive excavation has revealed a minimum of 783 interments, interpreted as the remains of the farming community who worked the land after the monks’ departure. The role of the chapel within the early Cistercian landscape has proved enigmatic, although archaeological investigation has enabled a detailed understanding of the development of this ecclesiastical structure. The radiocarbon dating programme has revealed the chronology of the graveyard. By combining this new evidence with the historical record and archaeological data, an interpretation of the changing role of the chapel within the evolving medieval landscape is presente

    Two Simple Mechanisms for Advancing the Democratic Governance of Hong Kong

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    In this paper we outline two suggestions for making existing democratic institutions in Hong Kong more effective. First, we suggest placing more responsibility for policy-making at the District Council level, so as to provide greater stakes in District Council elections. Second, we suggest similarly increasing the stakes in LegCo elections by having some Principal Officials be appointed from LegCo based on the electoral success of their party’s platform – or (if current law is interpreted to prevent LegCo members from serving in the executive) by having each electorally-significant party nominate people associated with the party to be Principal Officials. By giving the parties that have significant electoral mandates material influence in executive policy formation, successful parties will become associated with and proponents and defenders of – rather than constantly being in opposition to – at least some of the policies being implemented by the government. This will also require the strengthening and development of Hong Kong’s political culture and its political party structures through building professional career tracks for talented politically-inclined people and through the addition of people within the major parties focused on designing party platforms through policy research, political marketing, and political strategy development.


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