20 research outputs found

    Cicerone e la società alla luce delle orazioni giudiziarie

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    La fortuna dei frammenti poetici di Cicerone nella Polonia del Cinquecento

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    Cicero Varsoviensis, XXX annis post - Cicero in Warsaw 30 Years Later

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    Cum officium meum, quo brevi fungar, in hoc constet, quid inter has commentationes et illas, quae in septimo Colloquio Tulliano abhinc triginta annos Varsoviae habitae sint, intersit exquirere, a prooemiis ipsis incipiam: etiam anno MCMLXXXIX duo viri docti praefati sunt, Latine Marianus Plezia et Italice Italus Lana; nec est quin videat quam concinne a Catharina omnia hodierno die redintegrata sint. Itali autem Lana auditor discipulusque in Universitate Taurinensi fere iisdem annis eo studio fui ut et illo tempore et hodie eum virum doctum vitae meae magistrum putem

    Neo-Latin News

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    Vita magistra historiae. Dwie glosy do dziejów miesięcznika „Meander”

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    The article quotes and analyses the editorial opening the first issue of the journal “Meander” (1946). A closer look at that text shows its hidden message – defence of values endangered by the new political reality. In 1953 and 1954 various periodicals criticized the editors of “Meander” for their conservative approach to antiquity. This campaign probably aimed at replacement of Professor Kazimierz Kumaniecki, the editor-in chief of the journal and the head of the Classics Department of the University of Warsaw, by Professor Bronisław Biliński, a scholar favoured by the Communist authorities

    University autonomy and innovative self-organization

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    Kazimierz Kumaniecki in evolucija klasične filologije v Ljudski republiki Poljski (prevedla Lara Unuk)

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    Kazimierz Kumaniecki (1905–1977), profesor na varšavski univerzi, je odločilno vplival na oblikovanje klasičnofilološke skupnosti v obdobju Poljske kot ljudske republike; ob prizadevanju za krepitev njenih struktur v smislu akademskega profila in kvalitete je s svojim delovanjem hkrati skrbel za njeno povezanost. Svoj čut za poslanstvo je črpal iz dveh virov, iz lastne konspirativne izkušnje v Informacijsko-propagandnem biroju glavnega štaba Domovinske vojske (Armia Krajowa) med drugo svetovno vojno ter iz izročila klasičnofilološke skupnosti v Galiciji za časa poljske razdeljenosti, ko je študij starega veka služil tudi kot orodje pri zavzemanju za Poljsko kot del Evrope. Študija vsebuje gradivo iz arhivov tajne policije

    SPOKEN WORD VERSUS WRITTEN WORD: CICERO'S AND MICKIEWICZ' EXPERIENCE (Zywy glos wobec zapisanego slowa: klopoty Cycerona, klopoty Mickiewicza)

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    The author revives here his memories of Professor Kazimierz Kumaniecki's seminars devoted to textual criticism of the 'De oratore' in 1967-1972. In his approach to Cicero's work, Kumaniecki proved to be a forerunner of the scholars of the last decade who introduce the problems of orality and use of writing into its interpretation. Similar problems are present in Adam Mickiewicz's lectures on Latin literature, delivered in Lausanne in 1839-1840. Both Cicero and Mickiewicz tried to find their way to the minds of their contemporaries and descendants balancing between the persuasive efficacy of live speech and permanence of writing