17 research outputs found

    Oscillations in meta-generalized-gradient approximation potential energy surfaces for dispersion-bound complexes

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    © 2009 American Institute of Physics. The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3177061DOI: 10.1063/1.3177061Meta-generalized-gradient approximations (meta-GGAs) in density-functional theory are exchange-correlation functionals whose integrands depend on local density, density gradient, and also the kinetic-energy density. It has been pointed out by Johnson et al. [Chem. Phys. Lett. 394, 334 (2004) ] that meta-GGA potential energy curves in dispersion-bound complexes are susceptible to spurious oscillations unless very large integration grids are used. This grid sensitivity originates from the saddle-point region of the density near the intermonomer midpoint. Various dimensionless ratios involving the kinetic-energy density, found in typical meta-GGAs, may be ill-behaved in this region. Grid sensitivity thus arises if the midpoint region is sampled by too sparse a grid. For most meta-GGAs, standard grids do not suffice. Care must be taken to avoid this problem when using, or constructing, meta-GGAs

    Small Polarons in Transition Metal Oxides

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    The formation of polarons is a pervasive phenomenon in transition metal oxide compounds, with a strong impact on the physical properties and functionalities of the hosting materials. In its original formulation the polaron problem considers a single charge carrier in a polar crystal interacting with its surrounding lattice. Depending on the spatial extension of the polaron quasiparticle, originating from the coupling between the excess charge and the phonon field, one speaks of small or large polarons. This chapter discusses the modeling of small polarons in real materials, with a particular focus on the archetypal polaron material TiO2. After an introductory part, surveying the fundamental theoretical and experimental aspects of the physics of polarons, the chapter examines how to model small polarons using first principles schemes in order to predict, understand and interpret a variety of polaron properties in bulk phases and surfaces. Following the spirit of this handbook, different types of computational procedures and prescriptions are presented with specific instructions on the setup required to model polaron effects.Comment: 36 pages, 12 figure

    Quantum Chemical Methods for Modeling Covalent Modification of Biological Thiols

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    Targeted covalent inhibitor drugs require computational methods that go beyond simple molecular‐mechanical force fields in order to model the chemical reactions that occur when they bind to their targets. Here, several semiempirical and density‐functional theory (DFT) methods are assessed for their ability to describe the potential energy surface and reaction energies of the covalent modification of a thiol by an electrophile. Functionals such as PBE and B3LYP fail to predict a stable enolate intermediate. This is largely due to delocalization error, which spuriously stabilizes the prereaction complex, in which excess electron density is transferred from the thiolate to the electrophile. Functionals with a high‐exact exchange component, range‐separated DFT functionals, and variationally optimized exact exchange (i.e., the LC‐B05minV functional) correct this issue to various degrees. The large gradient behavior of the exchange enhancement factor is also found to significantly affect the results, leading to the improved performance of PBE0. While ωB97X‐D and M06‐2X were reasonably accurate, no method provided quantitative accuracy for all three electrophiles, making this a very strenuous test of functional performance. Additionally, one drawback of M06‐2X was that molecular dynamics (MD) simulations using this functional were only stable if a fine integration grid was used. The low‐cost semiempirical methods, PM3, AM1, and PM7, provide a qualitatively correct description of the reaction mechanism, although the energetics is not quantitatively reliable. As a proof of concept, the potential of mean force for the addition of methylthiolate to methylvinyl ketone was calculated using quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical MD in an explicit polarizable aqueous solvent

    Pervasive delocalisation error causes spurious proton transfer in organic acid-base co-crystals

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    Dispersion-corrected density-functional theory (DFT-D) methods have become the workhorse of many computational protocols for molecular crystal structure prediction due to their efficiency and convenience. However, certain limitations of DFT, such as delocalisation error, are often overlooked or are too expensive to remedy in solid-state applications. This error can lead to artificial stabilisation of charge-transfer and, in this work, it is found to affect the correct identification of the protonation site in multicomponent acid-base crystals. As such, commonly used DFT-D methods cannot be applied with any reliability to the study of acid-base co-crystals or salts, while hybrid functionals remain too restrictive for routine use. This presents an impetus for the development of new functionals with reduced delocalisation error for solid-state applications; the structures studied herein constitute an excellent benchmark for this purpose