17 research outputs found


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    Blog has take an important aspect of internet since the introduction of Web 2.0 technology because blog as been away to influence others who read the blogs. People now have interest in finding materials and friends on the internet.Many users visit blog sites to read the posts and comment on them. Most people do read blog to gather informationon things that are important before take major decision about them. Because blogger always share their experienceon a topic for others to comments and through this others share their own experience. With the impact thatinfluential blogger have in a community. The benefits of achieving competitive advantages in a blog community byidentify influential blogger have created several research gaps and the popularity of these services has make theproblem of identifying the most influential bloggers significant, since its solution can lead to major benefits for theusers of this services i.e. education, politic, participatory journalism, advertising, searching, commerce etc. Thecurrent works in this regard ignore some important aspects of the blogsphere. This paper focuses on using acrossbreed method as an improvement to the existing methodologies. With the introduction of new parametersFBCount and Mining Comments the new approach show that the score of each blog post reflect quality andgoodness of blog post. A program prototype was designed to calculate the influential bloggers. The results obtainedconfirm that current approach could significantly identify influential of bloggers on the web and the proposed modelhas better performance than other approaches. There are still a few of avenues for the future research. Future workcan include full implementation of the program prototype and try to improve on it to directly get the parameters usedfrom the blog post on the web in a blog community, more parameters like twitter shares, G+1s Pin shares etc can beincluded into the literature and check for the behavior of the influence and future research can investigate more timein deciding weight parameter that is crucial for tuning between different influential factors.Keyword: Blog, Blogger, Social networks, Blogosphere, Influential bloggers, Influential, Models

    An Ensemble-Based Hotel Reviews System Using Naive Bayes Classifier

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    The task of classifying opinions conveyed in any form of text online is referred to as sentiment analysis. The emergence of social media usage and its spread has given room for sentiment analysis in our daily lives. Social media applications and websites have become the foremost spring of data recycled for reviews for sentimentality in various fields. Various subject matter can be encountered on social media platforms, such as movie product reviews, consumer opinions, and testimonies, among others, which can be used for sentiment analysis. The rapid uncovering of these web contents contains divergence of many benefits like profit-making, which is one of the most vital of them all. According to a recent study, 81% of consumers conduct online research prior to making a purchase. But the reviews available online are too huge and numerous for human brains to process and analyze. Hence, machine learning classifiers are one of the prominent tools used to classify sentiment in order to get valuable information for use in companies like hotels, game companies, and so on. Understanding the sentiments of people towards different commodities helps to improve the services for contextual promotions, referral systems, and market research. Therefore, this study proposes a sentiment-based framework detection to enable the rapid uncovering of opinionated contents of hotel reviews. A Naive Bayes classifier was used to process and analyze the dataset for the detection of the polarity of the words. The dataset from Datafiniti’s Business Database obtained from Kaggle was used for the experiments in this study. The performance evaluation of the model shows a test accuracy of 96.08%, an F1-score of 96.00%, a precision of 96.00%, and a recall of 96.00%. The results were compared with state-of-the-art classifiers and showed a promising performance and much better in terms of performance metrics.publishedVersio

    Crypto-Stegno based model for securing medical information on IOMT platform

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    The integration of the Internet of Things in medical systems referred to as the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), which supports medical events for instance real-time diagnosis, remote monitoring of patients, real-time drug prescriptions, among others. This aids the quality of services provided by the health workers thereby improve patients’ satisfaction. However, the integrity and confidentiality of medical information on the IoMT platform remain one of the contentions that causes problems in medical services. Another serious concern with achieving protection for medical records is information confidentiality for patient’s records over the IoMT environment. Therefore, this paper proposed a Crypto-Stegno model to secure medical information on the IoMT environment. The paper validates the system on healthcare information datasets and revealed extraordinary results in respect to the quality of perceptibility, extreme opposition to data loss, extreme embedding capability and security, which made the proposed system an authentic strategy for resourceful and efficient medical information on IoTM platform

    Metaverse-IDS: deep learning-based intrusion detection system for Metaverse-IoT networks

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    Combining the metaverse and the Internet of Things (IoT) will lead to the development of diverse, virtual, and more advanced networks in the future. The integration of IoT networks with the metaverse will enable more meaningful connections between the 'real' and 'virtual' worlds, allowing for real-time data analysis, access, and processing. However, these metaverse-IoT networks will face numerous security and privacy threats. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) offer an effective means of early detection for such attacks. Nevertheless, the metaverse generates substantial volumes of data due to its interactive nature and the multitude of user interactions within virtual environments, posing a computational challenge for building an intrusion detection system. To address this challenge, this paper introduces an innovative intrusion detection system model based on deep learning. This model aims to detect most attacks targeting metaverse-IoT communications and combines two techniques: KPCA (Kernel Principal Component Analysis which was used for attack feature extraction and CNN (Convolutional Neural Networks for attack recognition and classification. The efficiency of this proposed IDS model is assessed using two widely recognized benchmark datasets, BoT-IoT and ToN-IoT, which contain various IoT attacks potentially targeting IoT communications. Experimental results confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed IDS model in identifying 12 classes of attacks relevant to metaverse-IoT, achieving a remarkable accuracy of 99.8% and a False Negative Rate FNR less than 0.2. Furthermore, when compared with other models in the literature, our IDS model demonstrates superior performance in attack detection accuracy

    Metaverse-IDS: Deep learning-based intrusion detection system for Metaverse-IoT networks

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    Combining the metaverse and the Internet of Things (IoT) will lead to the development of diverse, virtual, and more advanced networks in the future. The integration of IoT networks with the metaverse will enable more meaningful connections between the 'real' and 'virtual' worlds, allowing for real-time data analysis, access, and processing. However, these metaverse-IoT networks will face numerous security and privacy threats. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) offer an effective means of early detection for such attacks. Nevertheless, the metaverse generates substantial volumes of data due to its interactive nature and the multitude of user interactions within virtual environments, posing a computational challenge for building an intrusion detection system. To address this challenge, this paper introduces an innovative intrusion detection system model based on deep learning. This model aims to detect most attacks targeting metaverse-IoT communications and combines two techniques: KPCA (Kernel Principal Component Analysis which was used for attack feature extraction and CNN (Convolutional Neural Networks for attack recognition and classification. The efficiency of this proposed IDS model is assessed using two widely recognized benchmark datasets, BoT-IoT and ToN-IoT, which contain various IoT attacks potentially targeting IoT communications. Experimental results confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed IDS model in identifying 12 classes of attacks relevant to metaverse-IoT, achieving a remarkable accuracy of and a False Negative Rate FNR less than . Furthermore, when compared with other models in the literature, our IDS model demonstrates superior performance in attack detection accuracy

    A Lightweight Image Cryptosystem for Cloud-Assisted Internet of Things

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    Cloud computing and the increasing popularity of 5G have greatly increased the application of images on Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The storage of images on an untrusted cloud has high security and privacy risks. Several lightweight cryptosystems have been proposed in the literature as appropriate for resource-constrained IoT devices. These existing lightweight cryptosystems are, however, not only at the risk of compromising the integrity and security of the data but also, due to the use of substitution boxes (S-boxes), require more memory space for their implementation. In this paper, a secure lightweight cryptography algorithm, that eliminates the use of an S-box, has been proposed. An algorithm termed Enc, that accepts a block of size n divides the block into L n R bits of equal length and outputs the encrypted block as follows: E=L⨂R⨁R, where ⨂ and ⨁ are exclusive-or and concatenation operators, respectively, was created. A hash result, hasR=SHA256P⨁K, was obtained, where SHA256, P, and K are the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA−256), the encryption key, and plain image, respectively. A seed, S, generated from enchash=Enchashenc,K, where hashenc is the first n bits of hasR, was used to generate a random image, Rim. An intermediate image, intimage=Rim⨂P, and cipher image, C=Encintimage,K, were obtained. The proposed scheme was evaluated for encryption quality, decryption quality, system sensitivity, and statistical analyses using various security metrics. The results of the evaluation showed that the proposed scheme has excellent encryption and decryption qualities that are very sensitive to changes in both key and plain images, and resistance to various statistical attacks alongside other security attacks. Based on the result of the security evaluation of the proposed cryptosystem termed Hash XOR Permutation (HXP), the study concluded that the security of the cryptography algorithm can still be maintained without the use of a substitution box

    A neuro-fuzzy security risk assessment system for software development life cycle

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    This study aims to protect software development by creating a Software Risk Assessment (SRA) model for each phase of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) using an Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) model. Software developers discovered and validated the risk variables affecting each SDLC phase, following which relevant data about risk factors and associated SRA for each SDLC phase were collected. To create the SRA model for SDLC phases, risk factors were used as inputs, and SRA was used as an output. The formulated model was simulated using 70 % and 80 % of the data for training, while 30 % and 20 % were used for testing the model. The performance of the SRA models using the test datasets was evaluated based on accuracy. According to the study findings, many risk variables were discovered and confirmed for the requirement, design, implementation, integration, and operation phases of SDLC 11, 8, 9, 4, and 6, respectively. The SRA model was formulated using the risk factors using 2048, 256, 512, 16, and 64 inference rules for the requirement, design, implementation, integration, and operation phases, respectively. The study concluded that using the SRA model to assess security risk at each SDLC phase provided a secured software development process

    Healthcare Diagnosis Support System for Detection of Heart Disease in a Patient using Machine Leaming Methods

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    One of the most considerable investigative areas has remained the applications area of medical advancement. The early warning method for heart  disease (HD) is one of these medical technologies. The goal of a healthcare diagnosis support system (HDSS) is to diagnose HD at an early stage  such that the diagnosis can be streamlined, advanced cases stopped, and care costs can be minimized. A machine learning (ML) HDSS for heart  disease identification is obtainable in this study, and it is capable of obtaining and learning information from each patient's experimental data  automatically. The authors employed a dimensionality reduction technique autoencoder (AE) with three ML classifiers detection of HD. The HD  dataset employed for the HDSS was collected from the National Health Service (NHS) database. The result was evaluated using the confusion matrix  performance measures such as accuracy, specificity, detection rate, Fl score, and precision. The result shows that NB+Autoencoder outperformed  the other two classifiers with an accuracy of 57.2% and 55.4 precision.&nbsp

    Comparing the Performance of Various Supervised Machine Learning Techniques for Early Detection of Breast Cancer

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    Cancer is a fatal disease that is constantly changing and affects a vast number of individuals worldwide. At the research level, much work has gone into the creation and improvement of techniques built on data mining approaches that allow for the early identification and prevention of breast cancer. Because of its excellent diagnostic abilities and effective classification, data mining technologies have a reputation in the medical profession that is continually increasing. Data mining and machine learning approaches can aid practitioners in conceiving and developing tools to aid in the early detection of breast cancer. As a result, the goal of this research is to compare different machine learning algorithms in order to determine the best way for detecting breast cancer promptly. This study assessed the classification accuracy of four machine learning algorithms: KNN, Decision Tree, Naive Bayes, and SVM in order to find the best accurate supervised machine learning algorithm that might be used to diagnose breast cancer. Naive Bayes has the maximum accuracy for the supplied dataset, according to the prediction results. This reveals that, when compared to KNN, SVM, and Decision Tree, Naive Bayes can be utilized to predict breast cancer

    A hybrid model for post-treatment mortality rate classification of patients with breast cancer

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    Terminal cancer is not curable and eventually results in death. Breast cancer (BC) is a prevalent malignancy affecting women. Although there are prognostic indicators, BC prognosis is still challenging because of the intricate connections between various survival factors and influencing factors. This study proposes an ensemble classifier for predicting BC survivability using a new BC post-treatment dataset for the number of survivals. However, the classes survival cases dataset for BC is skewed, which caused a sub-optimal classification performance. Hence, a hybrid sampling scheme of Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling TEchnique (SMOTE) and Wilson's Edited Nearest Neighbor (ENN) is employed to treat the class imbalance in the dataset. Random Forest (RF) ensemble classifier is for classifying the dataset. The proposed framework performs well in terms of accuracy, recall of the two classes, Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) and Kappa Statistic (KS) metric on the dataset. The results demonstrated that the RF, with 97.0% accuracy on the holdout sample, is the best predictor. This prediction accuracy is superior to any noted in the literature, compared with Logistic Regression (LR) and Bagging classifiers