12 research outputs found

    O jednadžbi za širenje izobarnog multipliciteta

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    The isobaric multiplet width equation is verified on the lights of newer experimental information on masses and widths. The verification is carried out for the known level widths and the results came in support of the isobaric width equation removing all previous discrepancies. Multiplets with enough, but not complete, experimental information are also studied.Novi eksperimentalni rezultati mjerenja širina čestično nestabilnih jezgara i pobuđenih stanja uzeti su kako bi se vidjelo da li je ranije predložena kvadratično-kvartična ovisnost o Tz (z-komponenti izospina) i dalje korektna. Zbog nedostatka eksperimentalnih podataka, samo kvadratična ovisnost je ispitana i nađeno je poboljšano slaganje

    The Use of Special Bilinear Functions in Computing Some Special Funtions

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    In this paper we give, at the beginning, a very quick review of the subject of bilinear functions in connection with the convolution of two n-tuples vectors(originally named quacroms); then we summarize some of its important applications such as the calculation of the product of two polynomials and hence two integers and their use in representing certain quantities. Then we divert our attention towards the main topic of this paper and use these special bilinear functions in computing special functions as in the case of Bernoulli, Hermite, and Legendre polynomials through simple recurrence relations using related linear equations; a related algorithm will then be discussed. Moreover, the first few polynomials of each fore-mentioned ones are computed

    O jednadžbi za širenje izobarnog multipliciteta

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    The isobaric multiplet width equation is verified on the lights of newer experimental information on masses and widths. The verification is carried out for the known level widths and the results came in support of the isobaric width equation removing all previous discrepancies. Multiplets with enough, but not complete, experimental information are also studied.Novi eksperimentalni rezultati mjerenja širina čestično nestabilnih jezgara i pobuđenih stanja uzeti su kako bi se vidjelo da li je ranije predložena kvadratično-kvartična ovisnost o Tz (z-komponenti izospina) i dalje korektna. Zbog nedostatka eksperimentalnih podataka, samo kvadratična ovisnost je ispitana i nađeno je poboljšano slaganje

    The behavior of the zeros of analytic functions of finite quantum systems with physical Hamiltonians

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    The paper contains an investigation of the behavior of the Zeros of analytic theta functions. We have considered briefly an analytic representation of finite quantum systems ZN. We note that analytic functions on a torus have exactly N zeros. A brief introduction to the zeros of analytic functions and their time evolution is given. We discuss the periodic finite quantum systems. Then we introduce the time evolution of finite quantum systems with the evolution operators which reflect physical signicance. The general ideas are demonstrated with several examples

    Exact Ordering

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     Ordering is an important subject of learning; it has so many applications in day -to - day life. Hence, in this paper exact and general exact ordering methods are reviewed giving sample applications for them. Firstly, the exact ordering method is introduced and few theorems are given to assign the conditions needed to locate the position of a required object among a class of objects to be ordered in a certain manner in three classes. Secondly, the exact ordering method is generalized to any odd number of classes  In both cases and if the required object class is put in the middle of other classes, then the required object will be located exactly in the middle of all objects provided that we arrange the objects orderly in three classes in the first case and in ones in the second general case and where certain defined steps are to be followed.In general  steps are required to determine the required object exactly and where  is the odd number of classes. Making the subject more interesting, deeper, and handled in a sophisticated manner, through the introduction of exact ordering operators, is then exposed to. Finally, few different applications are suggested in physics, operational research, criminal investigation and in sorting files and postal mailing. A practical demonstration with playing cards is also mentioned

    On the Numerical Solution Of Schrodinger Equation

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    In the beginning, we start with reviewing basic concepts such as inner product and Hilbert spaces ; then we introduce Schrodinger Equation focusing on the solution of time–dependent and time–independent  with a stress on the harmonic oscillator  problem which will be the ingredient for our subject ; namely, the numerical solution of . The numerical solution of is then tackledusing the so–called potential morphing method .Calculations were carried  out for the ground state of the  which represents the frame of reference to work with. The obtained results were compared with similar ones and found to be in very good agreement. Finally, a brief discussion related to possible future work is given ; moreover recent  works on the subject are exposed t

    On the computation of zeros of Bessel functions

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    The zeros of some chosen Bessel functions of different orders is revised using the well-known bisection method , McMahon formula is also reviewed and the calculation of some zeros are carried out implementing a recent version of MATLAB software. The obtained results are analyzed and discussed on the lights of previous calculations

    On the Use of Green's Functions in Solving Boundary Value Problems

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    There is no doubt that Green's functions have a long history in their use in many fields of applied mathematics and physics and especially in solving boundary value problems, hence we thought that it is worthwhile to write this article to summarize some important results in this concern emphasizing the beauty behind using them and the elegant mathematical techniques used as tools in conjunction with them. Famous problems relate to wave propagation and potential theory will be tackled in some details, giving the solutions of the partial differential equation which are connected with the problem. There remains also tomention that Green's functions are used in many other applications as will be pointed out in the conclusions

    DWBA computer analyses of the p3sp1sP(d,gas)p2sp9sSi reaction at 9.5 MeV

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    There is no abstract available for this research paper.Thesis (M.A.