2 research outputs found

    The influence of 4P marketing on housewives’ spending patterns in Malaysia

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    The main focus of this study is to examine the demographic and psychological factors which influenced the spending patterns of housewives in Malaysia with special emphasis on the role of the 4P (product, price, promotion, place) marketing. Based on the factors, a total of 31 problem statements related to the attitude and the buying decision of housewives were designed. The findings showed that the price factor played an important part in influencing housewives’ spending attitude compared to the factors. By contrast, the location factor (place) was the least important factor in determining the housewives’ spending decision. The study also proved that housewives in Malaysia spent their money according to the household needs. Such attitudinal and decision-making pattern of the housewives means that the government’s regulation of consumer prices should work towards controlling inflation in Malaysia

    Kebolehpasaran graduan dan kesesuaian kurikulum program ekonomi di universiti tempatan

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kesesuaian program ekonomi yang ditawarkan di universiti-universiti seluruh Malaysia dengan perkembangan ekonomi dunia dan juga masalah kebolehpasaran graduan program ekonomi. Objektif khusus kajian ini adalah untuk: i. Menganalisis trend kemasukan pelajar ke program ekonomi. ii. Mengenal pasti tahap kesesuaian program ekonomi dengan kehendak semasa pemegang taruh. iii. Mengenal pasti kesesuaian dan ketersediaan tenaga kerja dalam bidang ekonomi dan tahap infrasruktur. iv. Menganalisis tahap kebolehpasaran graduan program ekonomi. v. Menyediakan garis panduan bidang ekonomi yang akan menjadi rujukan universiti awam dan swasta untuk jangka masa sehingga sepuluh tahun akan datang