50 research outputs found


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    Lately, the classical schools of Islamic theology are generally associated with various modern movements such as Neo-Kharijites and Neo-Mu'tazilites especially in terms of their negative influence. This paper aims at critically analyzing the way in which modern Muslim scholars claim the legacy of the classical Mu‘tazilite school. It specifically offers a critical overview of the spirit and contents of both early Islamic movements. It is attempted to draw a more objective picture of the classical Mu‘tazilite school, based on their primary sources. The Indonesian Harun Nasution is taken as an example of a Neo-Mu‘tazilite scholar.  This paper argues that the original Mu’tazilite spirit is not accurately represented by Harun Nasution. The Mu‘tazilite was the first theological school who tried to defend and preserve the original teachings of Islam in the face of the many challenges of their time. Today, the Mu‘tazilite school is often misrepresented by portraying it as a purely rationalistic school and liberal thought. It is the view of the author that the misrepresentation of the Mu‘tazilite school as being a radical school of thought that propagated liberal society solely guided by reason, will bring bad consequence to the understanding and development of Muslim society in general. It can be either giving opportunity to the rise of liberal society with the claim of past root of the history of Muslims as occurred in Nasution’s case or rejecting reason from being important source of knowledge acknowledged by Islam.   Keywords: Harun Nasution, Indonesia, Mu‘tazilite, Neo-Mu‘tazilite, rationalism.   Cite as: Abd Rahman, A. A. (2020). Between the classical Mu'tazilites and Neo-Mu'tazilites: An analysis of Harun Nasution’s modern Islamic thought in Indonesia.  Journal of Nusantara Studies, 5(1), 336-355. http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol5iss1pp336-35

    Exploring the dynamics of cash waqf: a critical analysis of its implementation in Malaysia

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    This paper explores the dynamics of the waqf institution in Islam, with special focus on cash waqf and its implementation in Malaysia. Its combined flexibility and accuracy is important to the real purpose of the waqf in its implementation. Its dynamics are first explored through its meaning and objectives as well as special features of waqf and cash waqf with special focus on the status of the endowed asset (mawqūf). The second part focuses on the critical evaluation of the current cash waqf practices in Malaysia. It is found that the special attention on the endowed asset ought to be maintained in order to preserve its original purpose. Waqf offers all kinds of assistance and is not confined to crisis management. Possessing the highest liquidity rate, cash waqf constitutes an important financial mechanism, especially given the current state of economic affairs. Its nature must be maintained, as suggested by those jurists who allow cash to be considered as an endowed asset (mawqūf) and also those who do not favour it, in order to maintain the perpetuity of the benefit. Only by adhering to this special arrangement, the real spirit of waqf and its dynamics can be preserved and further developed in order to fulfil the economic needs of society

    Substitution of waqf in Terengganu: maqasid shariah and public interest approach

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    Abstract. Application of waqf property in modern society is highly anticipated to fulfill more demand for economic growth and development and help the needs in society. Therefore, Istibdal Waqf is indispensable in the implementation of waqf so the waqf property will not be wasted and always beneficial to society. Although the Istibdal Waqf is important but it is doubtful whether it is a necessity (Daruriyyat) for the society or needs (Hajiyyat) or embellishment (Tahsiniyyat) while the discussion are involve in the framework of Maqasid Shariah so the main purpose of waqf are still preserved. This article aims at discussing the issues with regard to the application of Istibdal Waqf concept in Islam. Specifically, the study sets out to explain on the importance of Istibdal Waqf for muslim society in the framework of maqasid shariah and public interest. The study also focusing on Istibdal inTerengganu as case stud

    Were the early Firaq extremists? rethinking the history of Muslim disagreement(s)

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    Many writers have associated contemporary manifestations of extremism with early Islamic sects whose conclusion is argued against by this article. This study employs a critical analysis of available sources and argues for additional scrutiny. Our position is supported by detailed minutiae concerning significant circumstances and early sectarian contributions to the development of Islamic thought. We discovered remarkable limitations in the tracing of the root to the early firaq (sects) due to a strong reliance on secondary sources that are muddled in the complexities of dogmatic polemics. Nonetheless, relevant historiography improved our view of what actually happened when nascent Muslims confronted humorless political and social problems. Rather than producing extremist deviants, early Islamic thought was exceedingly dynamic and governed by a pressing need to defend sound Islamic principles. Early Muslims sought answers to perennial issues and did much to stimulate subsequent Muslim philosophy and thought. Indeed, any negative understanding of this early legacy undermines the dignity of that era and people

    مقاصد الشريعة في الوصيّة : دراسة تحليلية

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    ملخص البحث: الوصيّة كانت معروفة قبل مجيء الإسلام، ولكن الإسلام جاء عليها بشروط لم تكن موجودة، فقد كان صاحب المال يعطي من ماله وصية لمن يشاء ويحرم من يشاء؛ لذلك لم تكن للوصية قيمة إلى أن جاء الإسلام وأقرها بشروط معينة، وقد اقتضت حكمة التشريع الإسلامي مراعاة المصالح العام للناس في تشريعاته المتعددة لتشريع الإسلام الخالد، يهدف دائمًا إلى جلب كل ما تحققت فائدته، ودرء كل ما تحققت مفسدته، ومن هذا التشريع الوصية، وذلك لحاجة الناس إليها، فهذه الورقة تأتي لتجلي هذا المقصد من مقاصد الدين الحنيف، حيث إن الشارع لم يغلق باب الخير ويمنع تدارك ما فات فأجاز للعباد التصرف في جزء من مالهم ليعوّضوا ذلك التقصير، وليكون زيادة في حسناتهم قبل انقضاء آجالهم

    Pengurusan harta dalam konteks tabarruÑÉt maraÌ maraÌ al-mawt menurut pandangan Fuqaha'

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    ABSTRAK Pengurusan, perancangan dan peralihan harta melibatkan dua peringkat, iaitu semasa hidup dan selepas kematian. Penyakit terminal (maraÌ maraÌ al-mawt) ini merupakan satu keadaan seseorang yang mengalami penyakit yang boleh membawa kematian. Keadaan pesakit terminal yang kompleks dan bervariasi antara hidup dan mati, serta hukumnya yang berubah-ubah sebagai orang yang sihat atau pesakit maraÌ al-mawt ini memerlukan pemerhatian yang halus dan teliti dalam penentuannya dari sudut fiqh dan perubatan. Hal ini penting kerana keadaan sihat dan sakitnya seseorang pemilik harta akan memberi kesan yang berbeza, terutama sekali dalam pemberian sukarela (tabarruÑÉt) seperti wakaf, wasiat dan hibah kepada orang lain. Maka, kesilapan dalam menentukan penyakit terminal ini dan mengambil ringan terhadap tahap penyakit dan kondisi pesakit samada seseorang itu mengalami maraÌ maraÌ al-mawt ataupun tidak, akan membawa kepada kesilapan dalam menentukan kadar pemberian dan pembahagian harta dalam proses pengurusan harta ini. Maka, syariat Islam melihat perkara ini sebagai sesuatu yang kritikal kerana melibatkan hak pemilik harta atau pesakit terminal itu sendiri dan hak orang lain. Justeru, artikel ini menggunakan kaedah kajian kualitatif dengan cara menganalisis perbezaan pendapat para fuqaha’ klasik dan kontemporari melalui rujukan perpustakaan untuk memahami isu ini dengan baik. Sehubungan dengan itu, kajian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengurusan harta dan kepentingannya dalam konteks wakaf, wasiat dan hibah dengan mengenalpasti definisi dan konsep wakaf, wasiat dan hibah serta mengkaji indikator penting dalam penentuan maraÌ maraÌ al-mawt dan kesannya terhadap tiga jenis tabarruÑÉt ini. Hasil kajian ini mendapati status hukum wakaf, wasiat dan hibah semasa hidup si pesakit maraÌ maraÌ al-mawt ini secara automatiknya tertakluk pada had wasiat iaitu satu pertiga demi menjaga kemaslahatan dan mengelak kemudaratan, serta memerlukan kepada izin waris dan pemberi hutang sekiranya pemberian itu melebihi kadar satu pertiga harta. Kata kunci: Hibah, Wasiat, Wakaf, MaraÌ MaraÌ Al-Mawt, Pesakit Terminal