15 research outputs found

    Proizvodnja i karakterizacija α-galaktozidaze fermentacijom na čvrstoj podlozi s pomoću višestruko mutiranog soja Aspergillus niger

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    α-Galactosidase is applied in the sugar industry to enhance sugar recovery from sugar beet syrup and to improve nutritional value of the soymilk. In the present investigation, the influence of process variables on the production of this important enzyme has been explored in a newly isolated multiple mutant strain of Aspergillus niger in solid-state fermentation (SSF). Defined fermentation parameters include substrate type (pure lactose and by-products of rice and flour mills as prime substrates), nitrogen source, incubation time, initial pH of the medium and incubation temperature. Extracellular α-galactosidase reached the value of 135.4 IU/g of dry substrate (IU/g) after 96 h of fermentation. Supplementation with 2 g of glucose and 3 g of corn steep liquor significantly increased the enzyme production, and maximum value of product yield (318 IU/g) by the mutant strain was significantly higher than that reported by the wild type (this work), or other A. niger mutants, recombinants and yeasts reported in literature as producers of elevated levels of α-galactosidase. Among three α-galactosidases, one possessing high subunit molecular mass proteins (99 and 100 kDa) has been characterized in both wild and mutant organisms. Thermal properties of the purified enzymes indicate that the mutation decreased the values of activation energy for the formation of enzyme-substrate (ES) complex, enthalpy, Gibbs free energy demand for substrate binding, and transition state stabilization. A thermodynamic study of irreversible inactivation of enzymes suggests that the mutant–derived enzyme is more thermostable than the native enzyme, which is attributable to amino acids involved in active catalysis. Because of these properties, the mutant organism is a novel organism and may be exploited for bulk production of thermostable α-galactosidase for the above industrial and nutritional applications.U industriji se α-galaktozidaza primjenjuje radi povećanja prinosa šećera iz sirupa šećerne repe te poboljšanja hranjive vrijednosti sojinog mlijeka. U radu je ispitan utjecaj varijabli procesa na proizvodnju ovog važnog enzima fermentacijom na čvrstoj podlozi s pomoću novoizoliranog višestruko mutiranog soja Aspergillus niger. Procijenjeni su sljedeći parametri: supstrat (čista laktoza te nusprodukti meljave riže i brašna), izvor dušika, vrijeme inkubacije, početna pH-vrijednost podloge i temperatura inkubacije. Nakon 96 sati fermentacije dobiveno je 135,4 IU ekstracelularne galaktozidaze po g suhe podloge. Dodatak od 2 g glukoze i 3 g kukuruznog ekstrakta značajno je povećao proizvodnju enzima. S pomoću mutantnog soja postignut je kudikamo veći maksimalni prinos (318 IU/g) nego s divljim sojem (u ovom radu) ili drugim u literaturi navedenim mutantnim sojevima A. niger, rekombinantnim vrstama ili kvascima koji proizvode α-galaktozidazu. Ispitane su tri α-galaktozidaze, od kojih je ona što sadrži podjedinice proteina velike molekularne mase (99 i 100 kDa) karakterizirana i u divljem i u mutantnom soju. Toplinska svojstva pročišćenih enzima pokazuju da je mutacija smanjila energiju aktivacije potrebnu za nastajanje kompleksa enzim-supstrat, entalpiju, količinu Gibbsove slobodne energije utrošene za vezivanje supstrata i stabilizaciju prijelaznog stanja. Termodinamičkim ispitivanjem ireverzibilne inaktivacije enzima zaključeno je da enzim izoliran iz mutantnog soja ima veću termostabilnost od prirodnog enzima zbog aminokiselina u aktivnom katalitičkom procesu. Zbog toga bi se svojstva mutantni organizam mogao upotrijebiti u proizvodnji veće količine termostabilne α-galaktozidaze, za njezinu primjenu u industriji šećera, te radi poboljšanja hranjive vrijednosti proizvoda

    Correlation of Musculoskeletal Dysfunctions with Enhanced Computer Usage and Prescription of Management Strategies, In Computer Users of Afro Asian Institute, Lahore (Pakistan)

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    OBJECTIVE: To nail down the frequency of musculoskeletal problem’s in computer users and Recommend treatment/management options to the papulation with MSK problems. STUDY DESIGN: It is a cross-sectional descriptive study. PLACE AND DURATION: This study was performed from April 2019 to November 2019 at Afro Asian institute. Lahore (Pakistan). METHODOLOGY: One hundred subjects (54 males and 46 females) who were using computers were studied from Afro Asian institute Lahore. We used a questionnaire for collecting data about MSK status of individuals, data was statistically analyzed using SPSS. We used Chi-square test for evaluation of data. Moreover, Physiotherapy Management (Postural education, stretching of tightened structures, strengthening of weakened structures, heating modalities and periodic AROM exercises) and medical management (NSAIDS, muscle relaxant, analgesics) was prescribed for improvements, according to the severity and grading of MSK problems. RESULTS: The frequency of MSK dysfunctions was 52.60% in those who had been using computers for less than or equal to 2 hrs, 68.15% for 2-4 hrs computer users,81.45% for subjects with computer using of 4-6 hrs, and 93.72% in subjects who were using computer for more than 6 hours, respectively. The frequency of MSK problems (cervicalgia, LBP, shoulder pain, and elbow pain and pain in carpels) was classified according to a scale of pain ranging from grade I to grade V. Keywords: Musculoskeletal Problems, Management Strategies, Postural Education DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/71-08 Publication date: February 29th 202

    Proizvodnja i karakterizacija α-galaktozidaze fermentacijom na čvrstoj podlozi s pomoću višestruko mutiranog soja Aspergillus niger

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    α-Galactosidase is applied in the sugar industry to enhance sugar recovery from sugar beet syrup and to improve nutritional value of the soymilk. In the present investigation, the influence of process variables on the production of this important enzyme has been explored in a newly isolated multiple mutant strain of Aspergillus niger in solid-state fermentation (SSF). Defined fermentation parameters include substrate type (pure lactose and by-products of rice and flour mills as prime substrates), nitrogen source, incubation time, initial pH of the medium and incubation temperature. Extracellular α-galactosidase reached the value of 135.4 IU/g of dry substrate (IU/g) after 96 h of fermentation. Supplementation with 2 g of glucose and 3 g of corn steep liquor significantly increased the enzyme production, and maximum value of product yield (318 IU/g) by the mutant strain was significantly higher than that reported by the wild type (this work), or other A. niger mutants, recombinants and yeasts reported in literature as producers of elevated levels of α-galactosidase. Among three α-galactosidases, one possessing high subunit molecular mass proteins (99 and 100 kDa) has been characterized in both wild and mutant organisms. Thermal properties of the purified enzymes indicate that the mutation decreased the values of activation energy for the formation of enzyme-substrate (ES) complex, enthalpy, Gibbs free energy demand for substrate binding, and transition state stabilization. A thermodynamic study of irreversible inactivation of enzymes suggests that the mutant–derived enzyme is more thermostable than the native enzyme, which is attributable to amino acids involved in active catalysis. Because of these properties, the mutant organism is a novel organism and may be exploited for bulk production of thermostable α-galactosidase for the above industrial and nutritional applications.U industriji se α-galaktozidaza primjenjuje radi povećanja prinosa šećera iz sirupa šećerne repe te poboljšanja hranjive vrijednosti sojinog mlijeka. U radu je ispitan utjecaj varijabli procesa na proizvodnju ovog važnog enzima fermentacijom na čvrstoj podlozi s pomoću novoizoliranog višestruko mutiranog soja Aspergillus niger. Procijenjeni su sljedeći parametri: supstrat (čista laktoza te nusprodukti meljave riže i brašna), izvor dušika, vrijeme inkubacije, početna pH-vrijednost podloge i temperatura inkubacije. Nakon 96 sati fermentacije dobiveno je 135,4 IU ekstracelularne galaktozidaze po g suhe podloge. Dodatak od 2 g glukoze i 3 g kukuruznog ekstrakta značajno je povećao proizvodnju enzima. S pomoću mutantnog soja postignut je kudikamo veći maksimalni prinos (318 IU/g) nego s divljim sojem (u ovom radu) ili drugim u literaturi navedenim mutantnim sojevima A. niger, rekombinantnim vrstama ili kvascima koji proizvode α-galaktozidazu. Ispitane su tri α-galaktozidaze, od kojih je ona što sadrži podjedinice proteina velike molekularne mase (99 i 100 kDa) karakterizirana i u divljem i u mutantnom soju. Toplinska svojstva pročišćenih enzima pokazuju da je mutacija smanjila energiju aktivacije potrebnu za nastajanje kompleksa enzim-supstrat, entalpiju, količinu Gibbsove slobodne energije utrošene za vezivanje supstrata i stabilizaciju prijelaznog stanja. Termodinamičkim ispitivanjem ireverzibilne inaktivacije enzima zaključeno je da enzim izoliran iz mutantnog soja ima veću termostabilnost od prirodnog enzima zbog aminokiselina u aktivnom katalitičkom procesu. Zbog toga bi se svojstva mutantni organizam mogao upotrijebiti u proizvodnji veće količine termostabilne α-galaktozidaze, za njezinu primjenu u industriji šećera, te radi poboljšanja hranjive vrijednosti proizvoda

    Kinetics of endoglucanase and cellobiohydrolase production by parent and mutant derivative of moderately thermotolerant Bacillus subtilis GQ 301542 on optimized medium

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    A moderately thermotolerant bacterial strain was isolated from the hot spring of Tatta Pani (AJ and K) Pakistan and was designated as Bacillus subtilis strain GQ 301542 after biochemical, morphological and 16S rDNA sequence analysis. This strain and its catabolite repression resistant mutant CRM197 were utilized for the study of different production kinetic parameters of both endoglucanase and cellobiohydrolase. Time course study on one monomeric (glucose), one dimeric (maltose) and two polymeric substrates (-cellulose and wheat straw) was carried out at different time intervals (4 - 28 h, after each 4 h) for determining the maximum enzyme productivity on a particular substrate. Maximum rate of endoglucanase production by the mutant (53.1 IU/L/h) was significantly (P = 0.0007) higher than that (23.7 IU/L/h of the parental organism following their growth on glucose in Dubos salts medium while the optimum product yields (Yp/s) was calculated as 69.0 IU/g S (parent) and 82.3 IU/g S (mutant) for cellobiohydrolase production. Deoxy-D-glucose resistant mutant was significantly (p = 0.03 to 0.0007) improved over its parental strain with respect to some substrate consumption and all product formation parameters and can easily degrade cellulosic biomass for production of fermentable carbohydrates.Key words: Cellobiohydrolase, endoglucanase, thermotolerant, Bacillus subtilis

    Assessment of Human Health Risk of Zinc and Lead by Consuming Food Crops Supplied with Excessive Fertilizers

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    For the study of heavy metals impact on human beings, areas in Sargodha city that were supplied with various types of fertilizers were chosen. The three industrial areas; (Bhalwal, Sillanwali, and Sahiwal) of this city were explored for research reasons. The researchers wanted to know how much heavy metal was in the soil, food crops, and human. Excess fertilizer use contributes to global pollution. Farmyard manure, urea, and potassium chloride were used on Site 1; urea phosphate, manure, and ammonium sulphate were used on Site 2; and super phosphate, ammonium phosphate, and nitrate phosphate were used on Site 3. Samples of commonly used food crops, their respective soils and blood of residents who ingested the food crops of the studied area were collected. The zinc and lead levels in soil (8.30-16.80 and 1.80-12.71 mg/kg) and food crops (0.26-2.02 and 2.26-4.70 mg/kg) were far lower than WHO permitted limits. Blood mean concentration of both Zn (2.30-4.30 mg/L) and Ni (0.24-0.70 mg/L) were found maximum in residents of Site 3. The values of pollution load index, bioconcentration factor, enrichment factor for both zinc and lead were (0.18-0.37 and0.220-0.948), (0.027-0.138 and 0.316-1.705), (0.020-0.144 and 0.515-2.780), respectively. Daily intake of metal (0.004-0.008 and 0.001-0.002 mg/kg/day) and health risk index (0.0001-0.016 and 0.005-0.115) values were observed to be lower in individuals for Zn and Pb, respectively. In present work values of all pollution indices wereSo, there would be no human health hazard

    Abstracts from the 3rd International Genomic Medicine Conference (3rd IGMC 2015)

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    Production and Characterization of α-Galactosidase by a Multiple Mutant of Aspergillus niger in Solid-State Fermentation

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    α-Galactosidase is applied in the sugar industry to enhance sugar recovery from sugar beet syrup and to improve nutritional value of the soymilk. In the present investigation, the influence of process variables on the production of this important enzyme has been explored in a newly isolated multiple mutant strain of Aspergillus niger in solid-state fermentation (SSF). Defined fermentation parameters include substrate type (pure lactose and by-products of rice and flour mills as prime substrates), nitrogen source, incubation time, initial pH of the medium and incubation temperature. Extracellular α-galactosidase reached the value of 135.4 IU/g of dry substrate (IU/g) after 96 h of fermentation. Supplementation with 2 g of glucose and 3 g of corn steep liquor significantly increased the enzyme production, and maximum value of product yield (318 IU/g) by the mutant strain was significantly higher than that reported by the wild type (this work), or other A. niger mutants, recombinants and yeasts reported in literature as producers of elevated levels of α-galactosidase. Among three α-galactosidases, one possessing high subunit molecular mass proteins (99 and 100 kDa) has been characterized in both wild and mutant organisms. Thermal properties of the purified enzymes indicate that the mutation decreased the values of activation energy for the formation of enzyme-substrate (ES) complex, enthalpy, Gibbs free energy demand for substrate binding, and transition state stabilization. A thermodynamic study of irreversible inactivation of enzymes suggests that the mutant–derived enzyme is more thermostable than the native enzyme, which is attributable to amino acids involved in active catalysis. Because of these properties, the mutant organism is a novel organism and may be exploited for bulk production of thermostable α-galactosidase for the above industrial and nutritional applications

    Research Publication Trends in Library Management Journal: A Bibliometric Analysis (2013-2020)

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    The purpose of the study was to explore the research trends of the documents, authors, countries’ share, and impacts created by studies in form of citation in a scholarly journal titled Library Management from 2013 to 2020. To meet the purpose, a bibliometric analysis of 369 documents published in the Library Management was done. The findings indicate that most of the documents published in the Library Management were articles. The overall average citation per document is 3.70. The journal has been publishing 47 documents per year. Authorship patterns indicate that there were 158 documents published in the Library Management written by solo authors. The average per article author number is just below two that is 1.74 average authors per paper. Additionally, the study indicated that Library Management published the quality research from across the globe, and on diverse aspect related to the library and information management. There is no study conducted which investigated the above-mentioned aspects of Library Management during the year 2013 to 2020. Therefore, this study evaluates the research publication trends of this important journal which is put in X category (2nd best category) by Higher Education Commission of Pakistan

    Habitat Utilization and Feeding Biology of Himalayan Grey Langur ( Semnopithecus entellus ajex ) in Machiara National Park, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan

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    Habitat utilization and feeding biology of Himalayan Grey Langur ( Semnopithecus entellus ajex ) were studied from April, 2006 to April, 2007 in Machiara National Park, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan. The results showed that in the winter season the most preferred habitat of the langurs was the moist temperate coniferous forests interspersed with deciduous trees, while in the summer season they preferred to migrate into the subalpine scrub forests at higher altitudes. Langurs were folivorous in feeding habit, recorded as consuming more than 49 plant species (27 in summer and 22 in winter) in the study area. The mature leaves (36.12%) were preferred over the young leaves (27.27%) while other food components comprised of fruits (17.00%), roots (9.45%), barks (6.69%), flowers (2.19%) and stems (1.28%) of various plant species

    Cloning and Expression of Pectobacterium carotovorum Endo-polygalacturonase Gene in Pichia pastoris for Production of Oligogalacturonates

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    A bacterial endo-polygalacturonase (endo-PGase) gene from the plant pathogen Pectobacterium carotovorum was cloned into pGAPZαA vector and constitutively expressed in Pichia pastoris. The recombinant endo-PGase secreted by the Pichia clone showed a 1.7 fold increase when the culture medium included glycerol in replacement of glucose as the carbon source. The enzyme had optimum activity at pH 5.5 and 40 °C with stability between pH 5.0 and 8.0 and at temperatures up to 50 °C. The enzyme activity was enhanced by 41% with the addition of 1 mM Co++, and inhibited by Fe++ with a 63% reduction. The mode of the enzyme action showed internal cleavage of α-1,4 glycoside bonds of polygalacturonic acid and citrus peel pectin. Trigalacturonate and hexagalacturonate were the main hydrolysis products, with a yield of 0.44±0.01 and 0.21±0.01 mg released per mg polygalacturonic acid substrate, respectively. This represents the first report of a microbial endo-PGase that produced trimer and hexamer uniquely as the end products of hydrolysis, in contrast to mixtures of mono-, di-, and trigalacturonates commonly observed for the action of fungal enzymes. Pectic oligosaccharides generated from native carbohydrate polymers offer the potential application as building blocks for value-added products